Icon | Title/Description | Category | Subcategory |
Icon | Title | Description | Recipe | Weight | Price | Spawn ID | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adam's chambers' key | The key to Adam’s sleeping quarters in the loft. |
wh_cheat_additem budovaniLazni_ownersRoomKey |
Adult's skull | A skull I dug up, from a grave under the walls of Kuttenberg.… |
wh_cheat_additem poi_matkaADite_mothersSkull |
Alchemist's key | A key I found on a weird alchemist hiding in the ruins of the… |
0.1 |
wh_cheat_additem poi_ruinaRabstejnky_alchemistChestkey |
Alum | An excellent mineral suitable for stopping minor bleeding as… |
0.1 |
8.0 |
wh_cheat_additem eventKamenec |
Ambrose's cross | A small wooden cross carved by the old hermit Ambrose. |
5.0 |
wh_cheat_additem poustevnik_woodenCrossAmbrozWidow |
Anvil | Anvil |
1.0 |
1.0 |
wh_cheat_additem blacksmith_tongs |
Apollonia skeleton's key | Key I found in the hands of a skeleton in Apollonia. |
wh_cheat_additem poi_opustenaZemnice_key |
Aranka's die | Aranka gave me this die to make it easier for me to play against… |
0.1 |
340.0 |
wh_cheat_additem die_aranka |
Armourer's kit | A set of tools for repairing metal parts of armour, chainmail… |
0.5 |
570.0 |
wh_cheat_additem repairKit_armourSmall |
Astrolabe | An odd device full of cogs, dials and other mechanisms I know… |
2.0 |
18,000.0 |
wh_cheat_additem andelStraznyAstrolab |
Bag of Holy nails | This bag allegedly contains nails from Saint Peter’s cross, and… |
1.2 |
500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem magicShop_sackOfHolyNails |
Bag of nails | Half a pound of metal nails. Theresa would be very happy. |
1.2 |
120.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_sackOfNails |
Bandage | A longer strip of clean cloth that can safely stop bleeding.… |
0.1 |
20.0 |
wh_cheat_additem bandage_classic |
Bandit's key | This key belonged to one of the bandits from the camp above Vidlak… |
wh_cheat_additem poi_vyplavenyPoklad_treasureChestKey |
Barnabas' ring | A silver ring from Captain Barnabas. |
0.1 |
250.0 |
wh_cheat_additem taboryUCesty_barnabasSilverRing |
Barrel chest key | Key to the chest with the explosive barrel. |
wh_cheat_additem traskavePoselstvi_gunpowderChestKey |
Basilisk egg | An egg laid by a black rooster and brooded by a frog. Perhaps… |
0.2 |
100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem bazilisciVejce_basiliskEgg |
Bathhouse bedchamber key | The key to the bedchamber shared by the bathwenches at Adam’s… |
wh_cheat_additem budovaniLazni_bathmaidsRoomKey |
Beer tankard | A discarded tankard left at the baths after a great celebration.… |
0.2 |
70.0 |
wh_cheat_additem budovaniLazni_mug |
Bird king's badge | The badge of the rightful king of the birds will allow you to… |
4,000.0 |
wh_cheat_additem BirdKingBadge |
Black powder keg | A keg filled to the lid with black powder. I shouldn’t walk close… |
4,200.0 |
wh_cheat_additem traskavePoselstvi_gunpowderKeg |
Blacksmith's chest key | An old, dusty key. |
wh_cheat_additem semin_blackmithChest |
Blacksmith's hammer | If a blacksmith doesn’t have a hammer, the first thing he must… |
1.0 |
1.0 |
wh_cheat_additem blacksmith_hammer |
Blacksmith's kit | A set of tools for quickly repairing your weapons. Includes a… |
0.5 |
500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem repairKit_weaponSmall |
Bloodied broken arrow | I found this bloodied broken arrow near the place Natan told… |
wh_cheat_additem lovVlku_brokenArrow |
Bloodied wedding dress | A woman’s wedding dress full of dust with a dried bloodstain.… |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem nemcuvPoklad_BloodyWeddingDressWoman |
Bloody stone | A bad omen and a witness to an evil deed. |
wh_cheat_additem korenarkaZachrana_killerStone |
Boar hide | The hide of a sturdy wild boar. It is difficult and often dangerous… |
4.0 |
1,200.0 |
wh_cheat_additem skin_boar |
Bone comb | Perhaps a beautiful maiden used it to comb her hair, or maybe… |
0.1 |
120.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_comb |
Bone rosary | One of the most common types of counting beads. It doesn’t count… |
0.1 |
380.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_rosary_bone |
Brabant's chest key | The key to Brabant’s chest. |
wh_cheat_additem stealthMiseZaJindru_brabantsChestKey |
Brocade | You won’t believe it, but brocade and broccoli have a common… |
3.0 |
1,800.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_brocade |
Broken arrow | As long as it served, it had purpose. |
0.1 |
wh_cheat_additem arrow_broken |
Broken bolt | Nothing can mend this irrepairable damage to the dignity of this… |
0.1 |
wh_cheat_additem bolt_broken |
