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Early in the game, you are given the choice to do these “Challenge Quests”.

Akin to the requests of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series, these are missions people put up because they want something specific done, and will give a specific reward for the completion of that. These missions can vary between the simple item-deliver quest to a “go out and kill a big boss in a tourney” quest.

These quests can have the ability to affect which ending you get, but, for the most part, they’re just for fun and to boost your EXP. and money/item stocks.

“2 Magical Medications” ****

Reward: Black Crest

Strategy: If you finish one quest, the other is never to be completed again, due to plot-based circumstances. For the former, you need “Lung Medicine”, for the latter you need “Euthanasia Serum”.

Anyways, east of Ginza on the world map is the hospital. Defeat the Ghouls within - you’ve probably done this before; they’re weak to Fire - to win some medicine.

“A Century of Defense”

Reward: Kutune Sirka

Strategy: You won’t find this ’till playing a New Game+. Head to Midtown in Roppongi again. Remember that vent on 1F near the elevator? Use it, then go through the door to the left to find and fight Take-Mikazuchi.

He is obviously weak to Force and drains Electric. Move-wise, he likes Berserker God (heavy Physical) and Ziodyne (heavy Electric). He won’t last long, having maybe 8,000 HP, if you use Zandyne or Deadly Wind a lot. That’ll do it, too.

“A Drunkard’s Best Friend”

Reward: 750 Macca

Strategy: Deliver six Birdman Livers to K’s Tavern. These are commonly dropped by Tangata Manu on the third level of Naraku.

“A Grudge from the Streets”

Reward: Pest Crop

Strategy: Head out to Ikebukuro to search for the Killer Hordes. However, they’re apparently found at random, so I can’t help you there, although the general idea is to simply use multi-target or party-wide attacks to easily win.

“Banquet of Flames”

Reward: Fire Pillar

Strategy: For this, head to the Front Entrance area where you first visited the main portion of Shibuya. In the southeastern corner alcove is a statue you can look at and call upon Cerberus. You’ll then end up fighting four Hell Hordes in consecutive order.

They are weak to Ice, repel Fire, and nullify Light/Dark. Stuff like Mabufula, Mabufu Stones, and Ice Breath are great here, as are Critical Wave and Megaton Press otherwise. They have about 1,000 HP. After that first battle, it’ll go an area to the west, then deep into the Dogenzaka area. (You’ll go there later on.)

Then head to the West Entrance area, two areas prior to Dogenzaka’s other half that you had to visit. In this final fight, he’ll have more like 2,200 or so HP.

“Capture the Berserker”

Reward: Tokkosho

Strategy: You find it by speaking with a Formorian on Naraku’s 4th Stratum. See the introduction of Capture the Black Samurai for more.

“Catch the Sake Thief”

Reward: A Number of Odds and Ends

Strategy: This, you won’t find until a New Game+. Head into the room opposite the Shinjuku item shop. Opt to keep watch and you’ll begin encountering a duo of Hsing-Hsing - they resist Fire, are weak to Force, and have 1,000 ~ 1,500 HP each. After them, you’ll fight three, then four, then four more - overall, a simple quest.

“Chagrin-Slaying Competition”

Reward: 950 Macca

Strategy: Go into the Naraku and slay five Chagrin, which appear on the 2nd and 3rd Stratum. That I should not have to guide you through; note that they are weak to Electric (i.e. Zio).

“Collect Demon Claws”

Reward: 300 Macca

Strategy: This mission is pretty simple. Go down into Naraku and defeat enemies mindlessly until you have collected three or more Gryphon Talons.

It’s mostly based on luck, so be sure to bring along a few Healing Waters. Also, Gryphons are ever-so-slightly more concentrated on the First Stratum, so start there. Keep in mind that they’re weak to Gun-based attacks.

“Competition for Blood”

Reward: 4-Star Commodity x2, 3-Star Commodity x2, 2-Star Commodity x2, Demon Sneak armor sold in Ueno

Strategy: For this mission, you need to go find four Strix Blood items and deliver them; the Strix are found around the Kasumigaseki Counter-Demon Force Base.

