Icon | Title/Description | Category | Subcategory |
Icon | Title | Description | Text | Skill | Skill XP | Skill Level Required | Image | Image 2 | Base Ingredient | Ingredients | Produces | Weight | Price | Spawn ID | Base Recipe XP | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ius regale montanorum II | An abridged copy of the Royal Mining Law on Courts. |
Ius regale montanorum II On the Mining CourtsIn the name of God… |
2.0 |
150.0 |
wh_cheat_additem ius_regale_montanorum_II_kcd2 |
The Kingdom of Bohemia | A brief history of the Kingdom of Bohemia. |
The Kingdom of Bohemia As far back as the memories recorded in… |
1.0 |
135.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_kingdomOfBohemia |
Seneschal Ambrose's decree | An appointment decree of Knight Ambrose to the honourable role… |
Nos hic sumus, omnibus bonis in Christo fratribus, collegium… |
0.1 |
5.0 |
wh_cheat_additem poustevnik_edictOrderAmbroz |
Kuttenberg oath book | One of the copies of the oath book from the Kuttenberg town hall.… |
Book of OathsVolume III This is the third volume of the oaths… |
0.4 |
24.0 |
wh_cheat_additem kuttenbergLoreBook_knihaPrisezna |
Monastic Rule of Saint Benedict I | On monastic obedience and the monastic abbot. |
Monastic Rule of Saint Benedict Silence Let us act in accordance… |
1.0 |
110.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_monasticRuleOfSaintBenedict |
On the Adamites or Naked Worshippers | About the Adamite sect and their unpleasant end. |
On the Adamitesor Naked Worshippers In the year of our Lord 1259… |
1.0 |
105.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onAdamites |
On Saint Wilgefortis | On Saint Wilgefortis or Starosta. |
About Saint Wilgefortisor the Starosta Wilgefortis, or in the… |
1.0 |
130.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onWilgefortis |
On the Cumans | A book on the Cumans. |
On the Cumans The Cumans, or the Polovtsi, or the Kipchaks, are… |
1.0 |
145.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onCumans |
Rosa's manuscript | A book of short stories secretly written in Lady Rosa’s hand.… |
Wedding ToastUnfortunately, I don’t know the bride, so I can’t… |
0.0 |
42.0 |
wh_cheat_additem rozinaKniha_eloquentDame |
Innkeeper Havel's ledgers | Records of movements, purchases and sales of goods at The Emperor… |
May 27thFifteen measures of flour in sacks taken to the warehouse… |
0.0 |
25.0 |
wh_cheat_additem klasterniTajemstvi_havelAccounts |
How Good Mead is Brewed | How Good Mead is Brewed in home conditions |
How Good Mead is Brewedeven in home conditions You will need… |
1.0 |
110.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_meadBrewing |
Effects of Grasses and Herbs | Various ailments and their herbal treatment. |
Healing Effectsof Our Grasses and Herbs HemlockI have tried to… |
1.0 |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem vezniNaTroskach_scribeBook2 |
The Tale of Melusine II | The second part of the Luxembourg legend of the fairy Melusine.… |
The Tale of MelusinePart Two Knight Raymondin and Melusine lived… |
1.0 |
125.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onMelusine2 |
The Czech Campaign to Lombardy II | The second part of the glorious deeds that the Czech wariors… |
On the Campaign to Lombardy The King of Bohemia Vladislav killed… |
1.0 |
150.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onLombardyCampaign2 |
A book of humourous anecdotes. | Gold decorated book in red leather. Rosa Ruthard asked me to… |
Book of Anecdotesslightly humorous Wedding toastUnfortunately,… |
0.0 |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem zachranaPtacka_rozasBook |
Monastic Rule of Saint Benedict II | On Monastic Obedience and the Monastry Abbot. |
Monastic Rule of Saint Benedict Obedience The first degree of… |
1.0 |
135.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_monasticRuleOfSaintBenedict2 |
Kuttenberg market book | One of the copies of the market book from the Kuttenberg Town… |
Book of MarketsVolume II This is the second volume with a list… |
0.4 |
17.0 |
wh_cheat_additem kuttenbergLoreBook_knihaTrhova |
On the Prince Electors | About how the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire is elected. |
On the Prince Electors The Holy Roman Empire stretches from sea… |
1.0 |
120.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onElectors |
The Peculiar Siege of Prague | How Prague was besieged by several armies and how the siege was… |
On the Siege of Praguea peculiar one indeed In the year of our… |
1.0 |
125.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onSiegeOfPrague |
The Czech Campaign to Lombardy I | The first part of the glorious deeds that the Czech warriors… |
On the Campaign to Lombardy The mighty Emperor Frederick, known… |
1.0 |
135.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onLombardyCampaign |