Broken pickaxe | Useless on its own, but the iron could be put back into circulation.… |
10.0 |
42.0 |
wh_cheat_additem rutina_ruinedPickaxe |
Bull paint | A colour darker than the night itself. It will stand out very… |
50.0 |
wh_cheat_additem mysi1_paintForBull |
Bull pen key | The key to Arnoshtek’s pen. |
wh_cheat_additem mysi_bullsBarn |
Buresh's safe conduct | A letter of safe conduts entitling the bearer to enter the smelters… |
7,000.0 |
wh_cheat_additem kralovskeStribro_safeConduct |
Candle | A candle made out of left over beef or mutton fat by a handy… |
0.1 |
40.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_candle |
Capon's poaching kit | Equipment of the poaching nobleman Hans Capon. Evidence for the… |
500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem pytlakPtacek_caponEvidence |
Carefully wrapped handgonnes | A pair of hand cannons wrapped in waxed canvas. Something’s rattling,… |
wh_cheat_additem sedmStatecnych_bundleOfWeapons |
Carpenter's badge of advantage | You gain a new dice formation called the Cut, consisting of 3+5.… |
1,500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem FormationsDiceBadgePlumb |
Carrion sack | The knacker’s sack for carrying carrion. It smells just like… |
110.0 |
1.0 |
wh_cheat_additem rasuvUcen_sackcarryable |
Cautious cheater's die | A die modified by an expert. It is precisely loaded, but also… |
0.1 |
470.0 |
wh_cheat_additem die_Gamblerova_good |
Cellar door key | The key to the cellar door. |
wh_cheat_additem staryMistr_hideoutBasement |
Cellar key | I wonder what this opens? And why was it hidden? |
wh_cheat_additem spizovaciOddil_keyToBeerDoor |
Chemise | A chemise that was left at the bathhouse after the celebrations.… |
2.0 |
20.0 |
wh_cheat_additem budovaniLazni_womensChemise |
Chertan's key | I wonder what it’s for? |
wh_cheat_additem zikmunduvTabor_cherthanChestKey |
Chest key | The key to a chest in the rebels’ camp. |
wh_cheat_additem taborOdboje_keyBandageChest |
Chicken coop key | Key hidden in a chicken coop in Mesoles. |
0.1 |
wh_cheat_additem poi_mezholezy_HerbalistStashKey |
Child's skull | A child’s skull I dug up in the Sedletz cemetary. |
wh_cheat_additem poi_matkaADite_childsSkull |
Christian's safe conduct | A letter of safe conduct entitling the bearer to move around… |
wh_cheat_additem kralovskeStribro_kristiansSafeConduct |
Ci die | The second in the line of the demonic dice, she likes to get… |
0.1 |
1,120.0 |
wh_cheat_additem die_Ci |
Cobbler's kit | A set of tools for repairing boots and other leather items. Includes… |
0.3 |
400.0 |
wh_cheat_additem repairKit_cobblersSmall |
Commemorative ring | A ring given to me by the refugees from the mill as a thank you… |
4,500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem bohutovaVlozka_commemorativeRing |
Cooking scraps | Various leftovers from cooking all those delicacies for the wedding.… |
wh_cheat_additem svatba_foodForPoor |
Copper ewer | A copper ewer reserved for noble guests and special occassions.… |
10.0 |
180.0 |
wh_cheat_additem setkaniVRatbori_copperJug |
Copper jug | Can be used in various manners in the morning, day, evening and… |
0.5 |
320.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_copperJug |
Copper plate | Two out of three pieces of copper ware were made from copper… |
0.5 |
450.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_copperPlate |
Cracked skull | Dust you are and to dust you shall return. The skull serves as… |
0.3 |
wh_cheat_additem stareKosti_brokenSkull |
Crusader cloak | Brand new cloak with the Crusader’s Red Cross symbol. It was… |
0.1 |
2.0 |
wh_cheat_additem poustevnik_newCloakOfAmbroz |
Csaba's key | The key to Csaba’s private chest in the kitchen of the Italian… |
wh_cheat_additem prepadeniVlasskehoDvora_csabasStashKey |
Cutlery knife | Part of the kit of every experienced cook and inexperienced killer.… |
0.5 |
42.0 |
wh_cheat_additem rutina_eatingKnife |
Dead child's bone | A talisman made from the boiled finger bone of a dead unbaptized… |
0.1 |
18.0 |
wh_cheat_additem azZaHrob_childLittleBone |
Dead child's tooth powder | A talisman made from the teeth of an unfortunate dead child will… |
18.0 |
wh_cheat_additem azZaHrob_deadBabyToothDust |
Dead dwarf's thumb | A talisman made from the thumb of a dead dwarf is said to help… |
14.0 |
wh_cheat_additem azZaHrob_deadDwarfThumb |
Dead man's ear | A talisman made from the head of a dead man, buried under a full… |
0.1 |
18.0 |
wh_cheat_additem azZaHrob_deadMenEar |
Dead man's left shoe | Dead miner’s left boot. Boots for the grave are just for show,… |
2.0 |
8.0 |
wh_cheat_additem azZaHrob_deadManShoeCoffin |
Dead man's right boot | The right boot of a dead miner. Boots for burial are just for… |