“Comply with My Mass Order”

Reward: Miracle Set

Strategy: You need to deliver five Balms of Rising, five Beads, and a Bead of Life. Not much I can say about the Balms of Rising - if you don’t have three or four now, you probably won’t ever have five. Beads can be bought, and there isn’t a Bead of Life left - assuming you got them all - except that one southwest of Tennozu, perhaps.

“Creating Fireproof Clothing”

Reward: 3,450 Macca, Fireguard armor sold at Q’s Blacksmith

Strategy: For this, you need to find four Kaso Hides and deliver them to K’s Tavern. You might already have the four but, if not, they’re found in the Kasumigaseki Counter-Demon Force Base.

“Cu Chulainn’s Training”

Reward: Brionac

Strategy: See intro to the Hunt for the Shinjuku Underground for more.

“Dance of the Dead”

Reward: Ahazuya Gray (Upper Body)

Strategy: Discussed in New Challenge Quests (Kiccigiorgi & Naraku), primarily at the end.

“Death on Wings”

Reward: Pluto Corpse x3

Strategy: Head to Blasted Ikebukuro and into the overworld to find Azrael northeast of the ruins. He is weak to Ice, resists Physical and Fire, and has about 2,500 HP. You ought to be able to defeat him in a single turn if everyone has Bufudyne or Cold World, easily.

“Defeating the Demon”

Reward: None

Strategy: See Another Shinjuku Quest Cleanup for more.

“Deliver the Film”

Reward: 2,500 Macca

Strategy: This one is quite simple. Once accepted, go to the item shopkeep to the south of the Association in Ueno. Once such is done and you get the proper info, move on to the Shinobazu Pond we fought a boss in and exit to the north. Enter the red “!”-marked to finish the quest.

“Demon Guarding the Shrine”

Reward: Bushi Tasogare

Strategy: See Shinjuku Quest Cleanup 2 for more.

“Demon-Haunted Man”

Reward: Glass Magatama

Strategy: Found in my first New Game+ playthrough, but you have to wait until after the execution to do it. The Bai Suzhen in question is found on the 2nd Stratum, due south of the stairwell-based entrance; she is weak to Fire and easy to beat. You can choose to kill or spare her. Alignment +1 = Let her go Alignment -1 = Finish her

“Dragon Slaying Competition”

Reward: 13,000 Macca

Strategy: The Fafnirs needed are found in the Lucifer Palace.

“Eggs for One Hundred”

Reward: Lu Incense x3

Strategy: See Ueno Quest Cleanup 1 for more.

“Escorting Your Comrade”

Reward: 10,000 Macca

Strategy: First go to the end of the Kiccigiorgi Forest to meet the rather familiar man (heh), then simply go back to the main Mikado map. You can’t go into the Terminals for now, so you will head into Naraku. Blaze through the lowest level - it shouldn’t be hard - then to the overworld down in Tokyo.

You will meet up with some powerful demons at points on the way, such as on the 4th Stratum, but they’re mostly just beefed-up enemies; nothing to worry about. After fighting the Kazfiel (weak to Fire), you can enter the Sky Terminal and go to Shinjuku.

From there, go to the area north of the Hunter’s Association, then north another area, then to Fujiwara’s place in the northeast corner.

“Excavate Some Coffee Beans”

Reward: 3-Star Gadget x3, 2-Star Gadget x3

Strategy: The Coffee Beans needed are found in the Shinjuku East Entrance Main Street, where you fought the Corpses. Head east of the entrance, as if you are going to the next area. Hug the southern wall when it sharply comes up to you near the exit and the relic hotspot there should yield the Beans.

“Excavate Summoning Devices”

Reward: Magic Mirror x2

Strategy: You’ll need to fly (complete “Resurrection of the Kousoushin”) for this one… The Smartphones can be found in a relic hotspot east of the desert south of Tennozu, at Ooi Wharf, but you need to fly there. The chances of finding a Smartphone are random, so it’s best to grind in this area and check the hotspot regularly.

“Find the Tears of the Messiah”

Reward: Incense Set

Strategy: See Sidequest: Downtown Ginza for the details on getting the required item.

“Food to Survive Tomorrow”

Reward: 3,000 Macca

Strategy: For this, you need to find 3 Babylon Birdmeats. They can be found by defeating Anzu, the bird-like demons (as in the overworld) found just around the Shinjuku base.

