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Icon Title Overview Description Quests Image
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Acupuncturist Hurrigon

Acupuncturist Hurrigon is a quest-giving NPC that can be found…

"Natural Quillosophy" iconNatural Quillosophy Side Quests
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Aesh is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the Archives.…

Aesh is the head curator of the lauded Log’grattzo Dark Archives.…

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Alm of Darkness

Every four years, the Faerie descends on the Log’grattzo Dark…

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Alm of Earth

Every four years, the Faerie descends on Gudju, the Earth Village,…

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Alm of Fire

Every four years, the Faerie descends on Tianeea, the Fire Village,…

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Alm of Light

Every four years, the Faerie descends on the Radiant Playhouse…

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Alm of the Moon

Every four years, the Faerie descends on Etaern, the Moonlit…

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Alm of Water

Every four years, the Faerie descends on Illystana, Capital of…

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Alm of Wind

Every four years, the Faerie descends on Longren, the Vale of…

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Alms are chosen to fulfill a sacred duty: offer their souls to…

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Ambitious Kevi

Ambitious Kevi is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

"The Masterplan" iconThe Masterplan Side Quests
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Anchor Scribe

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Anchor Scribe is not…

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Angler Ajuki

Angler Ajuki is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the Deade…

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Apprentice Scribe

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Apprentice Scribe is…

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Armed Scribe Kiri

Armed Scribe Kiri is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

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Armorer Nogrei

Armorer Nogrei is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in Gudju,…

"Amour for Armor" iconAmour for Armor Side Quests
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Armorer's Son, Reuben

Encountered in Tianeea, the Fire Village during the Remembering…

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Art Dealer Dalchini

One of the many art dealers you’ll need to speak to during the…

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Art Dealer Doritoni

This art dealer appears in multiple side quests, and can be found…

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Art Dealer Dunye

One of the many art dealers you’ll need to speak to during the…

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Art Dealer Layda

One of the many art dealers you’ll need to speak to during the…

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Babarim the Wise

Babarim the Wise is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

"Broth of a Boy" iconBroth of a Boy Side Quests
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Baeser the Explorer

Baeser the Explorer is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

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Beast Watch Child

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this child of the Beast…

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Beast Watch Overseer Molebe

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Beast Watch Overseer…

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Beast Watcher Gloriosa

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Beast Watcher Gloriosa…

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Beast Watcher Harbadris

One of many characters you’ll need to speak to during the Tails…

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Beast Watcher Jegga

Beast Watcher Jegga is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

"Feelings Bottled Up 2" iconFeelings Bottled Up 2 Side Quests
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Bibliophile Lolo

Bibliophile Lolo is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in Tianeea,…

"When Fish Fly" iconWhen Fish Fly Side Quests
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Borne the Mystic's Consciousness

Encountered during the Under Lock and Keys quest.

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Borne the Mystic's Shadow

Borne the Mystic’s Shadow is a unique Shadow Zero enemy, fought…

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Brick Scribe

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, the Brick Scribe is…

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Broom Scribe

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, the Broom Scribe is…

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Budding Folklorist Diem

Budding Folklorist Diem is a quest-giving NPC that can be found…

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Burly Biju

Encountered in the Gamurda Mines during the Woes of a Worrywart…

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Captain Lasque

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Captain Lasque is not…

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Careena is a young oracle known for her talents throughout her…

"Ramcoh's Roost" iconRamcoh's Roost Side Quests
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Careena's Father

Encountered in Longren, the Vale of Wind during Chapter 1 of…

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Careena's Mother

Encountered in Longren, the Vale of Wind during Chapter 1 of…

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Carefree Vatrio

Carefree Vatrio is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

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Cargo Handler Lano

Found on the docks of Illystana, Capital of the Deep as part…

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Ceramicist Swello

Ceramicist Swello is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

"Devil in the Dunes" iconDevil in the Dunes Side Quests
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Ceramicist Vaze