2.0 |
8.0 |
wh_cheat_additem azZaHrob_deadManShoeSarcofag |
Dead rat | A rat carcass that barely resembles a rodent any more. |
0.5 |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem mlynaruvUcen_lockpickingTutorialDeadRat |
Dead virgin's hair | A talisman made from the hair of a dead virgin. It’s said to… |
0.1 |
12.0 |
wh_cheat_additem azZaHrob_deadVirginHair |
Decorative pins | A pin here, a pin there… |
0.1 |
1,500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_pin_decorative |
Deer antlers | A valuable trophy that will bring glory to any hunter and a noose… |
4.0 |
450.0 |
wh_cheat_additem animal_antlers |
Deserting soldier's key | A key from the Kopanina bandit. |
wh_cheat_additem poi_dvaLapkoveNaKopanine_key |
Devil's head die | A die that feels hot to the touch. In place of a one it has a… |
0.1 |
1,600.0 |
wh_cheat_additem dieDevil |
Die of misfortune | They say that when it rains, it pours. But if you play with this… |
0.1 |
110.0 |
wh_cheat_additem dieUnlucky |
Dirty hood | A hood left at the bathhouse by a drunk. |
0.8 |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem budovaniLazni_hood |
Dog skin | Pelt from a dog. If anyone ever wanted it, just don’t tell them… |
2.0 |
60.0 |
wh_cheat_additem skin_dog |
Dorothy's laundry chest key | A key of the owner of the Zhelejov baths, which opens a chest… |
5.0 |
wh_cheat_additem mlynaruvUcen_stealthClothesChestKey |
Dragon claw | Such a curved piece of a dragon must surely be his claw, right?… |
wh_cheat_additem drak_dragonBone3 |
Else's perfume | Women’s perfume with an exceptional and unusual fragrance. |
650.0 |
wh_cheat_additem sesivaniTonici_elsePerfume |
Empty vial | An empty bottle with a foul smell coming from it. If someone… |
0.1 |
250.0 |
wh_cheat_additem pracharna_emptyPotionBottle |
Even die | A die loaded in favour of even numbers |
0.1 |
660.0 |
wh_cheat_additem dieEven |
Executioner's badge of advantage | You gain a new dice combination called The Gallows, which consists… |
2,500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem FormationsDiceBadgeSilver |
Fake thunderstone | A smooth stone that Thomlin tried to pass off as the true thunderstone.… |
1.0 |
wh_cheat_additem hromovyKamen_exposedFakeThunderstone |
Family heirloom | Wooden statue of an old man, symbolizing the connection with… |
wh_cheat_additem zakopanyZitrek_familyHeirloom |
Father Dietrich's rosary | It is said that the priest once survived several days alone in… |
0.1 |
65.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_rosary_detrich |
Favourable die | A playing die that brings luck more often than you’d expect … |
0.1 |
450.0 |
wh_cheat_additem dieFavourable |
Fechthalle key | Key to the Fechthalle. |
wh_cheat_additem sermiri_fencingHallKey |
Fer die | The third and last in the line of demonic dice. |
0.1 |
1,120.0 |
wh_cheat_additem die_e |
Finger bone relic | A tiny fragment of bone, which is said to have come from the… |
0.1 |
550.0 |
wh_cheat_additem taboryUcesty_ostatkyKostSvaty |
Fisherman's lost key | Lost key to the fisherman’s house, probably dropped on his way… |
100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem poi_podMostem_key_fisherman |
Flea-ridden blanket | A dirty blanket full of fleas. Great for infesting a bathhouse.… |
420.0 |
wh_cheat_additem sabotazLazni_fleabittenQuilt |
Florian's silver ring | The silver ring of Knight Florian Lomnicz, which he received… |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem utokNebakov_FridusSilverRing |
Flute | I’d rather not whistle on it. I don’t want to be annoying like… |
0.3 |
30.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_flute |
Foreign fragrant oil | A foreign oil that is added to baths to make the water smell… |
10,000.0 |
wh_cheat_additem sabotazLazni_exoticFragrantOil |
Forged documents about Anna of Waldstein | Forged documents covering up the questionable dealings of Lady… |
0.1 |
6.0 |
wh_cheat_additem setkanivRatbori_Annas_Documents_Fake |
Forgotten key | A key I found in a jug in an abandoned cottage. |
wh_cheat_additem poi_opustenaChalupa_key |
Fork | Some still believe that the fork is the devil’s invention and… |
0.5 |
42.0 |
wh_cheat_additem rutina_eatingFork |
Frenzls' chest key | The key to the chest obtained from the wife of Captain Frenzl… |
wh_cheat_additem hladAZmar_frenclovaChestKey |
Fresh milk | Fresh milk that farmer Fowl was hiding away. |
100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem spizovaciOddil_fakeMilk |
Freshly picked bouquet | Fresh fragrant flowers are always a rarity, as is true love.… |
12.0 |
wh_cheat_additem sesivaniTonici_freshFlowersHidden |
Frikadelle | An unsightly mixture of meat and lead. Inedible. |
