Versus Ice-type Pokemon¶
The path through this gym can be a bit mind numbing without a guide.
Final gym, oh yea! This one’s an Ice-type gym. See the table above for good and bad types to bring. This gym can be a bit annoying. Stepping on one of the buttons next to the trainers will cause the square of that colour to spin 90 degrees, changing the shape of the path.
You need to press each button a certain number of times to get it into the right position ahead of time. It can be a little difficult. Head over to the south-west of the four trainers. Time to show her what we’re made of!
Gym Member Battle: Ace Trainer Imelda¶
Press the pink button two times. Head east over to the south-east trainer. Give him a delightful taste of your Pokemon prowess.
Gym Member Battle: Ace Trainer Viktor¶
Now press the blue button three times. Go back and press the pink button three times. Now you’ll be able to head north through to the yellow tiles. Head over to the north-east trainer and take him out with the trash.
Gym Member Battle: Ace Trainer Shannon¶
After that, head immediately over to the north-west trainer without pushing the green button.
Gym Member Battle: Ace Trainer Theo¶
Now press the yellow button once and the green button three times. You can now take the gym leader on! Enjoy! Speak with him and the battle will begin in earnest!
Gym Leader Battle! Leader Wulfric¶
Got a Fire, Fighting, Rock or Steel type to hand? Then this gym will be easy mode.
Cryogonal is one of the few pure Ice-types (and quite rare too).
First up is Abomasnow; drop your Rock-types for now, because this fearsome snow beast is part Grass and thus strong against Rock. Fire Pokemon are ideal as their attacks do 4x damage. Once you’ve wiped out Abomasnow, Wulfric only has pure Ice-types (these used to be rare!), making the rest of the battle super straightforward.
You’ll get the Iceberg Badge from Wulfric and now any Pokémon ever will obey you, even Level 100s ! You’ll also receive T M13 - Ice Beam . Once he’s done talking an ice path will appear. Slide back to the entrance and head on out!
As you leave the guy that’s been giving you advice at the start of each gym will follow you out and congratulate you on being able to now head to the Pokémon League. Wulfric will also come out and send you off. Well, time to head there next then!
Or… since you can now use Waterfall outside of battle, maybe you want to take a little detour and go chase those waterfalls. Either way, heal up and stock up before leaving town. If you’re heading for the league, take the west exit out of town into Route 21 , the final route to explore.
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