Using the time traveler, pass the stalagmites and head up the first ladder to find a Cave Painting . Head left through another set of stalagmites and use the block to grab the Fuse from the Fuse Box . Now return to the main level and go right and down the second ladder to plop the fuse into the Empty Fuse Box . Now, use the Time Machine to reach the prehistoric era.
Once again, climb the first ladder and go left to move the block into the liquid and prevent it from seeping down and forming stalagmites in the present. Now, return to the future and phase through the electric field for a scene. Head back left and hit the Museum Door Button and then zig zag to the bottom of the cavern and find the Dinosaur Exhibit , stopping to get the Cave Painting on the level above and to the left.
With one of your characters smelling like a dino, head to the same location in the prehistoric era to find a real dino. As you approach, the dino will smell you and fall in love and run after you. Quickly, run left and trap the dino in the short cavern and then switch to another character. Bring the other character all the way down to the same location as the dino, except head left on the level above to meet Thog . Grab one of Thog’s stone wheels and push it right to drop it on top of the dino’s head and kill it.
Draw the dino to the right (left) and have another character push a wheel onto its head (right).
With one of the characters in the prehistoric period, head all the way right of Thog for a Cave Painting and then up and right to a stone and dripping liquid. You need to push the boulder to the right and while still gripping it, switch to the other character in the past and travel to the present. Head all the way right and a well should now be built, if it isn’t then your character in the past was not gripping the boulder. Like the character in the past, use your present character to hold onto the Well crank and switch to your character in the future.
Grab the Cave Painting as you climb back up (left). Grab the rock and push it up the slope (right).
Take your final character to the future and head to the location of the well in the past to find the Bucket on display. With the bucket, collect some Oil from the dead dino’s location and use to start the Combustion Engine via the Engine Oil Intake . This will power the Elevator Button , which you should use. Now, push the wheel all the way to the time machine and bring it to Thog in the past before you crush him with another wheel.
In the future grab the bucket from the well display (left). Grab some oil from where the dino was and use it to power the combustion engine (right).
With Thog’s whole lineage dead, head back to the future and grab the Smurg that was on display. Back in the present, use the key to exit left.
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