The Masterplan Side Quests
Request Notes (Start)
Kevi, an ambitious young man, told you of a possible groundwater reserve somewhere in the Zawhak Desert. The location, according to his research, is right below a nest of
Grumpkins. Defeat the monstrous fruits so that their explosions reveal the underground lake and create an oasis.
Request Notes (End)
The Grumpkins’ explosions weren’t enough to blast through to the underground lake, and Kevi’s plan was a bust. Though the young man’s dream of making an oasis had hit a snag, the way he laughed it off suggested he wasn’t about to give up. Something about his go-getter attitude let you know that his dream would become a reality someday.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Jutu'ona Continent
X: 8616 Y: 6414
Given by Ambitious Kevi, an NPC standing opposite the elementite.
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