The Great Sandy Desert and the Sandy Cave are two of the biggest cave systems and overworld regions in the game. There are plenty of tricky ways to navigate the area, along with multiple floors, ways to cross and more. Naturally, there are many hidden chests, cubes and more knocking around these seething sands. Here’s a guide to finding all the !Great Sandy Desert and Cave cube locations in One Piece Odyssey.
Great Sandy Desert Cube Locations in One Piece Odyssey¶
(1 of 4) A cube hides near the cliff on the northern boundary in the southern Great Sandy Desert area.
A few cube locations are scattered around the !Great Sandy Desert, with many in this desert’s north, south, southeast, and central areas. Compared to other maps, these are few and far between, so don’t worry about needing to explore every section of it. Below is a list of instructions on how to find these cube locations in the !Great Sandy Desert. Moreover, we can reference where they are on the map with our images for additional support in finding all of these items.
Zoro 1: In the southern desert area of the !Great Sandy Desert, you can find a northern edge with a drop into flowing sand. Along that cliffside is a floating cube that
Luffy can reach out and grab.
Usopp 1: Once you complete the desert bandit storyline, and gain access to the bandit camp in the southwest area of the !Great Sandy Desert, you can explore that area. Play as Luffy in the area, and use your grapple to climb the stone pillars, marked by the four yellow circles in the area. On top of one of these pillars is the Usopp Cube.
Zoro 2: There is a location in the Great Sandy Desert called the Sandy Ruins. You can find this in the map’s center of the !Great Sandy Desert area, connecting the desert’s north and south parts together. When you enter the ruin, there’s a wall you can destroy, opening up a hole for you to enter with
Chopper. Switch to Chopper, and follow the route till you can climb the tower. At the top of the tower, use Luffy’s grab to reach the cube beside the cactus on the outside below.
- Luffy 1: In the northern half of the !Great Sandy Desert, there is an area filled with Scorpions. You may see a ruined watchtower in the sand poking out, marked with a grey square on the map screen. Climb into this, and you can grab a cube, amongst other item pickups.
Great Sandy Cave Cube Locations¶
(1 of 3) Head to the right of the upper level of the cave system towards this roundish path. The Usopp Cube is tucked next to a wall behind the pillar.
Now that you’ve finished exploring all the !Great Sandy Desert Cube locations, it is now time for the !Great Sandy Desert Cave. There are a few more in this area, and you can access them by heading directly north of the region. You should be free to access this once the main story takes you to the oasis near the top of the map.
- Usopp 1: The first Usopp Cube is towards the eastern side of the cave. Go to the section with the round path on the edge of the map in the Upper Level of the cave. The cube itself is tucked away next to the rock wall.
- Usopp 2: The second Usopp Cube in the !Great Sandy Desert Cave is at the northern point of the Upper Level. To get there, you need to head down below, defeat the red crocodile, and climb your way up using Luffy’s Gum Gum grapple ability. Once you’re there, you can get the cube by looking west towards the pool of water in the cave.
- Luffy 1: Navigate through the Lower Level of the !Great Sandy Desert Cave, and you will naturally come across some bones in the central middle map. The bones are just off the pathable route, so you need Luffy to reach out and grab them by aiming at them.
And there you go, you have found the cube locations in the !Great Sandy Desert areas. Remember to slot your cubes into those characters and empower their battle skills!
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