Objective: Follow Cormack
Operation Lone Wolf starts. Use your grapple to cross the gap and do so following Cormack all the way. Tag the enemies that you find and its time to continue.
Objective: Infiltrate the Estate
Grapple towards the Estate and don’t move. Wait for the enemies to pass by and then move into the bushes. Whistle at the lone guy here and kill him using your grapple.
Objective: Access the Security System
Grapple to the rooftop where the two enemies entered and look to the left to see more enemies. Tag them and your objective is on the far side of the pool. I recommend taking the left path, grappling the enemies and don’t engage with the two soldiers outside your objective. Get on the rooftop and hide from the Drone that appears.
Plant your micro-EMP and go down. Move forward and look on the table on the left to find Enemy Intel #01 [22/45] .
Doesn’t the Intel blend really well with the room?
Move on to the marker and get out of there.
Objective: Regroup with Cormack
Once again there are a ton of ways to go from here. Stick to the bushes and grapple all the enemies possible. Remember that can go to the objective without worrying about killing the enemies. Also remember about your detection gauge. Hide as soon as it starts filling up. Once you reach your objective, watch Cormack kick some ass and then grab Enemy Intel #02 [23/45] from on top of the desk.
Impossible to miss. You can see it from afar.
Objective: Search the Database
Move on to the desk where Cormack is and search the files just to compromise the mission. Time to head out.
Objective: Infiltrate the Hangar
Follow Cormack as he leaves and climb onto the bottom of the humvee when prompted.
Objective: Record the Meeting
As you get off the humvee, before following Cormack, look underneath the construction to the left to find Enemy Intel #03 [24/45] .
This Intel is really tricky. Go underneath the shelves that are in the opposite direction of the way Cormack went to find it.
Now follow Cormack to the top of the machines and drop down to a little alcove where you can record the meeting between the doctor and Irons.
Objective: Plant the Tracker on the Plane
Quickly run behind Cormach until you reach the heliport. You cannot stand ground here. Fight your way past the Drones and soldiers and grapple onto the plane to finish the mission.
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