Copies of the poems of Margrave Prokop | Florian’s copies of the verses of Margrave Prokop of Luxembourg… |
My good friend, perhaps a few of my verses will please you as… |
1.0 |
25.0 |
wh_cheat_additem utokNebakov_poetryProkopFlorian |
Excerpt from the Legend of Christianus | About the miracles born from the remains of St. Wenceslas. |
Legend of Christianus In the Frankish lands there lived a man… |
1.0 |
120.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_legendOfChristianus |
Canzoniere | A collection of poems by Petrarch. |
Canzonieredi Francesco Petrarca Voi ch’ ascoltate in rime sparse… |
1.0 |
200.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_canzoniere |
My dream diary | A diary of dreams of Otto von Bergow. |
Diary of Dreamsto Otto from Henry of Rosenberg March 14thI stand… |
1.0 |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem vezniNaTroskach_bergovBook1 |
Horschan mines account ledger | Copy of the account ledgerof the royal mines in Horschan. |
Potentiane virginis et martyris70 sch. 1/6 pur.Basidilis confessoris69… |
0.0 |
5.0 |
wh_cheat_additem kralovskeStribro_miningRegister |
A collection of somewhat bawdy poems | A book of titillating verses. |
Book of VersesDissolutely Leisurely My love for you is heartfelt.You… |
1.0 |
5.0 |
wh_cheat_additem vezniNaTroskach_scribeBook1 |
Fable of the Fox and the Pitcher | How the vixen found a pitcher and how resentment and anger led… |
The Fox and the PitcherA wise fable Once a fox was searching… |
1.0 |
120.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_foxAndJug |
Argonautica | The famous myth of the voyage of the hero Jason and his retinue… |
ArgonauticaApollonius Rhodius Beginning with you, Phoebe, I will… |
1.0 |
105.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loreBook_Argonautica |
On Simony | Treatise of Master Jan Hus on the Papal Simony. |
On Simonyfrom Master Jan Hus May the Pope be called a simonist… |
1.0 |
115.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onSimony |
Wenceslas IV | About King Wenceslas IV and how he reigned badly and ended even… |
Wenceslas IV He is the ruler of the Lands of Bohemia and the… |
1.0 |
100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onWenceslasIV |
The New Council by Smil Flashka of Pardubice | On the council of beasts, which advised the King how to rule… |
The New Councilby Smil Flashka of Pardubice ‘Twas in a time that’s… |
1.0 |
150.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onNewCouncil |
On Old Father Czech | How the Czechs came to their homeland. |
Forefather Czech Many centuries ere, it came to be that a Voivode… |
1.0 |
100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onOldFatherCzech |
Songs of the scoundrel's pupils | Good poems about women, love and wine by pupils of the scoundrels.… |
Carmina Buranasongs of the pupils of the scoundrels Veni, veni,… |
1.0 |
100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem utokNebakov_poetryVagabond_1 |
Plectrude | Biography of Plectrude, the wife of Pepin II the Middle, Duchess… |
Plectrude Plectrude, born a.d. 650, was the wife of Pepin II… |
1.0 |
160.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_plektruda |
Lightbringer's secret | Leather cover, stamped corners. The mysterious book that the… |
Among the qualities of a true master of fire are: The warrior’s… |
0.0 |
150.0 |
wh_cheat_additem mlynaruvUcen_book |
Travelogue of the so-called Mandeville | On the wonders of the land of India. |
IndiaAbout the beautiful land From the land of the Moors one… |
1.0 |
190.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_mandevilla |
The Tale of Melusine I | The first part of the Luxembourg legend of the fairy Melusine.… |
The Tale of MelusinePart One Knight Raymond was a good friend… |
1.0 |
120.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onMelusine |
On Libusse and Premysl | How princess Libusse found a husband and thus began the Premyslid… |
On Libusse and Premysl Krok, ruler of the Bohemian tribes, had… |
1.0 |
125.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onLibuseAndPremysl |
Mary the Jewess, Mother of Alchemy | One will become two, two will become three, and the third will… |
Mary the Jewessthe mother of alchemy Connect the masculine with… |
1.0 |
180.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_maryMotherOfAlchemy |
Ye Wicked Blacksmiths | How the wicked blacksmiths help the dishonest craft and to all… |
Ye Wicked Blacksmithsthe filthy gang Blacksmiths, let ye pay… |
1.0 |
115.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onWickedBlacksmiths |
Atalanta, maiden to men equal | About the maiden Atalanta, the huntress and favourite of the… |
Atalantamaiden to men equal King of the Boeotians, Schoineas,… |
1.0 |
145.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_atalanta |
On Saint Adalbert | On Saint Adalbert, his life and miserable death at the hands… |
On Saint Adalbertfrom Bruno of Querfurt Upon the death of Bishop… |