1.0 |
1.0 |
wh_cheat_additem animal_animalPulp |
Gemstone rosary | A rosary embedded with a precious gem. May God forgive me for… |
0.1 |
1,950.0 |
wh_cheat_additem spravedlnost_rosary |
Glass container | A strange little bottle made of coloured glass, the kind that… |
0.1 |
580.0 |
wh_cheat_additem taborCertovka_exoticItem_glassWare |
Godwin's personal belongings | A bunch of Godwin’s stuff, I’d rather not open the bag. Who knows… |
wh_cheat_additem vezniNaTroskach_godwinStuff |
Gold doppelganger badge | Using this badge will double the point value of your last throw.… |
3,400.0 |
wh_cheat_additem DoubleTakeDiceBadgeGold |
Gold ring from Margaret | A gold ring that Margaret gave me as a pledge. It originally… |
42.0 |
wh_cheat_additem sMlynariNejsouZerty_goldenRing |
Golden badge of defence | Use to cancel the effect of your opponent’s gold badge. |
3,100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem NullDiceBadgeGold |
Golden badge of fortune | After your throw, you can reroll up to three dice. Can be used… |
3,900.0 |
wh_cheat_additem RerollDicebadgeGold |
Golden badge of headstart | Using this badge will give you a large point lead at the start… |
2,900.0 |
wh_cheat_additem HeadStartDiceBadgeGold |
Golden badge of might | Using it will allow you to roll one extra die. Can be used three… |
3,900.0 |
wh_cheat_additem ExtraDiceBadgeGold |
Golden badge of resurrection | After an unlucky throw, you can throw again. Can be used three… |
3,400.0 |
wh_cheat_additem AntibustDiceBadgeGold |
Golden badge of transmutation | After your throw, change a die of your choosing to a 1. Can be… |
4,200.0 |
wh_cheat_additem SetDiceDiceBadgeGold |
Golden chalice | I’ll just have one cup and go. |
1.0 |
5,800.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_goldenChalice |
Golden crucifix | Looking at his disciples, Jesus said: “Blessed are you who are… |
2.0 |
14,300.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_goldenCross |
Golden cup | Even sour wine tastes good from a golden goblet. |
0.6 |
7,700.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_goldenCup |
Golden doppelganger badge | After your throw, you can reroll two dice with the same value.… |
3,800.0 |
wh_cheat_additem RerollPipsbadgeGold |
Golden emperor's badge | Using this badge, you will gain triple points for every 1+1+1… |
3,900.0 |
wh_cheat_additem ExtraValuebadgeGold |
Golden warlord's badge | You double the score of your turn. Can be used once per game.… |
3,200.0 |
wh_cheat_additem MultiplierDiceBadgeGold |
Golden wedding badge | A memento of Agnes and Olda’s big day. Using it allows you to… |
5,000.0 |
wh_cheat_additem MatrimoniumBadge |
Goose quills | Geese were used to guard property. No wonder, since they’re always… |
0.1 |
40.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_gooseFeathers |
Gotzlin's chest key | The key to Gotzlin’s chest that he gave me as a reward. |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem kubaParalu_goclinsKey |
Greasy die | A more reliable die than a normal one, but it cannot be relied… |
0.1 |
150.0 |
wh_cheat_additem zachranaPtacka_die_klobas |
Grimy die | One could say it will get you out of the frying pan into the… |
0.1 |
230.0 |
wh_cheat_additem zachranaPtacka_die_mud |
Groschen | Groschen, Groschen, GroschenMy silver cushionIt’s a merchant’s… |
1.0 |
wh_cheat_additem money |
Grozav's lucky die | It is actually not all that lucky, but don’t tell anyone! |
0.1 |
250.0 |
wh_cheat_additem zikmunduvTabor_grozavGotchaDie |
Gunsmith's kit | A set of tools for maintaining firearms, mainly cleaning the… |
0.3 |
520.0 |
wh_cheat_additem repairKit_rifleSmall |
Hair strand relic | These few strands of hair are said to have belonged to Saint… |
0.1 |
420.0 |
wh_cheat_additem taboryUcesty_ostatkyVlasySvaty |
Hairpin of bone | It would certainly adorn any hair, be it ravishing raven, velvety… |
0.1 |
500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_hairBuckle_bone |
Hanged man's key | A key found on a hanged man above the pond near Horschan. |
wh_cheat_additem poi_vyrabovanaHajovna_stashKey |
Hangman's hair | This talisman from the body of a hanged man is said to bring… |
0.1 |
12.0 |
wh_cheat_additem azZaHrob_hangManHair |
Hare pelt | A hare pelt. A common but useful material used for skirt hems,… |
1.0 |
110.0 |
wh_cheat_additem skin_hare |
Hashtal's chest key | The key to a chest holding thieves’ equipment. |
wh_cheat_additem zachranaPtacka_hastalChestKey |
Heavenly Kingdom die | A miraculous playing die, sent down from the Heavenly Kingdom… |
0.1 |
1,500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem dieKingdomCome |