“Gather Some Naraku Lichen”

Reward: Holy Fruit x2

Strategy: Follow the walkthrough in Naraku if you don’t have them.

“Heavy Weapon Recovery”

Reward: Golden Gun

Strategy: For this, you need to head to Ikebukuro. There, go near the far eastern area that brings you to Shinjuku - you have to enter Ikebukuro, return to the highway, and then the overworld map. From there, run up and down along the wall to the northeast; there is a hole in it to the other side.

Head north to find a Domain at the Jujo Base. It’s randomized, though… The boss, Grendel, is easily beaten. It has around 2,100 HP and the only real problem is a Physical and Gun resistance. After the Domain disappears, you’ll get the SDF Equipment to deliver.

“Help Me Exterminate the Demons”

Reward: A Number of Foodstuffs

Strategy: For this, you need to head into Shinjuku National Park (after Gabby sends you there) and kill eighteen Manticores running all over the place.

They have around 1,100 HP and are weak to Force, and come in groups of three - in other words, you have to find six groups in the field as red canine-like demons (not hard, since you can see into the distance, and the paths are all linear). Mazanma/Mazandyne are the prime skills to use here.

You will also have to fight an Abaddon at some point, who repels Fire and is weak to Electric and has about 2,500 HP.

“Help Me Get Some Servers”

Reward: ID Card Lv2

Strategy: The item required can be found by following along with Hunt for the Shinjuku Underground.

“Help Us Get Some Fuel”

Reward: Chakra Pot x5

Strategy: You know those “???” enemies you’ve been finding recently? Proceed along with the main game for now and you’ll find them to be Pluto Soldiers when you invade Pluto Castle. Kill them as you will; they’re pretty weak, even for spider-bots.

“Help Us Transport a Cannon”

Reward: 10,000 Macca

Strategy: Once accepted, head to the overworld near Shinjuku. Go northeast to the sandy area, then southeast to the building of Camp Ichigaya. There are two entrances: one on the south side, one on the north.

The latter - your target - is really just a place to see a cannon. Take the cannon back to Shinjuku and mission accomplished. Your client is in the room just north of the Association.

“Her Memories”

Reward: Ag Incense x5

Strategy: This quest will require you to have the camera from “Deliver the Film”’s completion.

Basically go take a picture of the bar in the Golden Gai area - go to the first area where you fought the Corpses, then north an area and east another. The bar itself is in the east side of the northeastern of the central buildings. Then bring back the pictures.

“Hunter Tournament Finals”

Reward: Hunter Crown

Strategy: The area needed is found to the north of the Tokyo Station near Kasumigaseki. Go north towards the river, as if you were going to use the guide. Go east around the river. Due north of where the ferryman/Hunter is is where you’ll find the battle arena.

Sadly, this mission delegates itself to a slaughter if you have moves like Critical Wave or Titanomachia party-wide, plus some elemental strikes. Note that killing your foe will lower your alignment by one, and sparing them raises it by one.

“Hunter Tournament Prelims”

Reward: Showdown Ticket

Strategy: This takes place in one of the buildings to the south/southeast of Ueno. It consists of several battles against strong demons. In general, multi-target or party-wide attacks work well; it got me through pretty well. Keep in mind that sparing your foe will up your alignment by 1, and killing him lowers it by 1.

“I Require Ample Weaponry”

Reward: Sword of Hope

Strategy: For this, gather the “Firearm Box” item. See Starting Investigation, the fifth paragraph under “Tokyo Overworld Map”, for more details. It’s basically to the north of the area.

Note that it may be found after a randomized Domain. I initially didn’t get one before exploring Shibuya, and did after receiving this request and exploring randomly for the Tokyo Dome.

“I Want a Classy Down Quilt”

Reward: 750 Macca

Strategy: Gather 5 Fuxi Feathers, found by killing Fuxis. They reside all throughout what of Naraku you’ve explored thus far; you may even already have them!

“I Want to Make the City Bright”

Reward: Business Trip Set

Strategy: The important stuff coincides with Find the Military Base (Part 2) and Peallaidh Extermination.

