Hack the Door Control Panel and then follow the long hall to a Grog Machine and hack it as well. Once again, follow the path and get a Cave Painting before continuing. Jump into the water and swim across to grab a Fuse from a Fuse Box and then head back and up the ladder to place it in the Empty Fuse Box . Now, ride the elevator upstairs and climb to ladder to hack the Lower Blast Door Console .
Ride the elevator back down and then back up and then enter the control room to unlock the nearby door. Enter and wait for the laser to start to head away from you and then hack the Laser Control Console to kill the other scientist. Grab the dropped Launch Key and place it in one of the keyholes in the previous room.
Hack the console in the control room (left). Wait for the laser to move away and then hack the laser console (right).
Continue past the laser and examine the Administrator’s Terminal . I suggest writing down each code for each day of the week, as they are randomly generated. Return to the previous room and hack the Elevator Control and use the Elevator Control Button to ride the elevator down. Now take the ladder all the way down to the bottom left room to reach the cafeteria.
The Wet Floor Sign actually creates a wet floor, rather than marks one. Jump to it and grab it and climb the ladder back up to the top and go left up another ladder to find another scientist. Place the wet floor sign to the left of the Warhead Loading Console and then hack the machine.
Grab the wet floor sign (left) and then place it next to the scientist pictured (right) and hack the console here.
Grab the Launch Key dropped by the scientist and insert it into one of the Keyhole s left. Return to the cafeteria and grab the Cave Painting before checking the food marked on the Today’s Special. Climb the ladder to level 2 and head right to check the Bulletin Board and find out what day of the week it is (this will determine which of the codes from the admin console you will use).
Return to floor 3 and head right for a Cave Painting before inserting the correct code via the levers. Note that if you mess up you will have to recheck the code at the admin console, as they are reset. Inside, grab the Knockout Gas and head back upstairs to the room to the right of the Bulletin Board and switch your character.
Grab the Cave Painting from below the levers and then enter the code (left). Grab the knockout gas from the next room (right).
From the launch room with the Keyholes, head right and climb the ladder to reach the HVAC Control Switch . Hit the switch and then quickly drop the gas on your other character to knockout the guard. Once again, grab the Launch Key and insert it into a Keyhole .
Return to the cafeteria and fish through the Fruit Bowl until you find some Bananas and take them to Chimp , who is just past the knocked out guard’s location. Feed him a banana and then head to the left room on the 2nd floor with the Chimp in tow to activate the guidance system.
Examine the fruit bowl until you pick up the bananas (left). Give the bananas to the chimp and lead it to the 2nd floor room (right).
You can now head back to the keyholes and turn them with all three characters.
With the missile launched, you can now exit through the left door on the bottom floor.
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