It’s finally time for the Kinzie’s and Ben King’s plan to be put into action, with the first part being to collect the parts for a key. Meet up with Gat and head to the marker on your map, which is the island that triggers the Notoriety Meter when you step foot on it. So, you’ll have to defend off the Zin and look for central processing unit in one of the crates. The only problem is that Kinzie doesn’t know which one it’s in.
That means you’ll have to go around and use Telekinesis to remove the door off of the crate while fighting off the Zin, until you find the CPU. It is not in a set location and is random, so even doing the mission four times might get you four different locations. Once you find it, walk over it to pick it up and head to the next spot. Here, you need to jump on the floating platforms and destroy the generators to gather more parts.
Jump to each of the marked platforms and clear the area of Zin, then destroy the generator to make two memory modules appear. Pick these up and continue doing this with the other generators until you get a total of six of them. When you’ve gathered all six, a timer will appear on the screen and you’ll have a minute and fifteen seconds to get to the harbor before the Zin erect a shield.
Clear the Zin around the generators, then destroy them and pick up the objects that fall off of them.
When you get to the harbor, the timer will stop and you’ll have to do the same thing as before, except the generators are on ground level. This means that the enemy resistance will be a bit tougher, as things like Marauders can come to join the party, so keep a lookout for those. After grabbing all of the inhibitors, you’ll have to follow Gat since his helicopter is going down.
Follow the helicopter until it finally crashes in an area full of Zin. Help Gat fend off the Zin while waiting for Shaundi to come and pick up both of you. Of course, you will have your normal Zin, but there will also be Murderbots and even a Marauder. Once you have killed every single one, Shaundi will land the helicopter, so hop inside to finish the mission.
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