“I Will Give You My Black Card”

Reward: Black Card

Strategy: Following Sidequest: Downtown Ginza will help you unlock and complete the mission, if you have deep enough pcokets.

“Ikebukuro Free District”

Reward: 5,000 Macca

Strategy: One of the pictures needed can be found in Ikebukuro’s Sunshine Front by examining the passanger side of the car due north of the highway entrance. The other is near the poison pool, north of a taxi whose trunk spawns relics.

“I’m No Good at Demon Fusion”

Reward: Mikado Custom

Strategy: A Kanbari is a Special Fusion needing Mou-Ryo, Gaki, and Mamedanuki.

“Invitation for Angel Hunting”

Reward: 15,000 Macca

Strategy: There are five Herald Hordes to fight in the desert north of the Naraku tower. They are weak to Fire, especially multi-target/party-wide attacks because … well, they’re a Horde. Whenever you kill the actual Herald Horde - the northeasternmost one - the mission concludes.

“Isis’ Search for the Coffin”

Reward: St Incense x5

Strategy: See the intro to Finding the Counter-Demon Force Base

“Missing Child Search”

Reward: Silver Necklace

Strategy: First head to Mikado Castle, then the Castle City, then the City Outskirts. Head from there into Kiccigiorgi Forest. There, you can simply follow the path pretty much to where you found the Black Samurai on your previous visit - you should remember this.

(If not, head east to the fork, then south. Go south along the western branch of the path and follow it a while to a north/south fork. From there, go north.) Once you meet with Timothy there, note that Flynn can only “Run” or pass his turn in battle.

While you can battle the demons (your demon allies will do it), it’s not very recommended because Timothy is damaged when Flynn is… Anyways, you might want to just sidestep these enemies. Once Timothy is returned, you’ll get the Silver Necklace.

“Multi-Demon Fusion”

Reward: Great Chakra x2

Strategy: Head to Ikebukuro’s underground area and outside to the east. Go south and into the room in the west wall and opt to use the elevator. Call out to the humans at the top to make battle with a Baphomet. That much is easy.

After that, though, you must fight Cernunnos and Pales, which should be dealt with through multi-target attacks. Pales is weak to Fire, so you know, and Cernunnos is weak to Force.

“Mysterious Story of Tennozu”

Reward: Shinno Rounds

Strategy: Head to Tennozu, then go into the desert to the south. Use the middle of the eastbound paths and you’ll soon reach the destination building.

Not much to say about the Red Knight, other than he repels Electric and has around 3,100 HP. After is Baal. He often use Mazandyne and Maziodyne, drains Electric, and has about 4,400 HP.

“Naglfar Material Collection”


Strategy: For this, you need to get 20 Deceased’s Nails, mostly found by battling the undead. (You probably already have them all.) The person to whom you are to deliver them is waiting underground in Ikebukuro. To reach the room, go as far west as possible, then as far south. You should land right in front of it.

“Newcomer’s Competition”

Reward: 1,000 Macca

Strategy: You need to slay eight Nues, found on the 4th Stratum in Naraku. They are weak to Gun and Force, and are easy to beat, but found randomly.

“Operation: Slay the Berserker”

Reward: Ahazuya Gray

Strategy: You need to find the Berserker and Rakshasa in Naraku. One was in the southeast corner, I recall, and another far to the north of there. They’re simple enemies to beat, not much worse than a normal enemy.

“Osiris’ Resurrection”

Reward: Balm of Rising x5

Strategy: You need to find the four pieces of Osiris and bring them to Iris, who is in an area to the east of Shibuya and Roppongi, near the Eiffel Tower thing. Here are the pieces. You know the sorta gridular area east of the desert northeast of Ginza? There.

Head into the desert far southwest of Shibuya. Go northeast of Ueno, cross the river, and go southwest of the western desert. Northwest of Shibuya, on the ledge northwest of the toxic pits Once they’re delivered, you will fight Seth again. He is weak to Ice, nulls Electric and Force, and has around 3,000 HP.

“Phantom of Madness”

Reward: Ma Incense x4

Strategy: For this particular quest, you’ll find that some Insane Hordes are wandering around Shinjuku. There’s too little to them to make them boss-worthy; just know that they’re weak to Fire and enemy-party-wide attacks hit three times on them.