1.0 |
130.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onSaintAdalbert |
Breviarium Romanum | The Breviary contains psalms, prayers and stories from the lives… |
Breviarium RomanumBreviarium Ecclesiae Romanae Every Christian… |
1.0 |
180.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_breviariumRomanum |
Song of the Merry Poor | On how the poor take no heed and sing merrily to themselves.… |
Song of the Merry Poor Now has winter come,Hear you, ragged ones!Evil… |
1.0 |
110.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_songOfMerryPoor |
Breviarium Minorum | This breviary is a small but invaluable guide for daily spiritual… |
Breviarium Minorum Ordinarium. The Prayer Breviary serves every… |
1.0 |
145.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_breviariumMinor |
Picatrix | A copy of a mysterious Arabic grimoire filled with descriptions… |
PicatrixGhayat Al-Hakim In the works of Hermes, I have read much… |
0.8 |
265.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loreBook_magicalPicatrix |
The Cat and the Poet | A book originally from the remote islands of the west. |
The Cat and the Poet I and Pangur the white cateach of us at… |
1.0 |
170.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_pangurban |
Kuttenberg Court Book | One of the copies of the court book from the Kuttenberg Rathaus.… |
Court BookLibri Iudicialis This law has been long established… |
0.8 |
23.0 |
wh_cheat_additem kuttenbergLoreBook_knihaSoudni |
Ius regale montanorum I | An abridged copy of the Royal Mining Law on the people in the… |
Ius regale montanorum I On the People in the Silver MinesAll… |
2.0 |
150.0 |
wh_cheat_additem ius_regale_montanorum_I_kcd2 |
On Prague | On the City of a Hundred Spires. |
On Praguea city of hundred towers The seat of the kings of Bohemia,… |
1.0 |
125.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onPrague |
Treatise on Nought | A remarkable treatise on the mystery of numbers and the symbol… |
Algoritmi de numero IndorumTreatise on Nought If something has… |
0.8 |
245.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_grimoirSecretZero |
Physician's journal | Physician’s notes. |
Book of NotesMarch 4 - Transfer of St. Wenceslas / Translatio… |
0.1 |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem naTroskach_zapiskyFelcara |
Troskowitz Chronicle | The history of Troskowitz, written down by the famous Bailiff… |
Troskovice Chronicleas laid down by Bailiff Brada Zdena under… |
1.0 |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem troskovice_chronicle |
Chronicle of the Knights of the Cross | Old chronicle of the Knights of the Cross with a red star. The… |
Chronicle of Crusaders The history of the rise and fall of the… |
1.0 |
5.0 |
wh_cheat_additem poustevnik_oldOrderPaperAmbroz |
Charles IV | About the greatest ruler of the Kingdom of Bohemia, Charles IV,… |
Charles IV.King of Bohemia and the Holy Roman Emperor He was… |
1.0 |
150.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onCharlesIV |
Kuttenberg execution book | One of the copies of the execution book from the Kuttenberg Town… |
Book of ExecutionsVolume IX. This is a copy of the ninth volume… |
0.4 |
16.0 |
wh_cheat_additem kuttenbergLoreBook_knihaPopravci |
Feast of the Dead | About food and death. |
Feast of the Dead Though it may seem otherwise at times, our… |
1.0 |
75.0 |
wh_cheat_additem stareKosti_HostinaUmrlcu |
Historia Troiana | The story of the mythical Trojan War, describing the siege of… |
Trojan ChronicleGuido de Columnis Thus begins the story of the… |
1.0 |
85.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loreBook_Historia_Troiana |
Grund smeltery ledgers | A copy of the ledgers of the smelters in Grund. |
Maximi episcopi et confesorisGang - 53 sch. 1/5 pur.Horschan… |
0.0 |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem kralovskeStribro_ironworksRegister |
Psalmi penitentiales | Petrarch’s Book of Psalms. |
Psalmi penitentiales Heu michi misero, quia iratum adversus me… |
1.0 |
170.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_psalmiPenitentiales |
Livre du ciel et du monde | Or, The Book about the Heavens and the Earth is an important… |
On Heaven and EarthNicole Oresmus God be praised, here begins… |
0.0 |
145.0 |
wh_cheat_additem andelStrazny_oresmus_book |
Last Will of Charles IV | The last will of Emperor Charles bound in covers, to be preserved… |
TestamentTangermünde, 13 October 1377We, Charles, by the grace… |
0.1 |
200.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_karelTestament |
Metamorphoses IV | The fourth book of the Roman poet Ovid, in which the hero Perseus… |
Metamorphoses IVPublius Ovidius Naso Thus begins the tale of… |
1.0 |
110.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loreBook_Metamorphoses |
Remedies for Fleas and Warts | How to get rid of fleas and cure warts. |
Remedies for Fleas and Warts Scabies and growths of the skin… |
