Your villagers may tell you if Gulliver washes up.
Gulliver will wash up on your beach at 6am once a week, except on Sundays. When you speak to Gulliver, he will be a bit…sleepy, so you’ll have to repeatedly talk to him to get his attention.
Once you strike up a conversation you’ll realise that Gulliver is having trouble remembering the country he was dreaming of. He’ll describe the country and you can use key words to work out which country it is.
If you guess the correct country, Gulliver will send you a souvenir in the mail the next day. If you guess incorrectly, Gulliver will send you a chocolate coin.
Meet Gulliver Video¶
Here is a list of key words to help you work out which country Gulliver dreamt of. This list also identifies the souvenir you’ll get in the mail the next day.
**Key word** | **Country** | **Souvenir** |
Alpacas | Peru | Tapestry |
Amigo | Mexico | Catrina Doll |
Arc de Triomphe | France | Eiffel Tower |
Big Ben | United Kingdom | Big Ben |
Bikes, Pho | Vietnam | Asian Hat |
Buono | Italy | Mouth of Truth |
Chocolate | Belgium | Manneken Pis |
Curry | India | Sitar |
Flamenco | Spain | Gaudy Lizard |
Giraffe, Lion | Kenya | Tribal Mask |
Herbal medicine | China | Chinese Lantern |
Hollywood | America | Statue of Liberty |
Hula Dance | Hawaii | Hula Dance Doll |
Kangaroo | Australia | Ayres Rock |
Matryoshka | Russia | Matryoshka |
**Key word** | **Country** | **Souvenir** |
Merlion | Singapore | Merlion |
Mermaid Statue | Denmark | Mermaid Statue |
Moai | Easter Island | Moai Statue |
Mythology | Greece | Gladiator Sandals |
Nessie | Scotland | Bagpipes |
Niagara Falls | Canada | Dream Catcher |
Nobel Prize | Sweden | Dalahast |
Pyramids | Egypt | Mummy’s Casket |
Samurai | Japan | Pagoda |
Sausage | Germany | Nutcracker Doll |
Shamrock | Ireland | Shamrock Clock |
Tae Kwon Do | South Korea | Samgyetang |
Tom Yum Goong Soup | Thailand | Tuk-Tuk |
Tulips | Holland | Windmill |
World Boat | Portugal | Barcelos Rooster |
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