It will be available after finishing Corpse Disposal and the monsters in the area where you do said mission are found on the map (after finding the one in the northwest corner of the East Entrance: Main Street), so easy-peasy thatta way.

A demon boss, Chernobog, is fought just after the fourth Horde, but has nothing special about him and no true weaknesses; just an immunity to Dark.

“Pluck the Buds of Rebellion”

Reward: Steel Hoe

Strategy: Head to the Mikado Castle area and into the Back Alley to meet and follow, then fight a man-demon. It’s an easy fight.

“Preparing for the Day to Come”

Reward: Great Chakra

Strategy: You will need the “Bazooka Set” item for this. See Starting Investigation for more.

“Prevent a Deal with an Overlord”

Reward: Claymore

Strategy: Found this one on a New Game+. Anyways, head along to the Metropolitan Building - far west of the Shinjuku Association, then go north an area and west two. Head to the place where you met and probably fought Kuebiko in the lower west-central room.

Stop the ritual and you’ll first fight three Anzu, who are weak to Force and drain Electric and have about 1,500 HP each. After is Astaroth. He likes to use party-wide attacks like Hades Blast (Physical) and Mabufudyne (Ice), so be ready with lots of Tetra-/Makarakarn.

He also repels Ice. After about 1,000 HP of damage, the Ring of Gaea woman will intervene with a Horde: Babylon’s Might. In all honesty, one Titanomachia had them down.

You then have to go find Astaroth again, found two areas back east. He has the same elemental resistances as before, but dies after about 8,000 HP of damage.

“Protect the Tower”

Reward: 5,000 Macca

Strategy: Head to Ueno via the Terminal and backtrack to the Sky Tower that is Naraku; outside is a Pest Horde, which is rather weak to Electricity - bring along lots of Mazio/Mazionga users or the equivalent stones to easily win. You will fight five in a row. Nothing too hard, really.

“Quality Food”

Reward: 2-Star Gadget x5, 3-Star Gadget

Strategy: For this, you need to deliver four Succulent Porks to a Hunter Association. These items are commonly dropped by Katakirauwa, found often outside Ueno’s underground district.

“Rebirth of the Great Overlord”

Reward: 15,000 Macca, Aquila’s Sword

Strategy: After killing Baal and accepting this quest, head back to where you fought him. Regardless of how you respond to him when prompted, you will battle him. Like before, he repels Electric, but little else matters, although I found Physical and Gun attacks unusally effective (but not marked as weak).

The Red Knight has about 3,500 HP. After is Beelzebub, who drains Gun. All this bug does is use Luster Candy to boost his stats while also chaining lots of Megidolaon (heavy-damage, Almighty, party-wide spell). (Not always that, but generally so.) So heal every turn while using your best high-critical-rate moves.

I will note that Beelzebub will use Heavenly Bow (heavy-damage, Gun, to all) if you do not have Tetrakarn on. I’d rather stick with Megidolaon, personally. It’s a long fight, with this guy having around 8,500 HP, and difficult if you lack supplies, so seriously consider stocking up in some way.

“Rebirth of the Lady”

Reward: White King (Lower Body)

Strategy: Begin by heading north of Kasumigaseki to the St. Nicholas Cathedral. After the scene there, you basically battle a Horde; in other words, use multi-target moves. Yeah … that’s basically it.

“Recreating the Human Race”

Reward: Amrita Set

Strategy: This, I think, was gotten from a demon in the overworld. Basically, you need to get five Kingu Bloods and five Gogmagog Meat. The Kingu Blood can be found by beating Kingu, found around Ginza. Gogmagog Meat is from a Gogmagog, found in the Bay Area around Tennozu.

“Relic Recovery: PC”

Reward: 2,200 Macca

Strategy: See Corpse Disposal for more.

“Relic Recovery: Power Cable”

Reward: 2,200 Macca

Strategy: See The Seat of Government for more.

“Relic Recovery: Small Fridge”

Reward: 2,500 Macca

Strategy: See Bookstore Huntin’ for more.