Ceramicist Vaze is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in Etaern,…

"Goo-Goo for Goo" iconGoo-Goo for Goo Side Quests
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Cerulia was Daelophos’s one true love. He protected her at the…

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Cerulia Performer

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, these performers are…

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Chatty Hiryano

Chatty Hiryano is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

"Menaces by the Manor" iconMenaces by the Manor Side Quests
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Cheerful Heath

Cheerful Heath is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in Tianeea,…

"Feelings Bottled Up 4" iconFeelings Bottled Up 4 Side Quests
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Chief Koche

Encountered in Longren, the Vale of Wind during Chapter 1 of…

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Christine is the youngest of the Merchant Sisters. She loves…

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Clever Youth Paeil

Clever Youth Paeil is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

"Lapis Ex Machina" iconLapis Ex Machina Side Quests
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Considerate Kanlow

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Considerate Kanlow is…

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Craftsman Dwioh

Craftsman Dwioh is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in Gudju,…

"The Desert Son" iconThe Desert Son Side Quests
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Cyrus the Gossip

Cyrus the Gossip is a quest-giving NPC found in Illystana, Capital…

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Long ago, a hero champion was chosen by the Goddess and gifted…

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Daelophos Performer

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, these performers are…

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Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Danam is not directly…

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Darni's Daughter, Fiona

Originally known as Traveler Fiona, this character gets a new…

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Deideel, Loyal Customer

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Deideel is not directly…

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Deliveryman Seida

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Seida is not directly…

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Demure Messetina

Demure Messetina is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

"Feelings Bottled Up 5" iconFeelings Bottled Up 5 Side Quests
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Deputy Curator

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, the Deputy Curator is…

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Desert Warden Keet

Desert Warden Keet is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

"Desert Defenses" iconDesert Defenses Side Quests
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Designer Tigo

Designer Tigo is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

"Dyeing Wishes" iconDyeing Wishes Side Quests
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Desperate Flotant

Desperate Flotant is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

"Object of the Herb" iconObject of the Herb Side Quests
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Donoban the Artisan

Donoban the Artisan is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

"Safety First" iconSafety First Side Quests
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Dreamy-Eyed Rumi

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Rumi is not directly…

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Dressmaker Moniqua

Dressmaker Moniqua is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

"A Beespoke Outfit" iconA Beespoke Outfit Side Quests
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Dryad, the elemental of wood, looks like a young sapling. She…

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Owner of the various Grizzly Exchange shops found throughout…

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Elegant Cerejera

Elegant Cerejera is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

"Love Quest" iconLove Quest Side Quests
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Eloquent Muguet

Encountered several times during Love Quest in the Pritta Ridge…

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Emporium Regular

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, the emporium’s regulars…

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Emporium Worker

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, the emporium’s workers…

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Enigmatic Traveler Marin

Enigmatic Traveler Marin is a quest-giving NPC that can be found…

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Eoren, a member of the Gaian tribe, has been traveling the world…

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Etaern Parishioner

Encountered during a flashback while visiting Etaern, the Moonlit…

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Ex-Soul Guard Fiugo

Fiugo was Val and Lyza’s mentor. He intended to retire after…

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Experienced Courier Layan

Appears briefly during the No Rest For the Wicked quest in Niccolo’s…

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Expert Wind Dyer Hodzuki

Expert Wind Dyer Hodzuki is a quest-giving NPC that can be found…

"Adeptus Rabite" iconAdeptus Rabite Side Quests
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A small, but wise emissary of the Goddess of Mana. Faerie descends…

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Faerie Performer

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, the faerie’s performer…

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Farmgirl Mendelle

Farmgirl Mendelle is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

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Introduced after obtaining the Flammie Drum in chapter 6.

