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This is it, you’re encounter with Wheatley, your new arch-nemesis. We’ll break each stage to the fight down into a screenshot and then a video of the whole fight in action should you need the extra help.

Stand behind the white Conversion Gel pipe as soon as Wheatley starts blabbering away. He’ll soon throw some mines at you, which will shatter the pipe, coating the floor in Conversion Gel.

Place a portal on the white wall up and to the right of Wheatley and then another one not too far in front of him. The trick is to stand just behind the portal on the floor, so when he chucks his mines at you, you can simply step back and watch as they come back and hit him on the head!

You now need to step through the portal (so you’re now on the upper ledge behind him) and go across to GLaDOS and pick up the corrupted core. Use the blue Repulsion Gel to the left of Wheatley to bounce up and place the corrupted core directly on him.

Leave the portal that’s on the floor where it is and place the other portal directly under Wheatley now. Once again stand near the closest portal and Wheatley will throw the mines into the portal and this time you’ll hit him from below.

Get a portal on the wall back up behind Wheatley (same one as before) and then walk to the end of the - now broken - walkway. Drop down and bounce up to catch the second corrupted core. The socket to place this core is on the right side of Wheatley, so use the blue gel in the middle of the room to reach him.

Don’t move the portals at all for this round, simply stand behind the portal on the ground and move back slightly as the mines are thrown your way. Wheatley will expose his back again, allowing you to damage him with ease.

Instead of going back up on the walkway, turn to your left and look for the wall covered in white Conversion Gel. Set a portal here and then another one down on the ground just to the left of it. Once the orange Propulsion Gel coats the ground, run through the portals and grab the final corrupted core at the peak of your jump.

Once again use the central puddle of blue gel to bounce up to Wheatley and attach the final corrupted core to him. Once the rain ensues, wait for most of it to clear up and lay a portal on the patch of white gel still present. Now make your way to the stalemate button for a nasty surprise.

Your view will lock onto the ceiling and you’ll notice the moon appear up above you. This is your cue to fire your portal gun at the moon, triggering the end sequence! Congratulations on finishing Portal 2’s campaign! But there’s still co-op, Achievements/Trophies and the Easter Eggs to find before you’re truly finished…

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Valve Corporation
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, XB 360
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 June 2011
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author

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Welcome back to Aperture Science, a world where your Companion Cube isn’t you’re only company. Take control of Chell once again in Valve’s sequel which takes you on an humorous and puzzling adventure and in our detail-packed guide we’ll show you:

  • How to solve every test chamber first time.
  • Conquer every co-op chamber with a friend.
  • Loads of High Definition screenshots and videos showing you the solutions to every single chamber.
  • High Definition strategy videos for every achievement in the game.
  • Uncover all of the hidden secrets and Easter eggs.

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