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Upon entering the Test Chamber, immediately fire a portal up at the top-left corner of the room (where the single wall panel is) and then another portal under the gel dispenser unit just to the right (on the floor).

Step through and you’ll land in front of the familiar red plunger, so before hitting it look for the wall panel that’s facing the ramp on the left. Place your exit portal here, hit the button and watch as the orange Propulsion Gel coats the floor and the ramp.

The Propulsion Gel will significantly enhance your velocity up as you run over it, so stand by the portal on the ground floor and then run up the ramp ahead at speed. Once you’ve crossed the chasm, turn right around and zoom in to the top right-hand corner of the room.

Fire a portal at the panel you used to reach the button before and then walk back into the corridor you’re in and on the left is another shoot-able wall. Place your entrance portal here and step on through.

Note the colour of the portal directly above your head and place that directly under the Propulsion Gel dispenser again. Press the button and you’ll coat the corridor off in the distance. Drop back down onto the orange gel on the floor and run back up the ramp and into the corridor.

Run over the gel here and you’ll find you have enough speed to make it across the bottomless pit below you.

On your left is a Wooden Test Crate, so fire through the circular hole and then turn right around and put another portal here. Pick up the Cube and bring it into the hallway. Now drop the Cube and look back across the bottomless pit. Zoom in and place a portal on the wall up here.

Pick the Cube back up and then step through the portal so you’re once again standing on the orange gel. Look back into the main room and you’ll want to place an exit portal on the wall near the red square switch on the floor (on the left side of the room).

Drop the Cube on the red switch and it’ll raise the ramp up the required height for reaching the upper floor. Fire a portal on the wall panel that you used to get the orange gel onto the ramp, step through it (so you’re in the other propulsion gel covered corridor as well) and use the distance to gain enough speed to run up the ramp and reach the top floor.

Look for the square wall panel on your left (if you look up you should spot the small red button hanging from the ceiling), so note what colour the exit portal leading to the ramp is and use the entrance portal on the panel on the floor.

Step through the portal and - slowly - walk up the raised ramp, turn right around and run through the portal straight ahead. The momentum gained should see you soar right up to the button, so quickly press it then use the floor gel to run back up the ramp and to the newly opened exit.


Trophy/Achievement Icon

Portrait of a Lady

Find a hidden portrait

Trophy icon

After exiting the chamber, you’ll enter an open walkway. Note the closed gate to your left and the white wall panel sneakily hidden from full view just up ahead of the closed gate.

Fire a portal up onto this wall and then another on the wall just up and to your right. Walk into the office and look directly at the large wall portrait for a few seconds to get the ‘Portrait of a Lady’ Achievement/Trophy.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Valve Corporation
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, XB 360
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 June 2011
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author

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Welcome back to Aperture Science, a world where your Companion Cube isn’t you’re only company. Take control of Chell once again in Valve’s sequel which takes you on an humorous and puzzling adventure and in our detail-packed guide we’ll show you:

  • How to solve every test chamber first time.
  • Conquer every co-op chamber with a friend.
  • Loads of High Definition screenshots and videos showing you the solutions to every single chamber.
  • High Definition strategy videos for every achievement in the game.
  • Uncover all of the hidden secrets and Easter eggs.

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