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Head back out from the abandoned building, back to the main path. Follow it west. When you reach the very tall grass, head west through it. You’ll see a bush on the other side. Cut it and head on through. Move north through the very tall grass. In the north-east corner of the area is a Rare Candy .

With prize in hand, backtrack to the main path and head south. You’ll bump into a female Roller Skater.

You have to wade through overgrown grass for this Rare Candy, but it’s worth the trouble!

Trainer Battle: Roller Skater Jet

Pokémon Level Type
"Delcatty" IconDelcatty 37 Normal
"Swanna" IconSwanna 39 Water/Flying

There’s also a male skater ready to test his mettle here.

Trainer Battle: Roller Skater Olle

Pokémon Level Type
"Manectric" IconManectric 40 Electric

Head west, into the fallen leaves. When you see very tall grass to your north, head on through and then around to the Sky Trainer. Speak with him to take him on!

Sky Battle: Sky Trainer Gavin

Pokémon Level Type
"Chimecho" IconChimecho 37 Psychic
"Vibrava" IconVibrava 38 Ground/Dragon
"Talonflame" IconTalonflame 39 Fire/Flying

Talonflame is a monster with its Hidden Ability Gale Wings (unavailable in the story).

Head back to the main path and follow it south. You’ll be stopped by a Ranger jumping out of the leaves. Give him a smack for trying to scare you!

Trainer Battle: Pokemon Ranger Lee

Pokémon Level Type
"Crawdaunt" IconCrawdaunt 39 Water/Dark
"Sandslash" IconSandslash 39 Ground

Keep following the fallen leaf path. You’ll bump into a Hex Maniac that’s hidden in the grass. Great, now even the non-Rangers are trying to spook you.

Trainer Battle: Hex Maniac Osanna

Pokémon Level Type
"Pumpkaboo" IconPumpkaboo 40 Ghost/Grass

Keep heading south. When you see a berry tree to the east, head over there and grab the Lum Berry off the ground. Head back to the main path. Grab out your Dowsing Machine and continue south. Use it to find the hidden Big Mushroom . Now head west, then north-west along the path.

A Pokémon Ranger will burst out of the leaves and challenge you.

Trainer Battle: Pokemon Ranger Bjorn

Pokémon Level Type
"Sliggoo" IconSliggoo 41 Dragon

Head north from the Ranger. When you see the stairs, head on down. You’ll see sisters here. Move in front of them to begin the double battle.

Double Battle: Mysterious Sisters Achlys & Eos

Pokémon Level Type
"Alakazam" IconAlakazam 40 Psychic
"Gardevoir" IconGardevoir 40 Psychic/Fairy

Continue past the sisters and use Strength to push the boulder into place. Head north. When you reach the flowers; don’t worry about continuing north through them. Until you have Waterfall you won’t be able to explore the area ahead. Instead, head west. There’s a girl here keen to kick your ass. Don’t let her.

Trainer Battle: Fairy Tale Girl Alice

Pokémon Level Type
"Klefki" IconKlefki 37 Steel/Fairy
"Mawile" IconMawile 39 Steel/Fairy

The tip screens scattered around hold some surprising nuggets of info from time-to-time.

Head south down the stairs. Head south through the flowers and push the boulder into the hole. Move over it and walk up the stairs. You’ll find a Fist Plate at the top. Using your Dowsing Machine you can also find a Rare Candy . Backtrack back through the flowers.

Back at the shack, head inside. Talk with the closer fisherman and tell him you want the rod. He’ll give you the Super Rod . Talk with the other Fisherman here. He’ll tell you that if you can see the same Pokemon more than seven consecutive times whilst fishing, he’ll give you some Dive Balls . Sweet! Anyway; go back outside.

Head west from the shack to reach the gate that leads back into Lumiose City! You can head on through if you want, otherwise head around to the water bridges to your north. Enter by the left one and speak with the Fisherman there to start a fight.

Trainer Battle: Fisherman Wade

Pokémon Level Type
"Poliwhirl" IconPoliwhirl 37 Water
"Poliwhirl" IconPoliwhirl 39 Water

Head north a little then take the path east. Follow it around to the next Fisherman.

Trainer Battle: Fisherman Seward

Pokémon Level Type
"Whiscash" IconWhiscash 40 Water/Ground

On the tile just west of the Fisherman is a hidden Repel . Pick it up then head back around to the first Fisherman. Head north from him. Follow the path around to the third and final Fisherman.

Trainer Battle: Fisherman Finn

Pokémon Level Type
"Basculin" IconBasculin 38 Water
"Basculin" IconBasculin 38 Water

Head north from him, back onto land. Head west from there and you’ll find a Dive Ball at the end. Sweet! That’s all that we can do in this area until we get Waterfall! Backtrack to the start of the route and head through the gate into Dendemill Town .

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    31 October 2013
  • Last Updated
    11 July 2022
  • Guide Author
    Daniel Chaviers

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  • Everything that’s new to Pokémon X & Y.
  • 5 amazing tips to get your Pokémon collecting off to a blistering start.
  • Every single route, trainer battle and hidden shortcuts are covered.
  • What Pokémon can be found on what routes (both versions).
  • How to beat every single gym leader without breaking a sweat.
  • Where to find all those hidden items.
  • The locations of every single legendary Pokémon!
  • Where to find all of the amazing Mega Stones.
  • Pokémon-Amie, Super Training, Battle Chateau etc all covered!
  • Accompanied by over 240 super high-quality screenshots!
  • Additional details on the elusive event Pokemon distributions.
  • Encounter rates for finding wild Pokemon.
  • Videos for all the Gym Leader and Elite Four battles, plus legendary and shiny Pokemon.
  • Dozens of additional tips and reminders throughout the main walkthrough.
  • How to solve crime with the Looker Bureau in the post-game.
  • Full breakdown on how to breed the perfect Pokémon of your dreams!
  • How to catch those insanely rare Shiny Pokémon!
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