Hendl's chest key | The key to Hendl’s chest. |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem kubaParalu_hendlsKey |
Henik's cellar key | The key to Henik’s cellar. |
wh_cheat_additem zaby_heniksCellar |
Henry's Lion | Increases Charisma by 10 for 10 minutes. However, if you use… |
0.2 |
900.0 |
wh_cheat_additem perfume_shortStrong_best |
Henry's Mintha | Increases Charisma by 5 for 40 minutes. However, if you use it… |
0.2 |
600.0 |
wh_cheat_additem perfume_longWeak_best |
Hidden valuables | Valuables that someone from Bohunowitz hid in a pigeon coop.… |
6,300.0 |
wh_cheat_additem spizovaciOddil_hiddenValuables |
Holy Trinity die | A consecrated die commemorating the Holy Trinity, especially… |
0.1 |
450.0 |
wh_cheat_additem dieHolyTrinity |
Horse collar | A discarded collar from a horse’s harness. With it, a dog might… |
4.0 |
50.0 |
wh_cheat_additem svatyAntonin_horseYoke |
Horse hide | Horsehide is known for its good tensile strength yet considerable… |
6.0 |
180.0 |
wh_cheat_additem skin_horse |
Hroznata's rosary | It is said that work in the vineyard is as busy as in the church.… |
0.1 |
640.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_rosary_hroznata |
Huge dragon bone | This bone is really huge. Good thing what it belonged to is long… |
wh_cheat_additem drak_dragonBone1 |
Hugo's die | A die of the most loyal regular at the Hole. It bears his likeness.… |
0.1 |
1,000.0 |
wh_cheat_additem dieSkull |
Human skull | Dust you are and to dust you shall return. The skull serves as… |
0.5 |
wh_cheat_additem stareKosti_skull |
Huntsman's lost key | The lost key to the gamekeeper’s house, he must have lost it… |
100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem poi_podMostem_key_hunter |
Italian Court Armoury key | Key to the armoury of the Italian Court. |
wh_cheat_additem prepadeniVlasskehoDvora_armoryKey |
Jakesh's compensation | Jakesh’s compensation for all the hardships he caused Bozhena… |
wh_cheat_additem korenarkaZachrana_jakesCompensation |
Jan's letter | Charter with the seal of the Lords of Suchotlesky. |
wh_cheat_additem dvojityAgent_janovaListina |
Jasper beads | Stones the colour of blood are said to have a calming effect,… |
0.1 |
500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_necklace_jasperBeads |
Katherine's shoe | I wonder where the other one is? |
420.0 |
wh_cheat_additem zikmunduvTabor_catherineShoe |
Key from below Trosky | An old rusty key I found in a cave beneath Trosky. |
wh_cheat_additem poi_pokladPodTroskami_key |
Key from chest by Sedletz | A key that someone keeps in a chest by the front wall of Sedletz… |
wh_cheat_additem poi_prchajiciMnich_key |
Key from half-built cottage | A key I took out of a jug in the ruins of a half-built cottage… |
wh_cheat_additem poi_nedostavenaChalupa_key |
Key from nest | A key I found in a bird’s nest in an old willow tree in the swamp… |
0.1 |
wh_cheat_additem nemcuvPoklad_treasureChestKey1 |
Key to Musa's chest | Key to Musa’s chest in the military camp. |
200.0 |
wh_cheat_additem zikmunduvTabor_musasChestKey |
Key to painted chest | The key to a painted chest in which the lost charter of the Prague… |
1.0 |
wh_cheat_additem zikmunduvTabor_defectorsKey |
Key to the Cellar of All Saints' tavern. | The key to the cellar of the All Saints tavern. |
wh_cheat_additem svatyAntonin_tavernSvatychCellarDoor |
Key to the ruins of Slatego | The key to the door of the Slatego ruins, where the gravedigger… |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem rasuvUcen_slatejovRuinsKey |
Key to the Sedletz mortuary | A rusty key to the Sedletz mortuary. |
0.1 |
40.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_sedlecMortuaryKey |
Key to Tibor's prison | Key to the room in the barn. |
wh_cheat_additem kocovnickaCest_tiborsPrisonDoor_key |
Key to Vidlak poacher's chest | Rusty key to a chest in the camp of the Vidlak poacher. |
0.1 |
40.0 |
wh_cheat_additem pytlakPtacek_vidlakChestKey |
Key to wager chest | A key found near two dead marksmen. |
wh_cheat_additem poi_duelOstrostrelcu_key |
King's die | An annointed head has no need of a loaded die, since he is always… |
0.1 |
910.0 |
wh_cheat_additem die_Kralova |
Knight's key | A key found on the body of a knight in the mines near Old Kutna.… |
wh_cheat_additem tarasMura_tarasContractKey |
Knight's soap | Soap made according to a secret recipe from the musk of noble… |
0.2 |
200.0 |
wh_cheat_additem soap_kcd |
Kolda's key | The key to Kolda’s chest. |
wh_cheat_additem naTroskach_koldaChestKey |
Lady's gemstone necklace | If the husband does not respect his wife, she can appeal to the… |
0.1 |
1,500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_necklace_gem |