“Relic Recovery: Wind Turbine”

Reward: 2,200 Macca

Strategy: Go to the far east of the East Entrance area in Ikebukuro to find a store with the item you need.

“Resurrection of the Kousoushin”

Reward: Bead of Life x2

Strategy: This requires you to bring the three Sacred Treasures into the shrine south of Shinjuku. The treasures are detailed in Hunt for the Shinjuku Underground and Killing Yuriko, two in the first, one in the second. After the delivery, go north of the Kasumigaseki base to enter a building.

“Retrieve the Tablet”

Reward: Dx Incense x6

Strategy: This is a delivery quest found by speaking with demons in a New Game+. To complete it, you need to find the Heaven’s Tablet, which can be gotten by beating the Horde of Anzu east of Shibuya - an easy fight done with party-wide attacks. Then just head to Ginza and deliver it.

“RxW Smacktacular XIII”

Reward: 8,500 Macca

Strategy: To begin, head to Shinjuku’s underground. Exit it to the north of the Association room and, in that area, enter the room near the northwest corner. Within, opt to be in the show. Now you have to go around and kill hordes. An Apsaras Horde (weak: Fire) is to the southeast, near the entrance.

In the area to the north, you can find a Lorelei (weak: Fire) around the top-left corner. Go east an area to find Persephone (weak: Electric) along the northern street. Finally, go into the area east of the starting area to find a Silky (weak: Fire) in the southern alcove.

None of these enemies are really any threat to you at this point, hopefully, so there’s no point in going into much further detail. After all of this, a final enemy, Tiamat, will appear. It absorbs Ice, nulls Fire, and is weak to Electric; it only has about 2,000 HP, so you’ll be okay with a few Electric attacks on-hand.

“Samurai and Hunters United”

Reward: Silver Mars

Strategy: See Kasumigaseki Quest Cleanup for more.

“Samurai School in Nakano”

Reward: Black Crest

Strategy: For this, head to the northwest of Shinjuku in the Tokyo overworld; pretty much the only usable area is the one in Nakano.

Marici is of little trouble to you; her attacks deal little more than 50 damage, and the only real elemental thing concerning her is the blocking of Fire. Just use those high-critical-rate moves to eliminate her ~3,100 HP and win.

“Save the Old Man”

Reward: 10,000 Macca

Strategy: Head to Shibuya via the Terminals. There, go to the east, up the ledge, and east and outside. Head north there to meet the man; speak with him. But you’ll be soon forced into a battle, albeit an easy one by now. Then another.

The third fight is against Thor. He resists Physicals, absorbs Electric, and is weak to Force; quite annoying when he has around 3,700 HP. He is rather difficult with numerous 100+ damage attacks, Megidola being party-wide and Mortal Jihad being a high-critical-rate.

“Serial Kidnapping + Arson”

Reward: Green Gunner

Strategy: From Shinjuku’s underground, go to the far west and far north, outside. Then head west an area from there and enter the southeastern room. Backtrack into the underground and head outside via the northeastern exit north of the Association.

Outside, to the northeast will be the Horde, laying in the intersection. This Wicker Horde is weak to Fire and only has around 1,600 HP - you can kill it in a single turn. Another will lie to the southeast, then another in the southwestern corner.

At that point, Cernunnos will arrive. This guy can use Megidola offensively to hit everyone for 100 damage or so. He will repel Electric moves, really resist Physical and Gun, and is weak to Force. He’s still not much to deal with, having only 2,400 or HP, at this point…

“Shelter Inspection”

Reward: Olive Camouflage (Head)

Strategy: This will be easy. Just go into the briefing room where all of the computers where in the Kasumigaseki Counter-Demon Force Base - you can get there via Terminal. Then just deliver the picture to the client.

“Slay the Demon in Hiding”

Reward: Evil Bazooka

Strategy: Found in my first New Game+ playthrough. From Aquila Plaza, head to the Castle, the Castle City, then the Bakery. Speak with the man there to fight a Dantalian demon. They re weak to Electric, and easy to beat

“Slay the Pirate Demons”

Reward: 1,900 Macca

Strategy: I only found this in my New Game+ playthrough. Anyways, you need to go beat Pirate Hordes in Ameyoko Way, which can be reached through the vent to the east of the Terminal. The Hordes pop up at random, but are easy to beat if you have multi-target moves on you.

