Fire off a portal at the nearest wall and you’ll fall into the test chamber properly. The first thing to do is to run over to the platform ledge straight ahead.
Aim right down at the light coloured wall below you and fire off your portal. Now drop right down into it and the momentum will fling you over to the exit.
There’s a Companion Cube waiting for you in a clear room to your left, so aim through the hole in the roof and it’ll fall through to the other side of the room. Drop the Cube down on the red button and head through both sets of doors to the second half of this chamber.
As soon as you enter the next part of the test, immediately turn to your left and fire off a portal on the slanted wall here, now walk over to the ledge to your right.
From here you should spot the orange portal already open for you, so drop down into it and you’ll be flung across the chamber (where the Companion Cube is residing).
Now look up to the top-left corner of the chamber from here and put the blue portal up here, pick the Cube back up and fall through the orange portal below you again.
You’ll find yourself hitting a wall at the back of the chamber, so turn around and drop the Cube on the large red button on the floor (behind the broken glass panel to your left).
Take a look back up in the upper left-hand corner of the room (where your last portal resides) and place your next blue portal three panels along to the right.
For the final time, drop into the orange portal below you and you’ll now land in front of the doorway leading to the exit.
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