As you see the rest of the crew being pushed inside the elevator start moving towards them or you’ll get shot. Listen to Cormack and keep on following the crew. Not much can be done while your hands are tied up eh?
- Escape the facility
Follow Gideon
After the really messed up scene we gain control and its time to get the hell out of here. Once you exit the room, crouch and hide behind a corpse bag. Continue and watch how Gideon kills a guy and you get an EXO, as well as a handgun.
Objective: Activate the Elevator
Head to the middle console and activate the elevator for Ilona and Cormack. A couple enemies come in so keep pressed [] to grab your handgun and pop ’em. Time to get separated. Swap your handgun for an Assault Rifle.
A couple more enemies appear in the next room. Kill them and go up the stairs in the back. There are a couple of engineers in this room. Head into the room on the right side to find Enemy Intel #01 [40/45] .
Note that the door is closed and you have to approach it for it to open.
Continue onwards and you’ll be analyzed in a tube-esque thing. Then you get to see a ton of corpses bagged up. This is horrible. In the next room though you’ll find more enemies than before.
Proceed to the next room to find a ton of scientists and corpses on top of the beds. Help Gideon open up the crystal door and grab Enemy Intel #02 [41/45] from the left side.
Get this one as fast as you can before the enemies break through.
Now go down the duct and just where the hell are we? Move forwards and go down a little bit. Start pushing the cart with Gideon to get the hell out of there. Crawl out of that hell hole and stay close to Gideon. You need him more than ever now.
Objective: Reach the Warbird
We’ll be in another area with many soldiers, but now we have a couple of armored soldiers. Make sure to take out the other soldiers first and then headshot a couple times these armored ones. Proceed through the door, watch the little scene and now rush to the Warbird before it gets destroyed.
Dear god, what else can happen to us??
Objective: Enter the AST
YEAH! Finally we’re able to get into one of these. Before entering it, look behind you for Enemy Intel #03 [42/45] .
How are we supposed to know about this Intel I dunno, but its here. Get it before getting in the AST.
The AST looks really nice once you mount it..
Objective: Regroup with Ilona
AST’s attacks:
- R1: Turret
- L2: Swarm Missiles
- R2: Micro Rockets
Break up the wall and it’s time to mow down a ton of enemies. Use your Swarm Missiles against the Drones and Rockets against the vehicles. Once you burst through the wall you’ll find even more enemies but you’re in a tighter space.
As you proceed through this room, at the end you’ll be greeted by 4 AST. Yeah, time to use those Missiles to take care of them. Make sure to take cover behind the little pillar so you don’t die. Destroy a couple vehicles that approach afterwards and follow the path to get out of here.
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