After jumping over the hidden turrets beam, position your first portal on the wall directly facing the three turrets on the right-hand side. Now stand on the red button and set the second portal directly under the laser beam.
This’ll cause the beam to travel directly into the path of the three turrets directly ahead (causing them to explode in a fiery ball of mechanical death). Once they’re all gone, run over to the Companion Cube and let go of it on the red button. Now run back to the Displacement Cube (by jumping over the laser beam).
Pick up the Displacement Cube and aim it so you’re directing the beam at each and every turret on the other side of the glass, ensuring they all explode.
As soon as the turrets have been taken care of, set the cube down so the beam is hitting the switch, opening up the panel to your right, leaving you free to reach the exit.
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