Outriders Worldslayer which released on June 30th, 2022 brings severeal new bosses for players to take down as they explore the new locations around Enoch. This page pertains to the final main boss that you’ll face during your run of the Trial of Tarya Gratar which is the new end-game introduced with Worldslayer.
The Arbiter of Descent is the toughest opponent in Outriders yet!
What Are The Arbiter of Descents Rewards?¶
Defeating the Arbiter of Descent will allow players to pick one of following Legendary Apocalypse Gear for your class: Explosive Temper Helm, Footwear of Terminal Velocity Shoes or The Messenger Assault Rifle. If there isn’t anything for your building, then look at the mods and see if there’s any you like the sound of, as you can dismantle and use the mod on your current equipment. Additionally, the boss itself will drop lots of players to collect!
If you’ve gotten to this point of the Trial of Tarya Gratar, then you will have already faced an Arbiter at least once. However, the Arbiter of Descent takes the difficulty up a notch with mechanics that could one shot the party if they aren’t prepared, such as its Umbral Clones.
How To Avoid The Arbiter of Descent’s Axe Swing¶
During the early portion of the battle the Arbiter of Descent will leap towards you and swing its axe, but it can be easily avoided by keeping a large gap between you and boss, so you can dodge away. However, throughout the fight he can pull you in towards him and hit you with his axe, but this cannot be avoided so you’ll want to quickly get out and try to recover your health.
(1 of 2) Keep away from the shadow versions of the boss
Keep away from the shadow versions of the boss (left), whilst watching out for the Arbiter of Descents leap attack. (right)
You’ll also want to keep an eye on your surroundings as shadows of himself will spawn around the arena and walk straight ahead whilst constantly swinging their axes. Getting hit by this could lower your have enough to allow the boss to easily down you. Unfortunately, these Shadows cannot be damaged or slowed down, so you’ll just want to keep your distance. Additionally, these shadows will leave dark circles on the floor which if stepped in will slowly drain your health and slow you down which will make avoiding other attacks a lot trickier.
How To Avoid The Arbiter of Descent’s Umbral Clones¶
After you’ve depleted a good amount of the Arbiter of Descents Health, it’ll perform the attack Anomaly Drain which will summon an Umbral Clone that’ll walk towards a pillar and summon a Hive. You’ll want to focus fire on the Umbral Clone if you’re playing in a group, as they have a large amount of health. If they manage to summon the hive, then work on taking it down as quickly as possible, as it’ll shoot out shockwaves across the arena.
(1 of 2) Focus fire on the Umbral Clones to take them down
Focus fire on the Umbral Clones to take them down (left), or quickly take out the Hives. (right)
As you progress through more of the battle, the Arbiter of Decent will perform Anomaly Drain again, but each time will increase the amount of clones summoned, so everyone will want to focus on taking one down, then everyone splits off and takes down a Hive each. If you have multiple Hives active for too long will cause constant shockwaves to be unleashed which will result in everyone losing lots of health quickly and most likely die.
How To Avoid The Arbiter of Descent’s Dark Armaments Attack¶
Throughout the battle the Arbiter of the Descent will use the skill Dark Armaments which will constantly summon AoEs (Area of Effect) around the arena. Here you’ll want to ignore all enemies and the boss and focus on avoiding the attacks which can be done by picking a direction and keep running until it stops.
(1 of 2) Take out the Tributes
Take out the Tributes (left), whilst keeping on the move to avoid AoEs. (right)
You’ll want to keep away from the dark circles, as they’ll slow you down and make avoiding the AoEs near impossible. However, as you get towards the end of the battle, the Arbiter of the Descent will perform Dark Armaments and Anomaly Drain alongside each other, but you’ll want to work on avoiding the AoEs first and then focus taking down the Hives after.
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