Never Judge a Goblin by Its Cover Side Quests
Request Notes (Start)
Amarr tells of a tale from his childhood that tells of a soul guard who befriended some monsters. Ever since he read that book, it has been his dream make friends with a monster. He claims to have found some approachable Goblins on
Charred Passage, and rushes to go meet them… Hopefully nothing goes awry before you can catch him up.
Request Notes (End)
You saved Amarr from the Goblins in the nick of time. Though he thanked you for getting him out of that sticky situation, he didn’t seem to have given up on his dream to befriend a monster. If he succeeds, he’ll fulfill a lifelong dream, but chances are his next attempt won’t end well either…
Interactive Map Locations

1. Trynia Continent
X: 4376 Y: 11162
Given by Steadfast Amarr, an NPC standing near the path that leads by the gear shop.
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