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Innes, Vengeance of Glór-An-Fháidha Bosses

In-Game Description

Innes is a large powerful shaman who wields a staff to control the power of wind and lightning. They reside in "Ferals' Den" iconFerals’ Den, which is situated in the northeast of Scosglen.


Innes is unlike most of the other dungeon bosses in the game as they have a fair few more attacks to deal with. On average, most bosses have 2–3 attacks while Innes has at least five. Most of their attacks are predominantly Lightning-based with some Wind Blast attacks thrown in for good measure, so you may want to use a Lightning Resistance Elixir if you’re having trouble with the boss. For their attacks, a lot of them are movement-based which will require you to reposition throughout the battle. Here’s a list of attacks that Innes can use:

  • Wind Blast - Innes will place a large white circular area of effect around themselves while charging up a blast attack which will knock you back, and deal a small portion of damage. After the attack has been cast, it will persist in the area for a short period of time. This attack takes a while to charge up which allows you to get a few attacks on them before you need to dodge out of it.

  • Tornado - Innes can cast multiple tornadoes on the battlefield that persist for a short period of time. While these are on the field, they will continuously fire out small wind projectiles. There’s not much you can do to avoid this other than use damage mitigation tools such as Barrier, or Fortify. Other than that, try to reposition the boss to an area where they won’t cause you as much of a problem.

  • Lightning Bolt - Arguably the most difficult attack to avoid especially with all the other mechanics happening at the same time. Innes will fire off three sets of lightning bolts, each firing off in a line three consecutive times. Once the three sets have been cast, two of them will join together in a line and head back to the start. The original sets of bolts are easy enough to avoid as long as you stay mobile, but when they join together they become more problematic. Navigate around them to avoid taking any damage, and if you get trapped in a corner then dash through it.

  • Lightning Circle - Innes will place multiple circles of lightning around the arena which will deal substantial damage, and Vulnerable to you when you pass through them. The trick to this attack is to avoid them! Joking aside, reposition the boss away from them, so you don’t dodge into the circles when avoiding the other mechanics.

  • Lightning Zap - This is a simple zap from the staff which will hit you with lightning damage. It has little range, and you can avoid it by not standing in front of the boss.

As stated above, much of this fight is about positioning, and good dodge management as you’re limited on how often you can dodge. Some attacks you’ll just have to take while saving your dodges for the Lightning Bolt, and Wind Blast attack. Using an Elixir of Lightning Resistance can make your life significantly easier as will any equipment that has it too. Like all bosses, you can power through the fight by keeping up damage mitigation tools and using potions, especially if your build can output high damage as you’ll get more potions to drop before you run out of them.

Detailed Location

Found at the end of the "Ferals' Den" iconFerals’ Den dungeon in Scosglen.



Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Sanctuary Map

X: 15109 Y: 4268
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