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Two Point Campus

Two Point University

Paul McNally
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Wow. We made it. If you are arriving at Two Point University with us well done, it has been quite the journey to this final campus in the game. Here you can expect to put absolutely everything you have learned so far to good use in your biggest challenge to date after it has been left deserted by Jumbo McNally (no relation - at least I don’t think so!). Let’s get right to it.

Keeping your students happy is essential when you get to Two Point University.

How to unlock Two Point University in Two Point Campus

Starting funds: $150k

Two Point University is the final Campus to unlock - technically, you will have had to unlock every other campus in the game to get this far. The campus is unlocked for you when you get a one-star Campus Rating in Breaking Point, Urban Bungle, and Blundergrad, but you will need to unlock the earlier campuses to get that far anyway.

Two Point University Tips

It’s finally time to go wild - within reason. You have no plot size to worry about, you can build what your funds will allow, choose your own courses and take everything so far and turn it into a great campus.

The criteria to get to a one-star rating are not overly difficult but they are time-consuming, meaning you are going to be at Two Point University for a good few years. Building the Campus up to Level 18 will takes a fair bit of time and effort, not to mention cash and a lot of students and rooms will end up needing looking after.

As with many of the other campuses in the game, money will be tight for the first three years and you will probably need to make use of your bank loans to get by, by the middle of year 3 though cash should be much less of an issue and you can start to have a bit more fun with your development.

You have the freedom here to set out your Two Point Campus however you choose. It’s a lot of fun.

You will need 10 Level 5 rooms also and this can mainly be ticked off in Year 1. Getting a room to Level Five costs more money so be careful but with the addition of cheaper items such as plants, bins, rugs, and posters it is not too difficult to tet them over the line.
Depending on how many courses you chose to run at the beginning will affect your profit levels. We went for one for a safe start and profit is naturally low when there aren’t many students paying for the educational genius you are providing. We did cross the $30k threshold though before the end of Year 3.

The final criteria, Student Happiness is one of the ones that fluctuates through the game so there is no point in worrying about it early on because you are going to take such a long time getting to the Level 18 Campus. Wait until all other criteria are ticked off and then go all out with parties, booking bands, films, and the like to get it up there.

If there are any super miserable students lowering the mood kick them out as well and they are just lowering your average.

Courses unlocked at Two Point University

Nothing new here is unlocked. You can choose from any of the 16 courses you have unlocked throughout the game so far and decide what you want to run at Two Point University. We suggest starting off on the mild side until you get some decent money in your Bank Account.

No plots here, just pretty much as much land as you need to build your dream campus on.

Buying Extra Plots - Two Point University

Two Point University comes with no extra plots, just a giant expanse of land that you can build anywhere on. This is the closest you get to Sandbox mode without it being Sandbox mode. The only thing you need to concern yourself here is how big to build your campus buildings and where to place them. Free at last.

How to get a 1 Star Campus - Two Point University

Requirements Rewards
Monthly Profit $30k £10000 / 100 Kudosh
Average Student Happiness 70% Windsock Bust
Level 5 rooms (10)
Campus Level 18

How to get a 2 Star Campus - Two Point University

Requirements Rewards
Monthly Profit $60k £10000 / 100 Kudosh
Average A Grade on Campus
Level 5 Clubs (5)
Attractiveness Rating 85%

And so that is it, the world is your oyster should you choose to carry on after getting your star here at Two Point University.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5, Steam, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Sandbox, Strategy
  • Guide Release
    4 August 2022
  • Last Updated
    31 August 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Two Point Campus is the follow-up to the highly succesful Two Point Hospital and was released in August 2022. Paying homage to games such as Theme Park and Theme Hospital, the Two-Point series features a cast of cute characters inhabiting the world you build around them - in this case during their formative years at University.

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