“Slaying the Dragon of the Lake”

Reward: Ahazuya Gray (Lower Body)

Strategy: See New Challenge Quests (Kiccigiorgi & Naraku) for more.

“Sunset for a Demonnapper”

Reward: Antidote Ring

Strategy: See Bookstore Huntin’ for more.

“Take a Picture of Ginza for Me”

Reward: 6,250 Macca

Strategy: The Luis Wilton store you must take a picture of is in Harumi Way B of the Ginza downtown area. See Sidequest: Downtown Ginza for more.

“The Cauldron”

Reward: Excalibur

Strategy: I forget where I got this: demons or Hunters. Anyways, accept it and head to Naraku via the Sky Terminal. Go west and into the room where you first found the Bruce Gun waaay back. You will get the Cauldron there; when having it, you can only Run or pass your turn in battle.

If it gets damaged, just bring it back here. Use the Terminal to go to Tennozu, then go south and along the eastbound highway to Daiba, then furtheast into the exhibition center to meet Brigid.

“The Cursed Gauntlet”

Reward: 1,000 Macca

Strategy: See The Cursed Gauntlet.

“The Deal in the Forest”

Reward: Summon Stone x5 and more Quests

Strategy: From Mikado, head to the castle, then the city, then the Kiccigiorgi Forest. There, go east to the fork, south, then west and due west at the next fork into the “room”.

Speak with the man there of the quest and… Well, that was an easy five Summon Stones. However, you can get more by speaking with this man. Quests, I mean.

“The Great Drunkenness”

Reward: Black Gunner

Strategy: Follow along with Sidequest: Downtown Ginza.

“The Lion’s Roar Within Naraku”

Reward: 1,000 Macca

Strategy: Covered in To My Fellow Samurai

“The Malevolent Star Falls”

Reward: 5,000 Macca

Strategy: For this, you need to fuse together a Baldur demon. It took some experimentation on this one… Anyway, here are a nice few combos:

  • Fortuna with Kelpie
  • Fortuna with Zouchouten
  • Hooligan with Churel
  • Inti with Jack Frost
  • Inti with Pyro Jack
  • Koppa Tengu with Gucumatz
  • Mad Gasser with Preta
  • Mandrake with Macabre
  • Mayahuel with Jack Frost
  • Mayahuel with Koppa Tengu
  • Mayahuel with Pyro Jack
  • Night Stalker with Churel
  • Night Stalker with Mou-Ryo
  • Skogsra with Macabre
  • Skogsra with Quicksilver
  • Tattooed Man with Mou-Ryo
    “The Only Food Source”

Reward: Great Chakra x2

Strategy: See Another Shinjuku Quest Cleanup.

“The Poisonous World”

Reward: A Number of Odds and Ends

Strategy: See Another Shinjuku Quest Cleanup.

“The Secret to Durable Clothing”

Reward: Valuable Documents

Strategy: For this, you to find one Orcus Blood. You can find them by defeating Orcus far to the north of Ueno. Go to the overworld and head north of Naraku and you’ll find a hunter who can take you to Minami Senju. That’s where the Orcus lies. He’s not hard to beat, but hard as hell to find.

“The Voice of Arrogant ‘Evil’”

Reward: Sophia’s Sword

Strategy: Accept this and head into Naraku via the ground and go up towards the observation deck. There, you’ll fight Demiurge. He resists Ice, Force, Fire, and Electric, and takes normal damage from Gun and Physical. So basically use those high-critical-rate attacks like Titanomachia until he’s dead.

Tetrakarn is also good, given his repeated use of Attack and Riot Gun. He will also begin to use Antichthon (Severe Almighty attack to all), so be ready to heal. It’ll take a while; he has about 8,400 HP.

“Tokyo Cosmos”

Reward: ID Card Lv3

Strategy: Once received, head to the shrine southeast of Ikebukuro to receive the Orb of Gates, which will take damage in battle if hit. You need to find and defeat the four Devas without breaking it. This is an annoying quest to take on without help…

Anyways, one Deva can be found near the Ikebukuro entrance (like where you first entered the region; you can fly near there), to the northeast and past the wall. The next is to the west of Shinjuku, in a district somewhat like a square.