1.0 |
135.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_fleaAndWartRemedy |
The Maidens' War II | About how the Maidens’ war ended. |
The Maidens’ Warand about it’s end And the women in their warring… |
1.0 |
150.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onMaidensWar2 |
Sir Bushek's vintner wisdom | A collection of interesting facts about wine, winemakers and… |
On the importance of wine in Galen’s theory of humours Many of… |
1.0 |
120.0 |
wh_cheat_additem klasterniTajemstvi_wineEncyclopedia |
The Groom and the Apprentice | An old Czech satirical poem about an argument between a scholar… |
The Groom to the Scholar I’m better off, I proudly say.My bed… |
1.0 |
115.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_groomAndApprentice |
Tomyris, Queen of the Massagetae | On Tomyris, the brave Queen of the Massagetae |
TomyrisQueen of the Massagetae Tomyris was the queen of the Massagetae,… |
1.0 |
180.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_tomyris |
On Saint Procopius and foundation of the monastery | A discussion about the monk Procopius and how he founded the… |
On Saint Procopiusand a monastery of his name Abbot Procopius,… |
1.0 |
135.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onSaintProcopius |
Diary of Knight Conrad | Diary entries of Conrad, a correctional officer of the Knights… |
Novembris 1402On my way from Cheb to Prague, I was caught by… |
0.0 |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem poustevnik_konradDiary |
King Sigismund of Hungary | About Sigismund. |
Sigismundthe King of Hungary The son of Emperor Charles IV and… |
1.0 |
135.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onSigismund |
Königshof Manuscript | Supposedly part of the Königinhof manuscript, though I have doubts… |
Königshof ManuscriptBouquet Breezes waft through princely woods,A… |
1.0 |
170.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_queensCourtManuscript |
About the coat of arms of the House of Ruthard | A legend about the origin of the noble coat of arms of the Ruthard… |
About the Ruthard’s family coat of arms During the reign of the… |
1.0 |
115.0 |
wh_cheat_additem fairyStory_HouseOfRuthard |
About Saint Dorothy | Virgin Dorothy and her martyrdom |
The Legend of St. Dorothy Dorothy, a lovely maida pious life… |
1.0 |
135.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_legendOfSaintDorothy |
The Maidens' War I | About how the Maidens’ War began. |
The Maidens’ Warand how it all began Upon the death of Princess… |
1.0 |
120.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onMaidensWar |
Evil Morals in Bohemia | How the Czechs indulge in iniquity and sin. |
On the Evil Moralsplaguing Bohemia The Czechs have ceased to… |
1.0 |
120.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onEvilMorals |
Selection of amorous poetry | Must be owned by anyone who has been struck by Cupid’s arrow.… |
Selection of Love Poems Gentle night, why linger on?I yearn thus… |
1.0 |
105.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_anthologyOfLovePoems |
On Tournaments | On tournaments and jousting. |
On Tournamentsthe pastime of knights Tournaments, or tourneys,… |
1.0 |
135.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onTournaments |
Secret mint ledgers | Records of the secret mint’s accounting. They prove royal silver… |
Reditus 4/4 Mai - 1/4 Jun 1403Urb. pape - 11 hr.Aug. epi. … |
0.0 |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem kralovskeStribro_mintRegister |
Prayer to Saint Wenceslas | Two old prayers, Lord have Mercy on Us, and Saint Wenceslas … |
Prayerto Saint Wenceslas Saint Wenceslas,Ruler of Bohemia,Our… |
1.0 |
100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_bookOfPrayers |
On the Margraviate Wars | About the wars that Jobst and Procopius fought against each other… |
On the Margraviate Wars When Emperor Charles IV had taken his… |
1.0 |
135.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onMargraviateWars |
On St. Wenceslas | A book about Prince Wenceslas and how his brother had him killed.… |
On Saint Wenceslasand his death There was a prince in Bohemia… |
1.0 |
140.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onSaintWenceslaus |
The Papal Schism | How two popes came together on the papal throne and what it means… |
The Papal Schism The Holy Church is the home of all Christians… |
1.0 |
140.0 |
wh_cheat_additem lorebook_onPapalSchism |
Liber Razielis Archangeli | A magical grimoire filled with centuries of strange, ancient… |
Liber Razielis ArchangeliSefer Raziel HaMalakh This book is full… |
0.8 |
240.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loreBook_magicalSeferRaziel |
The Book of Poison | About abominable poisons, their acquisition, and the art of stopping… |
The Book of Poisonabout abominable poisons and their remedies… |
0.0 |
150.0 |
wh_cheat_additem zikmunduvTabor_albikPoisonBook |