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Fleyr the Foodie

Fleyr the Foodie is a quest-giving NPC found in the Ledgas Bay…

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Footloose Fu Ji

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Fu Ji is not directly…

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Fortune Teller Senth

Fortune Teller Senth is a quest-giving NPC that can be found…

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Francine is the middlest of the Merchant Sisters. She is quick-witted…

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Fruit Farmer Kyuree

Fruit Farmer Kyuree is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

"Grandpa's Treasure" iconGrandpa's Treasure Side Quests
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Fruit Farmer Marna

Fruit Farmer Marna is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

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Gabby Scribe Joo-ah

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this scribe is not directly…

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Gaian Scribe Higgly

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this scribe is not directly…

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Gaidam the Spry

Gaidam the Spry is a quest-giving NPC found in Illystana, Capital…

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Gardener Aedoni

Encountered in the north-west corner of Illystana, Capital of…

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Gardener Beirke

Gardener Beirke is a quest-giving NPC found in the Ledgas Bay…

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Gastronomist Nostimo

Gastronomist Nostimo is a quest-giving NPC that can be found…

"Mushroom Mania" iconMushroom Mania Side Quests
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Gear Shopkeep

Several characters with this name are found running armor shops…

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Gem Appraiser Gerome

Found near the docks of Illystana, Capital of the Deep as part…

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Gentle Fuuka

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Fuuka is not directly…

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Gnome, the elemental of earth, is the most humanoid of the elemental…

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Gourmand Toki

Gourmand Toki is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in Longren,…

"Fungus Finger Fun" iconFungus Finger Fun Side Quests
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Gudju Villager

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, these villagers from…

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Hawker Huey

Hawker Huey is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the middle…

"No Place Like Home" iconNo Place Like Home Side Quests
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Hinna is Val’s childhood friend and the new Alm of Fire. She’s…

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Hinna's Father

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, the father of Hinna…

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Hinna's Mother

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, the mother of Hinna…

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Historian Fuyeu

Historian Fuyeu is a quest-giving NPC found in Illystana, Capital…

"Nemesis Takedown" iconNemesis Takedown Side Quests
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Historian Naaz

Historian Naaz is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

"No Taste Like Home" iconNo Taste Like Home Side Quests
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Hospitable Baretta

Hospitable Baretta is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

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Iain is Palamena’s younger brother and next in line for the throne…

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Illystana Guard

Encountered when attempting to enter the Palace in Illystana,…

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Illystana Official Doreyn

Encountered when visiting Ledgas Bay for the first time in Chapter…

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Illystana Official Ehcol

Encountered when visiting Ledgas Bay for the first time in Chapter…

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Illystana Official Lysee

Encountered when visiting Ledgas Bay for the first time in Chapter…

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Illystana Officials

A group of officials from Illystana, Capital of the Deep (Lysee,…

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Inn Proprietor

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, inn proprietors are…

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Like many characters in Visions of Mana, innkeeps are not directly…

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Insecure Lilytea

Encountered during the Tails with Tales to Tell quest, and saved…

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Item Shopkeep

Several characters with this name are found running item shops…

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Jeweler Aleiz

Jeweler Aleiz is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

"Draconic Dealings" iconDraconic Dealings Side Quests
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Julei is a young sproutling from Verdeus Borough, a small settlement…

"Popo-B-Gone" iconPopo-B-Gone Side Quests
"Remembering Hinna" iconRemembering Hinna Side Quests
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Khoda is the Guardian of the Sanctuary. With help from the elementals,…

"Vicarious Tourism" iconVicarious Tourism Side Quests
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Kindhearted Cheeka

Met briefly during the Words from the Heart quest on the southern…

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Kindhearted Maik

Kindhearted Maik is a quest-giving NPC found in Illystana, Capital…

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Lady Froide

Lady Froide is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the Radiant…

"Save Me Hide!" iconSave Me Hide! Side Quests
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Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this leaflet is not…

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Li'l Cactus

Found in almost every area of the game, including: Tianeea,…

A humble little cactus making his way across the lands, jotting…

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Librarian Floi

Librarian Floi is a quest-giving NPC found in the Log’grattzo…

"Hooked on Books" iconHooked on Books Side Quests
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Lighthouse Attendant Niel

