Before we see what happened with Nate and Sully we’ll need to travel back to the beginning, 20 years ago in a Columbian museum featuring a Francis Drake exhibit. After entering the building, you have free control to walk around and examine the many antiques.
You should check all the exhibits by pressing UP on the D-Pad to see more and gain a trophy upstairs when you examine the remaining exhibit items. Let’s get some treasures now:
Emerald and Diamond Ring
Inside the barrel of the third cannon, from the entrance.
Antique Coin Purse -
Behind a potted plant inside the alcove next to the stairs.
Grab the treasures from the cannon barrel (left) and the alcove by the stairs (right).
Head upstairs and continue to view the cases, leaving the square middle case with the golden compass and Drake’s ring for last, as this will kick you out of the museum and make it impossible to gain the Quick Study trophy. Once you have the trophy, examine the final case for a cutscene.
After exiting the museum under duress, follow Sully while sticking to the right side of the sidewalk. Head under the archway of the yellow building and grab the Antique Colombian Soup Ladle in front of the red doorway before you continue.
After being kicked out of the museum (left) get the treasure by the yellow building (right).
As you follow Sully you’ll pass through some small carts and eventually enter a market area with a lot of shopping carts and people. Stick to the right and looks for two men talking just past a blue cart. Check the box with a bunch of bottles on it to find the Pottery Chimu Vessel .
Get the treasure by the glass bottles (left) and then head left down a small alley (right).
Instead of following Sully by heading into the meat market, head left down the alley and up a small set of stairs to get the Ancient Chupicuaro Figure .
You can now head through the meat market and follow Sully through the double doors. Time for some climbing!
You can use many different ways to begin your climb up the building, but the grey mailbox on the left is closer than some of your other choices. Climb up, pressing X to reach the higher areas, until you reach the yellow bar and then across the monkey bars to the right. Continue right along the balcony windows and hop on the coolumn for a scene.
After the scene, continue to make your way right to reach the the balcony area for the Shamanistic Jaguar Head .
Climb the locksmith’s building (left) and grab the treasure on the first balcony (right).
Climb over the balcony’s railing and line yourself up to back eject off the sign to the ledge on the opposite building. Stand up by pressing X and then shimmy left and align yourself up with the ledge next to the blue building and jump across. You can now cross the blue building’s rooftop and jump to the Hotel Arrecife sign.
Follow from above (left) and get the treasure from the Hotel sign (right).
Make your way down, grabbing the Antique Colombian Table Knife in the O, and then drop down and follow Sully and Katherine.
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