At the very beginning of the mission, head to the first marker to be introduced to the Dominatrix. You’ll now need to defeat her and she’s pretty much like the Wardens you fight in the main game, sans the shield. If you’re doing this after completing the main game to 100%, then you should have absolutely no problem finishing her off.
Once her health is gone, she teleports away and goes after both Shaundi and Pierce. Go after Pierce and when you get there, the Dominatrix shows up again. Defeat her and some of her goons will come after you. Kill the marked ones, defeat the Dominatrix yet again, then another round of goons and even the Dominatrix a third time.
Free Pierce once the action has settled by disabling the forcefield surrounding him, then Donnie will call and say that both he and Shaundi need your help. Head to the park and the Dominatrix will appear once more…as well as a dozen more times. Defeat each clone one by one, noting that the remaining ones will get stronger.
As you defeat her clones, the remaining Dominatrix will get stronger.
When you’re finished with her clones, free Shaundi and Donnie by disabling the forcefield, then Kinzie calls to ask for your help. Luckily, she hasn’t been kidnapped, but she’s found a way to get the Dominatrix to just stick to one body. Go to her location and listen to her plan.
Basically, attack the Dominatrix until her health gets down to a certain point, then you will need to activate a node (same thing as when deactivating the generators for the shields in this mission). Keep repeating this pattern until the mission is over.
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