Objective: Intercept the Van
You start off by driving in a tunnel. Stick to the right side once you exit it and when you see the bus drifting, quickly drive out of the highway and keep following them. Shoot the humvee when he gets close enough and suddenly you’ll be hit by another car.
Keep on driving until you’re hit again and its time to proceed on foot.
Objective: Regroup with Sentinel
Move forward and when you reach the 373m mark, look left to find Enemy Intel #01 [31/45] inside the car.
Look left from the yellow car right to find your prize.
Continue moving forward while killing all the soldiers. Using Threat Grenades help out a lot to deal with the enemies hidden amongst the rubble. At around the 175m mark, you’ll see a bulletin board on the right saying how many miles to get to Downtown SF. Jump behind it to find Enemy Intel #02 [32/45] .
There’s a trailer underneath. Jump on it and Double Jump upwards to get it.
After killing a couple more enemies you’ll see a chopper. Before moving in, look on the left side to find Enemy Intel #03 [33/45] .
This Intel is outside the actual map, so stand next to the rail to get it.
Keep on moving forward to finally catch up to the Van. Open up the van to trigger some events and end the mission.
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