The Lecture Theatre is one of the most expensive rooms to build in the game at the beginning, coming in at over $21,000. Fortunately, as you start your Campus career at Freshleigh Meadows, it is the only room given to you for free from the off, so you will only need to worry about that cost when you need to build subsequent rooms.
As long as you can fit in the seating and the stage, you don’t need to go to town on padding out a huge LEcture Theatre/
Lecture Theatre Requirements in Two Point Campus¶
- Description: Time flies when you are listening intently
- Used in a range of courses
- Can run Student Cinema
Minimum Size 4x4
Requires a teacher
Another room that requires a teacher, even though you might think the individual subject teacher would be the one holding the lectures. Not so, you are going o have to fork out between 25k and 30k just to get it running, on top of the cost of the room
How big should I build my Lecture Theatre?¶
There really is not too much you can add to a Lecture Theatre so with that in mind it is one of the few rooms in Tow Point Campus you can perhaps afford to save a little space on. As long as you feel you can get the necessary equipment in there, feel free to make them as cramped and uncomfortable as you possibly can. It’s not like students turn up to this stuff anyway, is it?
Theatres can be added in any shape you like as long as they hit the minimum size requirement for the room.
Courses requiring a Lecture Theatre
The following courses require a Lecture Theatre - so if you are running multiple of these, you will need more than one on your Campus:
Course |
Academic Exercise |
Archaeology |
Dark Art |
Funny Business |
Gastronomy |
Musicality |
Robotics |
Scientography |
Virtual Normality |
Wizardry |
Lecture Theatre Equipment¶
The necessary equipment for the Lecture Theatre is limited so, while not cheap, you are limited to what the actual end cost will rise to. The only requirements to build one are a door, seating, and stage. You can then pretty it up with items such as whiteboards, plants, and hand sanitizer dispensers, but these are not immediately necessary - although they are all cheap enough anyway.
Save your Lecture Theatre as a template¶
You will likely be creating quite a number of Lecture Theatre as your Campus expands as you offer more courses and your student headcount rises, demand for the facility will grow quickly, so a good tip is to make sure you save your plan as a template you can easily recreate any number of them with the minimum of fuss.
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