Soon after you start playing through One Piece Odyssey and you are trekking around the landscape you will start to notice signposts every so often. Upon closer inspection you will see that they have a Taxi sign at the top, suggesting that you can use them somehow for travel.
Inspecting them in the early part of the game however, leads simply to your character saying that they keep seeing these signs and wondering what they are?
Are you missing something though? Do you need to use the taxi signs in a specific manner in order to get them to work?
Let’s take a closer look.
You will see these signs littered through the various areas you visit
How To Use Yoisa Travel In One Piece Odyssey¶
You should have spotted these signs by now on your travels, if not, take a look at the screenshot and you will see what they look like. Like lots of objects in One Piece Odyssey, they can be approached and further examined for extra detail.
The Taxi signs would make sense that they are part of some Fast Travel system in the game, but One Piece Odyssey doesn’t bother to explain that, at least not in Chapter 1 and most of Chapter 2.
Indeed Fast Travel is only unlocked during Chapter 2 of the main story - until then there is nothing you can do with these signs, except waste time trying to work out if you are missing the point of them.
How To Unlock Yoisa Signs In One Piece Odyssey¶
As you play through Chapter 2 you will eventually reach the Great Sandy Desert. At a nearby Oasis you will meat Yoisa, the chap who runs the Fast Travel Taxi service in the game, and from, then on (once you have relived a memory, the ability to Fast Travel from taxi signs will be all yours, removing at least some of the back and forth trekking that One Piece Odyssey can put you through at times.
How To Fast Travel In One Piece Odyssey¶
Having found a taxi sign once you have unlocked the mechanism, you must then interact with the sign to register that you know its whereabouts. Once you have unlocked more than one you may Fast Travel between the two locations.
Keep a close eye out for Taxi Signs on your travels as they can save you a great deal of time as you play through the game.
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