Find and Replace Side Quests
Request Notes (Start)
Oroshi, an elderly windmill maker from Longren, has been waiting for a favorable wind as a sign that his apprentices are ready to take over his work. The two apprentices are in Aery Passage, waiting for Oroshi to arrive so they can carry out some repairs together on a couple of windmills. Go find the apprentices in Oroshi’s stead and deliver the replacement parts they need to fix the windmills.
Request Notes (End)
The windmill maker’s apprentices replaced the windmill parts without the direct guidance of their master, Oroshi. Upon hearing this news, the old windmill maker realized that he may now retire, safe in the knowledge that his apprentices are more than qualified enough to continue his good work.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Trynia Continent
Given by Windmill Maker Oroshi, an NPC standing near the windmill here.
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