The Private Tuition Room is a huge boon if you are trying to help struggling students get through their studies - especially if they are considering dropping out for whatever reason, It requires the expense of a teacher but will help your campus in many ways so let’s have a look if it is worth the outlay.
The Private Tuition Room is a great way to boost failing grades, but it can work out expensive.
Private Tuition Room Requirements in Two Point Campus¶
Description: Where every hour is office hour(s)
Provides one-to-one teaching
Requires a teacher
Minimum Size 3x3
While it may seem that the extra cost of a teacher to not teach a specific subject is an outlay you could perhaps do without, the Private Tuition Room is one of the first rooms you should build in later Campuses. You should consider it as important as the classrooms and dormitories themselves.
Be aware that when your Private Tutor is on a break the room will be non-functioning and you could be missing out on valuable grade improvements.
How big should I build my Private Tuition Room?¶
The minimum size is 3x2 and there really isn’t that much to go in the room so it is a good room to tuck away in a corner where you do not have a wealth of space. Having said that, you do still want to make it better than bog-standard. Sprinkle a few plans, a bin, posters, and a hand sanitizer in there to improve it, and therefore your campus’ overall rating.
Private Tuition Room Equipment¶
The Private Tuition Room only requires a Tuition Desk and a Chalkboard besides its teacher, so anything is merely there to improve the attractiveness of the space.
The teacher needs to be skilled in Private Tuition - of none are available you will need to train one up in the discipline via a Training Room and Training Pod.
Save your Private Tuition Room as a template¶
For the start of any game, it is unlikely you will have a need for multiple Private Tuition Rooms. However, saving it as a template will save you from having to replicate it again and again, and is always worth doing to shave off some of the busy work.
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