Encountered in Pritta Ridge during the Tending to the Attendants…

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Lighthouse Attendant Warver

Lighthouse Attendant Warver is a quest-giving NPC that can be…

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Lively Suzu

Encountered during the main story while on the way to Longren,…

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Lively Yinaza

Encountered during the main story while on the way to Longren,…

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Lumina, the elemental of light, resembles a wispy, glowing ball.…

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Luna, the elemental of the moon, has been missing from Etaern…

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Lyza was originally a soul guard from Tianeea. Drawn to her kindheartedness,…

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Madame Tullah

Encountered during the Fallen by the Quayside quest in the Ledgas…

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Madeline is the eldest of the Merchant Sisters. She’s an easy-going…

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Morley’s mother and widow of a blade for hire, Mariyah had to…

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Mayor Cuesta

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Mayor Cuesta is not…

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Meelpa is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the southern…

A former master swordsman and Morley’s teacher, Meelpa now lives…

"Meelpa's Methodology" iconMeelpa's Methodology Side Quests
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Mild-Mannered Marko

Mild-Mannered Marko is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

"Scales of the Problem" iconScales of the Problem Side Quests
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Model Martha

Model Martha is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the Radiant…

"Waifs and Strays" iconWaifs and Strays Side Quests
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A feline swordsman from Etaern, the Moonlit Parish, Morley lived…

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Newly Employed Kathor

Appears briefly during the No Rest For the Wicked quest in Niccolo’s…

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Niccolo is the most famous of merchants in Illystana and the…

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Niccolo's Ward

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this ward of Niccolo’s…

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Nikoko the Town Beauty

Nikoko the Beauty is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

"Lost and Found" iconLost and Found Side Quests
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Novice Scribe Risha

Novice Scribe Risha is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

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Like many characters in Visions of Mana, the oracles-in-training…

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Oracle-in-Training Nagi

Encountered in Longren, the Vale of Wind during Chapter 1 of…

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Oracle-in-Training Rengei

One of many characters you’ll need to speak to during the Tails…

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Organizer Limoney

Organizer Limoney is a quest-giving NPC found in the Ledgas Bay…

"Feelings Bottled Up 1" iconFeelings Bottled Up 1 Side Quests
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Paem is the name given to the chivalrous thief who’s been spotted…

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Painter Idir

Sometimes known as Passionate Idir, this character gets a new…

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Queen Palamena is the monarch of Illystana, the homeland of the…

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Panicking Keshi

Panicking Keshi is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in Longren,…

"Words from the Heart" iconWords from the Heart Side Quests
"Words on the Wind" iconWords on the Wind Side Quests
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Parish Leader

Encountered during a flashback while visiting Etaern, the Moonlit…

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Passar is a well-known magistrate in the Capital of the Deep.…

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Passionate Idir

Passionate Idir is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

"Color Me Famous" iconColor Me Famous Side Quests
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Patroller Biya

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this patroller is not…

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Patroller Bluze

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this patroller is not…

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Patroller Furde

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this patroller is not…

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Patroller Jaun

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this patroller is not…

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Patroller Merlee

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this patroller is not…

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Patroller Nassh

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this patroller is not…

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Patroller Otto

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this patroller is not…

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Patroller Swald

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this patroller is not…

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Patroller Vrago

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this patroller is not…

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Patroller Yan

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this patroller is not…

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Perfumery Proprietor Glicina

Encountered during the Popo-B-Gone quest in Ledgas Bay.