Lambskin gloves | A pair of gloves made of fine lambskin. They’re not of much use… |
42.0 |
wh_cheat_additem setkaniVRatbori1_fineGloves |
Lambskin shoes | Shoes made of the finest lambskin leather, belonging to the wife… |
500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem hladAZmar_lambskinShoes |
Lamp | They say it’s darkest under a candlestick, but have you ever… |
0.5 |
820.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_lamp |
Large copper kettle | A large copper kettle offers great pleasure… when it’s full,… |
10.0 |
150.0 |
wh_cheat_additem setkaniVRatbori_copperJug_big |
Lavish rosary | One of the most common types of counting devices. It doesn’t… |
0.1 |
640.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_rosary_expensive |
Laxative for Alshik | Some concoction that Olbram gave me. If I put it in Alshik’s… |
wh_cheat_additem zaby_laxativeForAlsik |
Letter for Markold | A letter for Markold of Louny. It might be of interest to a few… |
wh_cheat_additem listovniTajemstvi_letterToMarkolt |
Letter for the Abbot | A letter addressed to the Abbot of the Sedletz monastery, written… |
wh_cheat_additem drak_letterForAbbot |
Linen | Every blank canvas should be filled. |
3.0 |
85.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_cloth |
Lion | Increases Charisma by 4 for 4 minutes. However, if you use it… |
0.2 |
600.0 |
wh_cheat_additem perfume_shortStrong_medium |
Lockpick | A tool used for picking locks. Just don’t get caught doing it.… |
0.1 |
120.0 |
wh_cheat_additem player_lockpick |
Lost farmhouse key | The lost key to the farmhouse, found its place under the bridge… |
100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem poi_podMostem_key_zelejovHouse |
Lost purse | Lost and found again. |
500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem ztratyANalezy_purse |
Lousy gambler's die | A shoddy loaded die. It’s quite noticeably unbalanced. |
0.1 |
160.0 |
wh_cheat_additem die_Gamblerova_bad |
Lower Semine poacher's kit | Equipment of a poaching bandit from the Lower Semine. Evidence… |
500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem pytlakPtacek_podseminEvidenceOnBody |
Lower tower key | The key to the lower tower of Nebakov Fortress. |
wh_cheat_additem nebakovPruzkum_lowerTowerKey |
Lu die | The first of the line of demonic dice. |
0.1 |
1,120.0 |
wh_cheat_additem die_Lu |
Lucky die | When fortune smiles on you, smile back. Otherwise you’ll look… |
0.1 |
600.0 |
wh_cheat_additem dieLucky |
Lute | A lute perfect for a wandering bard. |
2,500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem kejkliri_lute |
Lute strings | Lute strings made of sheep gut. |
wh_cheat_additem kejkliri_luteStrings |
Mach's chest key | A key to a chest found in the possession of the poacher, Mach… |
wh_cheat_additem poPytlackeStezce_machKey |
Magic arrowhead | The magic arrowhead from Karel the Arrow’s head. |
wh_cheat_additem magickySip_magicArrow |
Maleshov chambers key | Key to the noble chambers in the Maleshov fortress. |
wh_cheat_additem zachranaPtacka_keyMalessovNoblemanRooms |
Maleshov fortress key | Key to the entrance of the great tower at Maleshov fortress.… |
wh_cheat_additem zachranaPtacka_keyMalessovFortress |
Maleshov tower key | I have the key. The question is what door it opens, what lies… |
wh_cheat_additem zachranaPtacka_keyMalessovTopFortressFloor |
Marble head | This head carved out marble must have fallen off a statue. Its… |
2.0 |
420.0 |
wh_cheat_additem taborCertovka_exoticItem_sfinx |
Margaret's gold ring | The gold ring that Margaret gave me as a pledge. It originally… |
450.0 |
wh_cheat_additem damaVNesnazich_goldenRing |
Marksman's kit | A set of tools for keeping your bow or crossbow in good condition.… |
0.3 |
350.0 |
wh_cheat_additem repairKit_bowyerSmall |
Mathematician's die | A die loaded based on the work of a forgotten mathematician.… |
0.1 |
300.0 |
wh_cheat_additem die_Matematikova |
Miner's chest key | The key to the well-chilled beer store for hard-working miners.… |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem kralovskeStribro_maslosBeerStash |
Mint master's key | The key to the treasury of the Italian Court. |
wh_cheat_additem papezskyLegat_treasuryKey |
Minter's tools | Minter’s tools. Property of the Italian court. |
16.0 |
420.0 |
wh_cheat_additem prepadeniVlasskehoDvora_mintersTools |
Mintha | Increases Charisma by 2 for 20 minutes. However, if you use it… |
0.2 |
350.0 |
wh_cheat_additem perfume_longWeak_medium |
Minting die | Authentic die for minting the Prague groschen. |
42,000.0 |
wh_cheat_additem kralovskeStribro_mintDie |
Molar die | A die made out of a molar tooth. It’s probably better not to… |
0.1 |
200.0 |
wh_cheat_additem dieTeeth_a |
