Ruins of Eridu Hawezar Dungeon
In-Game Description
A once-mighty fortress consumed by the swamp.
- Slay all enemies in the Rotting Halls
- Travel to the Fallen Chambers
- Slay the Banes of Eridu (2)
- Travel to the Lair of the Riser
- Defeat the Spiritcaller of Flames
This former fortress now houses a huge number of undead, and the first objective we have to clear up is to slay all of the enemies in the Rotting Halls. While there are a decent number to hack away at, nothing should cause you too many problems, even when adventuring solo.
Initially the main enemies you will face are Putrid Remains and Rotting Corpsefiends, but there are a few
Fallen Lunatics about as well, so watch out for their suicide explosions.
Once you have killed everything, you need to carry on to the Fallen Chambers. Once there you are tasked with slaying two Elite monsters known as the Banes of Eridu, Jirahl and Malurop.
They are not difficult to defeat. They are not heavily guarded and if you approach them slowly you will be able to lure out the other enemies in the room and kill them off before taking on the Bane himself.
Once both are in the bag you can make your way to the Lair of the Riser for the final dungeon boss battle of the Ruins of Eridu.
This battle is against the powerful Spiritcaller of Flames and can be a bit of a pain to not die in, as towards the end he will have placed towers that fire out flames and they can wipe you out in one if you are in their blast radius.
For a full guide on how to beat him properly check out our Spiritcaller of Flames page here.
Once you have overcome this final battle the dungeon and Sacrificial Aspect are all yours to keep!

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