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Each of the 333 animal villagers in the game are categorised by their personality and animal type.

Personality determines the villager’s manner of speaking and dialogue (all Cranky villagers say the same lines, for instance) as well as the Public Works Projects they may request.

Animal type simply determines the villager’s general appearance. This information is also useful during Halloween when you are Trick or Treating.

Peppy villagers are typically energetic and wannabe fame stars.

**Villager** **Personality** **Animal Type**
Agent S Peppy Squirrel
Agnes Uchi Pig
Al Lazy Gorilla
Alfonso Lazy Alligator
Alice Normal Koala
Alli Snooty Alligator
Amelia Snooty Eagle
Anabelle Peppy Anteater
Anchovy Lazy Bird
Angus Cranky Bull
Anicotti Peppy Mouse
Ankha Snooty Cat
Annalisa Normal Anteater
Annalise Snooty Horse
Antonio Jock Anteater
**Villager** **Personality** **Animal Type**
Apollo Cranky Eagle
Apple Peppy Hamster
Astrid Snooty Kangaroo
Aurora Normal Penguin
Ava Normal Chicken
Avery Cranky Eagle
Axel Jock Elephant
Baabara Snooty Sheep
Bam Jock Deer
Bangle Peppy Tiger
Barold Lazy Bear Cub
Beardo Smug Bear
Beau Lazy Deer
Becky Snooty Chicken
Bella Peppy Mouse
**Villager** **Personality** **Animal Type**
Benedict Lazy Chicken
Benjamin Lazy Dog
Bertha Normal Hippo
Bettina Normal Mouse
Bianca Peppy Tiger
Biff Jock Hippo
Big Top Lazy Elephant
Bill Jock Duck
Biskit Lazy Dog
Blaire Snooty Squirrel
Blanche Snooty Ostrich
Bluebear Peppy Bear Cub
Bob Lazy Cat
Bonbon Peppy Rabbit
Bones Lazy Dog
**Villager** **Personality** **Animal Type**
Boomer Lazy Penguin
Boone Jock Gorilla
Bree Snooty Mouse
Broccolo Lazy Mouse
Broffina Snooty Chicken
Bruce Cranky Deer
Bubbles Peppy Hippo
Buck Jock Horse
Bud Jock Lion
Bunnie Peppy Rabbit
Butch Cranky Dog
Cally Normal Squirrel
Camofrog Cranky Frog
Canberra Uchi Koala
Carmen Peppy Rabbit
**Villager** **Personality** **Animal Type**
Caroline Normal Squirrel
Celia Normal Eagle
Cesar Cranky Gorilla
Chadder Smug Mouse
Charlise Uchi Bear
Cheri Peppy Bear Cub
Cherry Uchi Dog
Chester Lazy Bear Cub
Chevre Normal Goat
Chief Cranky Wolf
Chops Smug Pig
Chow Cranky Bear
Chrissy Peppy Rabbit
Claudia Snooty Tiger
Clay Lazy Hamster
**Villager** **Personality** **Animal Type**
Clyde Lazy Horse
Coach Jock Bull
Cobb Jock Pig
Coco Normal Rabbit
Cole Lazy Rabbit
Colton Smug Horse
Cookie Peppy Dog
Cousteau Jock Frog
Cranston Lazy Ostrich
Croque Cranky Frog
Cube Lazy Penguin
Curlos Smug Sheep
Curly Jock Pig
Curt Cranky Bear
Cyrano Cranky Anteater
**Villager** **Personality** **Animal Type**
Daisy Normal Dog
Deena Normal Duck
Deirdre Uchi Deer
Del Cranky Alligator
Deli Lazy Monkey
Derwin Lazy Duck
Diana Snooty Deer
Diva Uchi Frog
Dizzy Lazy Elephant
Doc Lazy Rabbit
Dora Normal Mouse
Dotty Peppy Rabbit
Drago Lazy Alligator
Drake Lazy Duck
Drift Jock Frog
**Villager** **Personality** **Animal Type**
Ed Smug Horse
Egbert Lazy Chicken
Elise Snooty Monkey
Elmer Lazy Horse
Eloise Snooty Elephant
Elvis Cranky Lion
Erik Lazy Deer
Eugene Smug Koala
Eunice Normal Sheep
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Social simulation
  • Guide Release
    28 July 2013
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    James Bowden

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Animal Crossing: New Leaf sees you crowned mayor as a result of a bit of an accident. When you arrive, Isabelle the town clerk will reveal that you’ve been given the post and from there you can do whatever you please! Use your powers as the mayor to shape the town however you wish, whether this means building bridges, creating public works projects or laying down laws (or ordinances as they are known). With all this freedom, you could soon have the home and town of your dreams!

Version 1.1:

  • How to get the most out of those vital first few days in town.
  • The easiest ways to stuff your coffers with loads of money.
  • Detailed information on every shop in Main Street.
  • Exact dates for every Special Event in the entire game!
  • Complete your encyclopaedia with every Bug and Fish in the game!
  • Where to find every special visitor and what they can offer you.
  • A full furniture list so you can find exactly what you need to build the perfect home.
  • Beautiful screenshots and exclusive HD 3DS tutorial videos with audio commentary!
  • Comprehensive list of furniture, wallpapers and carpets.
  • Comprehensive list of clothes and accessories.
  • Special event pages for the snowman season and Weeding Day.
  • List of all the decorative public work projects and who requests them.

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