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Phantom Parishioner

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this parishioner is…

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Picky Folush

Encountered in Ledgas Bay as the focus of the Crabbing a Bite…

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These furry creatures are large enough to ride and fast enough…

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These furry creatures are large enough to ride and fast enough…

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Playful Murth

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Murth is not directly…

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Playhouse Usher

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this usher is not directly…

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Poised Liegard

Poised Liegard is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

"Memory of a Fish" iconMemory of a Fish Side Quests
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Potter Marsello

Encountered in Tianeea, the Fire Village during the Remembering…

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Praying Souka

Praying Souka is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

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Primm Captain

Encountered while aboard The Primm in Chapter 1.

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Primm Mariner

Encountered while aboard The Primm in Chapter 1.

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Primm Passenger

Encountered while aboard The Primm in Chapter 1.

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Primm Receptionist

Encountered while visiting Rhata Harbor in Chapter 1.

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Quartz Scribe

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this scribe is not directly…

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Quillmaker Matheo

Quillmaker Matheo is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

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Qula the Refined Witch

Qula the Refined Witch is a quest-giving NPC that can be found…

"Queen Bee" iconQueen Bee Side Quests
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Ramcoh is a sacred beast cub from the Wind Sanctum, hallowed…

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Revolutionary King Gahul

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Gahul is not directly…

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Rhata Mayor

Encountered while visiting Rhata Harbor and looking for Passar’s…

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Rhata Resident

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this resident of Rhata…

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Roaming Zeelo

Roaming Zeelo is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

"Heading for a Fall" iconHeading for a Fall Side Quests
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Encountered while visiting Rhata Harbor in Chapter 1. Acts as…

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Salamando, the elemental of fire, makes his home in Dorpher Volcano.…

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Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Sarcohs is not directly…

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Saw Scribe

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this scribe is not directly…

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Scholar Mondolay

Scholar Mondolay is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

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Scholar Rhigo

Scholar Rhigo is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

"Temple Trespassers" iconTemple Trespassers Side Quests
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Scoop Scribe

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this scribe is not directly…

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Scrivener Kiuna

Scrivener Kiuna is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

"Feelings Bottled Up 3" iconFeelings Bottled Up 3 Side Quests
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Sea-Loving Fohr

Sea-Loving Fohr is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

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Seamstress Miyabi

Seamstress Miyabi is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

"Death's Portent" iconDeath's Portent Side Quests
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Shade, the elemental of darkness, lives in the Log’grattzo Dark…

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Shepherd Bastor

Shepherd Bastor is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in Tianeea,…

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Shipwright Fahler

Shipwright Fahler is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

"Twisted Tales" iconTwisted Tales Side Quests
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Shiriu is a young member of the dragonfolk tribe and resident…

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Shop Owner

Running stalls in the marketplace of Illystana, Capital of the…

Item icon

Encountered while visiting Rhata Harbor in Chapter 1. Acts as…

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Sky-Gazing Vissen

Sky-Gazing Vissen is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

"Walking on Thick Ice" iconWalking on Thick Ice Side Quests
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Sleeping Sproutling

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this sproutling is not…

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Sleepless Hoppee

Sleepless Hoppee is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in Gudju,…

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Soul Guard

For every pilgrimage, there is a soul guard protector chosen…

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Spinner Suvaru

Spinner Suvaru is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in Longren,…

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Spirited Rino

Appears briefly in Niccolo’s Emporium during Niccolo’s Last Request.…

Item icon

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, stagehands are not directly…

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Steadfast Amarr

Steadfast Amarr is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in Tianeea,…

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Supply Seller Morae

Supply Seller Morae is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

"Featherly Duties" iconFeatherly Duties Side Quests
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Sweetshop Heir Elley

Encountered in Tianeea, the Fire Village during the Remembering…

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Swordmaster Chathis

Swordmaster Chathis is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

"Calm before the Storm" iconCalm before the Storm Side Quests
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Sylphid, the elemental of wind, lives high atop Mt. Gala. Every…

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Syth the Faithful

Syth the Faithful is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in…

"Evil Begone!" iconEvil Begone! Side Quests
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Taciturn Scholar Norrhis

