Objective: Reach the Atlas Command Center
After the badass and sad scene, start shooting at the boats and pretty much everything that moves. That’s right, start shooting at enemy vehicles, boats, soldiers, well anything Atlas related. Now detach yourself from the bird and start following Gideon until you reach the Command Center.
Objective: Stop the Manticore Launch
Go up the stairs and start the massacre. Don’t follow Gideon though. Instead go straight to find Enemy Intel #01 [43/45] on the right side.
Hidden in this dead end.
Now follow Gideon, kill the enemies in this small room (Swarm Missiles work wonders here) and proceed to another larger area. Go down the stairs on the left side and enemies will start pouring out. Kill them and stick to the left side and you’ll find Enemy Intel #02 [44/45] in a little conference room.
This one is harder to find than most Intel. Check every little room in here.
Proceed alongside Gideon and you’ll end up in an orange room. This one will have a ton more enemies and at the end many ASTs. You know what to do right? Use your Swarm Missiles and Micro Rockets to destroy them ASAP.
Now go through the door Gideon breaks down and as you see him go right, go straight once again to find the last Enemy Intel #03 [45/45] .
Follow the path to the objective marker. Break the pistons and drop down. Make sure to press and hold R1 and L1 to slowly descend. After the abrupt landing, move forward while bracing yourself against the launch smoke. When you get to Manticore shoot it with everything you’ve got until you stop the launch.
Objective: Escape the Command Center
Gideon helps you out in your escape but is held back by some soldiers. Shoot the targets with your handgun to continue the story.
Objective: Stop Irons
Damn this get better and better. Quickly tap [] when prompted and start chasing Irons down the hallways. R3 the enemy that appears and get rid of Irons for good. Won’t even tell you what to press ;).
Thanks for reading this guide for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare . This may be the end of the Campaign, but you still have countless hours going online and playing with your friends and other unknown people.
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