As No Man’s Sky continues to evolve, so does the onboarded Hello Games carry out for new players. Since we first played at launch the method of repairing your spacecraft to get off the planet has changed quite dramatically.
Unfortunately, the internet is awash with outdated information that is no good to anybody in this day and age. If you are struggling to locate the Hermetic Seal in order to lift off for the first time, then this is the most up-to-date information on the planet.
How to find the Hermetic Seal in No Man’s Sky in 2023¶
Previously to get the Hermetic Seal you needed to construct a Signal Booster but thankfully that is no longer the case. We simply need the Planetary Chart that you can get from the machine close to the spaceship.
It’s worth noting here that each Planetary Chart can only be used once, so if you use it and just click through the screens without paying attention (like I did), the next stage can be a bit more confusing than it needs to be.
Using the Planetary Chart will give you a marker to an abandoned Holo Library which you will need to get to.
Before you set out, scan the vicinity and collect any Sodium and Oxygen from any of the plants you find.
Depending on how long this has taken you may find an incoming radiation storm that will cause you major damage if you are out in it, so either sit in the spacecraft until it has passed or try and get to the Holo Library before it hits. There are some caves on the way you can use as a shelter in a pinch.
(1 of 3) Follow the marker until you get to the abandoned Holo Library.
Once you reach the abandoned Holo Library (you will recognize it as two similar buildings) - head into the one on the right. Have a look around and interact with the object at the far end before locating the Holo Archive terminal on the left-hand wall.
Interact with it and after a little chat it will spit out the Hermetic Seal, along with the crafting recipe so you can make them again. Now it’s time to head back to your ship and fix her up.
How to fix your spaceship with the Hermetic Seal¶
Now it’s time to high-tail it back to your ship and patch it up. You will have already made the metal plating so the only thing left to do is to apply the Hermetic Seal.
There should be no more storms en route back, so as long as you watch out not to annoy any animals on the way you should get home safely.
(1 of 3) Hop back into your star ship once you have got the Hermetic Seal
Jump into the cockpit and bring up your inventory. Select your Pulse Engine and you will be taken to a screen where you can repair it with your freshly found Hermetic Seal.
And that’s it. Something that many people find difficult to find, solved. When Hello Games inevitably change this method again, we shall of course be here to update it promptly, but for now, you are in good hands.
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