Meet up with CID in the simulation and you’ll notice he’ll begin to act weird, taking off on his own. He’ll stop at a brick wall and draw a bunny on it, which will open a portal when you touch it, transporting you back to the simulation you were in at the beginning of the game. Find Kinzie in this simulation, only to find out it was a decoy.
The next Kinzie is in the back of a police car, which you will have to chase and ram to make it stop, but this one is also a decoy. Luckily, the real Kinzie manages to get through to you and say to go to City Hall, but the problem (as you soon find out) is that Cyrus Temple is the one running this simulation. Cyrus will be giving a speech in front of City Hall and you want to shoot him, but Matt can’t get you any weapons.
So, for now, you’re going to have to go around and rewire the speakers so you don’t have to listen to Cyrus’ speech anymore. Just go up to the speaker and press the button shown to automatically rewire it. After the first one, Matt will be able to get you a weapon, the Dubstep Gun. Rewiring all speakers after this will make some Propaganda Trucks spawn.
Rewiring the speakers after the first one will make the trucks (right) spawn, which try to run you over. Simply keep firing with the Dubstep Gun to make them explode.
These trucks will continually keep trying to run you over, so try and get them stuck on something (if you can) while you try to barrage them with the Dubstep Gun, making them explode. Once all of the speakers are rewired, go back to the rally and step into the marker to start dancing, causing a chain reaction that will make Kinzie do the same.
Of course, Cyrus isn’t too happy about this and will start attacking you. Cyrus is pretty similar to the Wardens, except he doesn’t have a shield, but he does have Telekinesis. Keep fixated on him with the Dubstep Gun, only stopping if he jumps away from you or if the police presence becomes overbearing. When Cyrus is done, go back to Kinzie to finish the mission.
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