The third is in the desert south of Tennozu, and the fourth is in the desert northeast of Toyosu, near Minami Sunamachi. All four fights are pretty easy; these enemies mostly use Physical attacks, so if you’re having trouble, Tetrakarn and Attack Mirrors are the way to go.

After the fourth fight, you’ll fight all four at once. Tetrakarn and Titanomachia is pretty much an easy win, here.

“Training Battle 1”

Reward: 1,000 Macca

Strategy: This is meant to teach you about the Reflection technique. Note that all Training Battles cannot cause a Game Over in any way. Anyways, when an element can be “Repel(led)”, this means the damage is nullified on the target and turned back to the attacker or one of his allies.

Normally, you can’t do this because of Flynn always being an open spot; see Upper Body Armor for my point. However, items or skills like Tetrakarn can Repel stuff. In this case, Gun and Physical attacks. So, the solution?

On Turn 1, use Tetrakarn and have everyone else just pass their turn. On Turn 2, just pass your turn. Loop between those two until you win.

“Training Battle 2”

Reward: 1,000 Macca

Strategy: This battle is meant to teach about enemy weaknesses. Make Flynn use Lunge on Jack the Ripper, make Kaso pass his turn, then make Naga use Bufala on Pyro Jack, make Flynn pass his turn, then make Kaso use Maragi.

“Training Battle 3”

Reward: 2,000 Macca

Strategy: Only Flynn should use Blight on the first turn. On the second, have Flynn bring in Zhen, who should use Pandemic Bomb. Then do nothing on the final turn.

“Training Battle 4”

Reward: 2,000 Macca

Strategy: Use “Next” until Aeros gets a turn and then uses Mazanma.

“Training Battle 5”

Reward: 3,000 Macca

Strategy: In this order, use Tetrakarn, Spirit Drain, Tetrakarn, Spirit Drain, Salvation, Spirit Drain, Tetrakarn, Spirit Drain, Salvation, Spirit Drain, and Tetrakarn.

“Training Battle 6”

Reward: 3,000 Macca

Strategy: Have Flynn and the Gnome use Next, then swap Undine with Taotie, who also uses Next. Make the Salamander swap with Kanbari, and use Next until turn ends. On Turn 2, use Next until you get to Kanbari, who swaps with Undine.

Use Next until the next turn. On Turn 3, make Flynn summon in the Salamander and everyone else use Next. Finally, have Flynn summon the Kanbari, make Salamander use Next, and the Kanbari use Tetrakarn.

“Training Battle 7”

Reward: 4,000 Macca

Strategy: In this order, use War Cry, War Cry, Diarama, War Cry, Attack, Diarama, and Attack ’till the end.

“Training Battle 8”

Reward: 4,000 Macca

Strategy: Swap Ame no Uzume for the Tattooed Man, who uses Taunt. Put him back in the stock and use Next. On Turn 2, bring in Hel. On Turn 3, swap Hel for Pixie, who heals Flynn, then swap her back into the stock and use Next.

On Turn 4, bring in Baphomet. Swap him for Pixie on Turn 5, who uses Dia on Flynn, then later returns to the stock. On Turn 6, bring in Virture. Swap him on Turn 7 for Ame no Uzume. On Turn 8, use Sabbatama on Hel, then on Baphomet on Turn 9.

“Wish of a Professional”

Reward: Magic Stone Set A

Strategy: You need the “Frozen Tuna” item for this. See “Finding Tennozu”.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
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  • Guide Release
    4 July 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Daniel Chaviers

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The Eastern Kingdom of Mikado is a peaceful land whose inhabitants are rigidly divided into two castes: the common Casualry and the elite Luxurors. Normally, it is impossible to transcend the class you were born into; that is, unless you are chosen at the age of eighteen by “the Gauntlet Rite” to become a Samurai, one of the sworn protectors of Mikado. You are chosen to become a Samurai, and learn a truth kept hidden from the general population: that beneath Mikado lies Naruku, a realm of demons which the Samurai are tasked with suppressing.

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