Moravian schnaps | Some moonshine the Moravians brought to the Semine wedding. … |
wh_cheat_additem svatba_drinkForMoravians |
Mortuary chest key | The key to the chest where the gravedigger stores the belongings… |
wh_cheat_additem poi_troskovickyHrbitov_key |
Mushroom picker's knife | Lost and found again. |
1.0 |
wh_cheat_additem ztratyANalezy_knife |
Nail fragment relic | A tiny fragment of St Catherine’s fingernail wrapped in embroidered… |
0.1 |
280.0 |
wh_cheat_additem taboryUcesty_ostatkyNehetSvaty |
Nebakov jail key | The key to the jail at Nebakov Fortress. |
wh_cheat_additem nebakovPruzkum_prisonKey |
Nebakov storage key | The key I found in Nebakov Fortress, probably fits to some door… |
wh_cheat_additem nebakovPruzkum_storageKey |
Nest key | I found this key not far from the Lower Semine mill in a nest… |
wh_cheat_additem poi_vyplataDrevorubcu_key |
Noose remnants | Remnants of a rope, likely a noose. |
1.0 |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem poi_hroby_noose |
Oak bark | Well dried and ground, it’s an invaluable aid in tanning and… |
0.2 |
30.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_oakBark |
Oakgall ink | Dark liquid made from crushed oak galls and gum Arabic, used… |
0.2 |
140.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_oakGallInk |
Odd die | A die loaded to favour odd numbers. Most of the time. |
0.1 |
500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem dieOdd |
Old bones | The old bones of Ambrose’s dead brother John. |
wh_cheat_additem poustevnik_oldBonesOfAmbrozBrother |
Old chest key | The key from the overgrown shelter not far from Trosky. |
wh_cheat_additem poi_zarostlaZemince_chestKey |
Old coins | Antique coins with latin writing bearing the resemblances of… |
0.1 |
380.0 |
wh_cheat_additem taborCertovka_exoticItem_romanCoins |
Old horseshoe | I reckon this horseshoe has done its fair share of travelling.… |
0.8 |
42.0 |
wh_cheat_additem rutina_oldHorseshoe |
Old key | A key I found lying around near the closed mine. And what could… |
0.1 |
wh_cheat_additem poi_zavrenyDul_key |
Old nail | The nail used many years ago by the Troskowitz bailiff to mark… |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem konecZabomysichValek_borderPeg |
Old painted statuette | A small worn-down statuette of St Mary Magdalene. Beikovetz must… |
30.0 |
wh_cheat_additem nemcuvPoklad_PaintedStatueSaintMagdaleine |
Old pointy spindle | It looks a bit dangerous. |
0.2 |
50.0 |
wh_cheat_additem easteregg_OldPointySpindle |
Ordinary die | An ordinary playing die. |
0.1 |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem dieNormal |
Ornate tin pitcher | Drinks served from pewter dishes taste a little strange, but… |
0.5 |
360.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_pewterJugDecorated |
Osina's key | Key to blacksmith Osina’s chest. |
wh_cheat_additem utokNaNebakov_osinaStash |
Page with nursery rhyme | A page torn from a book. There’s an unusual rhyme written on… |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem pocestny_bookPageRhyme |
Painted die | One of the dice coloured using modern techniques that hide the… |
0.1 |
650.0 |
wh_cheat_additem dieBlue |
Painter's muse | A head full of ideas, whispering into the artist’s ear. |
0.5 |
100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem malir_skull |
Parish priest's badgge of advantage | You gain a new dice formation called The Eye, consisting of the… |
4,000.0 |
wh_cheat_additem FormationsDiceBadgeGold |
Pepik's old bridle | The old bridle of Vostatek’s horse Pepik. If I could teach Mutt… |
15.0 |
wh_cheat_additem zranenyLovci_pepikHorseBriddle |
Pepper | Those who can’t afford it don’t need it; those who can likely… |
0.3 |
240.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_pepper |
Pie die | Doesn’t look particularly tasty, but it’s well balanced towards… |
0.1 |
310.0 |
wh_cheat_additem die_Kolacova |
Pillory key | The key to the pillory. |
wh_cheat_additem sedmStatecnych2_pillory |
Pitch | A thick black oil produced by the charcoal-burning process and… |
0.2 |
30.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_tar |
Player mark | A secret player mark to enter the lair of the All Saints. |
wh_cheat_additem svatyAntonin_saintGameSign |
Poacher's gear from Kopanina | Poacher’s kit found in the woods of Kopanina. My dog should be… |
500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem pytlakPtacek_kopaninaSniffableClue |
Poacher's gear from Lower Semine | Equipment of the poachers from their camp in Lower Semine. Evidence… |
500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem pytlakPtacek_podseminEvidence |
