A Purrsistent Purroblem Side Quests
Request Notes (Start)
Niccolo is facing yet another issue involving a delivery. He reveals that a band of
Quilted Hoods has stolen some of his shipment, leaving him without enough stock to fulfill his order. Make your way over to
Ahrvet’s Pasture or the
Khaswia Moors, defeat some
Bumpkins there, and collect their bomb powder.
Request Notes (End)
Niccolo was overjoyed to see you return safely with the bomb powder. Despite your efforts to politely refuse, a reward came to you, nonetheless.
Palamena and
Morley mentioned that Niccolo always gets like this—that’s when you learned he operates on a strict “I brush your fur, you brush mine” philosophy.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Manadore Continent
X: 8190 Y: 8453
Given by Niccolo inside
Niccolo’s Emporium after completing
Niccolo’s Purrplexing Purroblem
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