Asha wants you to experience the life of a Secret Service agent, and she plans to do that with you escorting a VIP around town and ensure she safely arrives at all three stops on her route. Note that you don’t have access to your super powers for this mission, so get in the car and start driving the VIP towards her first destination.
The first stop is Planet Zin and Asha points out a suspicious person walking inside of the store. It’s up to you whether to shoot him or not, but considering there’s really no consequences, go ahead and do it anyways. After being reprimanded by Asha, get back to the car and head to the second destination.
It doesn’t matter whether you kill the man inside of the store, so why not give in to the violent tendecies of the Boss.
Once you get there, Asha says to get to the vantage point, so use the markers to get onto the rooftop nearby. You’ll be equipped with a sniper for this part, so keep waiting until some enemy snipers appear on nearby rooftops. Keep killing them until you need to get back to the car, so jump off the roof and get in, only Asha will be driving this time.
Feel free to shoot some enemies along the way to the third spot and when you get there, you find out that Zinyak has made some…minor changes to the simulation being run. Kill the enemies that keep appearing until the rescue vehicle comes, which is blown up by a helicopter.
Bring the helicopter down and then get to the vehicle marked on your map. Once the two others get inside, drive to the final stop, where a present will drop from the sky. It turns out to be Professor Genki, so attack him until he gets to about half health, then he’ll turn into Super Genki! It seems like you need your powers back, which Matt will do (as well as give Asha some powers), so disable his shield with your powers and kill him like any other to finish the mission.
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