Taciturn Scholar Norrhis is a quest-giving NPC that can be found…

"An Eye for Trouble" iconAn Eye for Trouble Side Quests
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Tailor Yotsuba

Tailor Yotsuba is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in Longren,…

"Meat and No Veg" iconMeat and No Veg Side Quests
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Terratio Thespian

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this thespians of the…

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The Mana Goddess

Creator of the realms, the Goddess of Mana resides in the sanctuary…

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The Merchant Sisters

These three beastfolk siblings travel the world in search of…

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Thespian Ruka

Thespian Ruka is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

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Thieves' Boss Rino

Appears briefly in Niccolo’s Emporium during The Purrpetrator…

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Tianeea Villager

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, these villagers are…

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Timid Zoen

Timid Zoen is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in Tianeea,…

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Toolsman Anthon

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Anthon is not directly…

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Trader Graddey

Trader Graddey is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

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Trader Haldam

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Haldam is not directly…

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Trainee Windmill Maker Arashee

Briefly encountered during Windmill Maker Oroshi’s quests.

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Trainee Windmill Maker Shigurei

Briefly encountered during Windmill Maker Oroshi’s quests.

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Traveler Fiona

Traveler Fiona is a quest-giving NPC that appears in multiple…

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Traveling Carpenter Antonee

Traveling Carpenter Antonee is a quest-giving NPC that can be…

"A Cascade of Critters" iconA Cascade of Critters Side Quests
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Traveling Merchant Cymon

Traveling Merchant Cymon is a quest-giving NPC that can be found…

"Hobgoblin Holdup" iconHobgoblin Holdup Side Quests
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Trent is the wisest of the ancient trees. He once lived in the…

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Tsaata Dancer

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, dancers in the Free…

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Tsaata Dweller Ayisha

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Ayisha is not directly…

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Tsaata Dweller Glyff

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Glyff is not directly…

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Tsaata Songstress

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, this songstress is not…

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Undine, the elemental of water, lives in the Luka Ruins. She…

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Vadise is the legendary White Dragon Princess. She is also the…

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Val is a young man from Tianeea, the Fire Village. He receives…

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Val & Hinna

A pair of protagonists, hailing from Tianeea, the Fire Village.…

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Val's Father

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Val’s father is not…

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Val's Mother

Like many characters in Visions of Mana, Val’s mother is not…

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Village Doctor Adelita

Encountered in Tianeea, the Fire Village during the Remembering…

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Von Boyage

A self-proclaimed genius inventor who spends his time in the…

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Voyager Berzer

Voyager Berzer is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

"Rubinus Ex Machina" iconRubinus Ex Machina Side Quests
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Vuscarina is a sacred beast of the sea, just like Vuscav. Long…

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Vuscav, a huge turtle creature, is known as the legendary sacred…

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Warehouse Manager Gaddy

Appears briefly during the No Rest For the Wicked quest in Niccolo’s…

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Watchful Neytha

Watchful Neytha is a quest-giving NPC found in Illystana, Capital…

"Get Outta the Way!" iconGet Outta the Way! Side Quests
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Watts is the last remaining Gaian that still lives in Gudju.…

"Gudju Came Back" iconGudju Came Back Side Quests
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Weapons Shopkeep

Several characters with this name are found running weapon shops…

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Weaver Droaht

Weaver Droaht is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in the…

"Threadbare Silk" iconThreadbare Silk Side Quests
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Windmill Maker Oroshi

Windmill Maker Oroshi is a quest-giving NPC that can be found…

"Find and Replace" iconFind and Replace Side Quests
"Grist to the Mill" iconGrist to the Mill Side Quests
"Thanks a Mill" iconThanks a Mill Side Quests
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Worried Mother Rayan

Worried Mother Rayan is a quest-giving NPC that can be found…

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Worrywart Treen

Worrywart Treen is a quest-giving NPC that can be found in Gudju,…

"Woes of a Worrywart" iconWoes of a Worrywart Side Quests
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