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Player 1: You need to act quick here, but as soon as the door opens, immediately dash to the red button on your right and press it. This’ll drop blue repulsion gel on top of the turret, killing it (back up as you might be killed by its bullets).

Player 2: As soon as the turret is taken care of, use the blue gel to bounce across to other side of the room and set a portal on the angled wall panel and directly underneath the propulsion gel dispenser.

Player 1: You need to place a portal on the slanted wall panel outside (opposite the force field) and then on the wall panel located directly above the entrance (ideally about halfway up). Press the red button and the propulsion gel should sail through all four portals and coat the ground in front of you. Get player 2 to join you back outside and the both of you just need to run over the gel and press jump as you hit the blue gel to soar all the way over the chasm to the walkway at the other side. Once you reach the other side, pass through the force field and take a left immediately. Look directly down at the end of the walkway and fire a portal at the cunningly hidden wall panel down here.

Player 1: Step through your friends portal and walk down the stairs a little bit. Now peer over the railings to your left and below you is another wall panel you can shoot. Set your second portal here and make your way back to the edge of the walkway. Both Players: If you both step off the walkway and into the portal below, you’ll zip across the gap and towards the second - and toughest - part of this final test chamber.

Part 2

Player 1: Take the right-hand route first and use your portals to get across the gap to the other side. Once you step through the force field, head straight for the red switch and set a portal under the gel dispenser and then turn to your right and look for the panel on the wall near the force field. Set your second portal up here and press the switch to get some gel right into the corner of the room.

Player 2: Set a portal on the far left-hand corner wall and then one under the gel dispenser and press the button, this will create a nice speed runway for you to run up. Set a portal in the chequered floor tiles and at the far end of the ‘runway’ and dash through. As you reach the peak of your ascent, fire a portal at the wall in the distance in front of you. This’ll allow both of you to reach the upper level easily. But for now, just drop back down to the lower floor and stand by the red button.

Player 1: Make your way through your friends portals and when you’re on the upper level, peek over the ledge to the ground below and set a portal under the dispenser and then look up and to your left for a wall panel directly opposite the red switch you’re right beside. Set the exit portal here, press the red button near you and ask player 2 to press their button to release the gel. This will coat the crate you released in propulsion gel, allowing it to slide right to you!

Just before you pick it up, look across the gap ahead and on the right-hand wall there’s a couple of panels you can shoot, set a portal here and then on the wall behind you, pick up the slimy crate and carry it through. On the other side you should notice an orange arrow pointing forwards, if you look through the gap, you’ll notice a portion of wall in the distance you can shoot. Set a portal here, pick up the crate and carry it through. Now stand at the top of the hill where the laser beams are, but DO NOT let the crate go yet!

Player 2: Upon entering the next area, look to your right and set a portal on the ground by the excursion funnel. Then on the vertical square panel directly above the entrance and position yourself on the red square switch on the floor (this switch rotates a panel on the other side of the force field, so don’t move)!

Player 1: Look at the ceiling and get a portal on the panel up here, now place your next one under the repulsion gel dispenser and press the red button to release the gel. The excursion funnel will catch the gel and carry it through the force field. Step through the force field and quickly shoot the rotated wall panel where the funnel is hitting and then set an exit portal on the panel in the upper right-hand corner. Wait for the gel to be directly above the multiple turrets before stepping back through the force field to cut the funnel, dropping the gel on the turrets, killing them all! With those troublesome turrets out of the way, use the gel-coated walls to bounce across the chasm. Once you’re on the other side ask player 2 to join you and both of you should bounce up to where the turrets where previously residing. Your task is to shoot a portal on the floor area that’s not covered in blue gel as well as reapply a portal on the wall panel directly above.

Player 2: Your task is to stand on the red switch and reset a portal on the excursion funnel and then on the rotated wall panel just up above you on the wall. This’ll create a funnel that stretches across your head.

Both Players: Run down the propulsion gel, bounce off the repulsion gel and you’ll land by the large vault door. BOTH of you must perform any gesture in front of the camera to finish the co-op course and trigger the end sequence! Congratulations!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Valve Corporation
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, XB 360
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 June 2011
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author

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Welcome back to Aperture Science, a world where your Companion Cube isn’t you’re only company. Take control of Chell once again in Valve’s sequel which takes you on an humorous and puzzling adventure and in our detail-packed guide we’ll show you:

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  • Conquer every co-op chamber with a friend.
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