Poacher's hunting knife | A hunting knife, which the poacher from Slatego had in his possession.… |
250.0 |
wh_cheat_additem pytlakPtacek_poachersHuntingKnife |
Poacher's knife from Slatego | A poacher’s knife found in the Slatejov forests. Evidence for… |
500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem pytlakPtacek_slatejovSniffableClue |
Poacher's squirrel tail | A squirrel’s tail, used to identify members of Mach of Marschowitz’s… |
25.0 |
wh_cheat_additem poPytlackeStezce_squirrelTail |
Poet's gut | Many songs sound more like the end result of a sheep’s digestive… |
wh_cheat_additem kejkliri_poeticIntestine |
Pomuk vicar's needle | The needle used to sew vicar Jan of Pomuk into a bag, after which… |
0.1 |
940.0 |
wh_cheat_additem magicShop_nepomukNeedle |
Premolar die | A playing die made from a premolar tooth. |
0.1 |
50.0 |
wh_cheat_additem dieTeeth_b |
Prison chambers key | A key to the chambers in which Wenceslas’ ally lords are imprisoned… |
wh_cheat_additem prepadeniVlasskehoDvora_fancyJailKey |
Rare fabrics | A bundle of rare dyed fabrics. |
7.0 |
500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem zakopanyZitrek_preciousCloths |
Real documents about Anna of Waldstein | Documents proving the questionable dealings of Lady Anna of Waldstein.… |
0.1 |
6.0 |
wh_cheat_additem setkanivRatbori_Annas_Documents |
Records chest key | The key to the chest in the secret mint where Vavak keeps his… |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem kralovskeStribro_secretMintChestKey |
Relics of cloth scraps | A tiny fragment from the veil of Saint Ludmila is a piece of… |
0.1 |
310.0 |
wh_cheat_additem taboryUcesty_ostatkyBotySvaty |
Revenant's coffin nail | A nail from the coffin of a revenant is said to protect its wearer… |
0.1 |
20.0 |
wh_cheat_additem azZaHrob_revenantCoffinNail |
Ripped hose | These miparti hose can’t be used anymore unless a tailor looks… |
0.5 |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem budovaniLazni_miparti |
River pearl necklace | Captivating, velvety, shiny river clam pearls arranged nicely… |
0.1 |
1,000.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_necklace_riverPearl |
Rocktower Pond poacher's kit | The gear the poacher from Rocktower pond was carrying on him.… |
500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem pytlakPtacek_vezakEvidenceOnBody |
Roe-deer hide | A roe-deer hide does not reach the strength and quality of deerskin… |
3.5 |
700.0 |
wh_cheat_additem skin_roe |
Rooster's egg | An egg laid by a rooster, or a very strange hen. |
0.1 |
100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem bazilisciVejce_roosterEgg |
Rounded pewter jug | Drinks served from pewter dishes taste a little strange, but… |
10.0 |
160.0 |
wh_cheat_additem setkaniVRatbori_tinJug_big |
Royal waiter's certificate | A certificate proving eligibility of a waiter to serve His Majesty,… |
500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem setkaniVRatbori_apprenticeshipCertificate |
Rusty axe | Useless for any job. But the iron could be put back into circulation.… |
3.0 |
42.0 |
wh_cheat_additem rutina_rustyAxe |
Rusty key | The key I found on a corpse in the pond outside of Bohunowitz.… |
wh_cheat_additem poi_vuzVJezirku_key |
Rusty shackles | Shackles covered it rust. They don’t exactly serve their purpose… |
5.0 |
42.0 |
wh_cheat_additem rutina_rustyShackles |
Sack of charcoal | A bag of supplies. |
112.0 |
1.0 |
wh_cheat_additem naTroskach_sackcarryable |
Sack of flour | 30.0 |
1.0 |
wh_cheat_additem mlynaruvUcen_sackcarryable |
Sack of scrap | Lots of indispensable and undoubtedly necessary things in one… |
80.0 |
1.0 |
wh_cheat_additem kejkliri_sackcarryable |
Sack of silver ore | A sack of mined silver ore isn’t exactly the lightest thing in… |
120.0 |
1.0 |
wh_cheat_additem kralovskeStribro_sackcarryable |
Sack of supplies | A sack with supplies ready for travel. |
30.0 |
1.0 |
wh_cheat_additem nebakovObrana_sackcarryable |
Sack of waste | A lot of indispensable and undoubtedly necessary things in one… |
10.0 |
1.0 |
wh_cheat_additem klasterniTajemstvi_sackcarryable |
Sacrifice to the demon | A handful of food for the mine demon. |
wh_cheat_additem tarasMura_foodForTaras |
Sad Greaser's die | A blue die mirroring the sadness of its original owner. |
0.1 |
450.0 |
wh_cheat_additem zachranaPtacka_die_sad_sergeant |
Saint Antiochus' die | The Saint Antiochus’ die always rolls a 3. Not 2. And especially… |
0.1 |
790.0 |
wh_cheat_additem die_Antiocha |
Saint Veronica's veil | The veil that Saint Veronica used to wipe the blood and sweat… |
3.0 |
450.0 |
wh_cheat_additem magicShop_veilOfSaintVeronica |
Salt | A mineral suitable for flavouring dishes. To some it’s more precious… |
0.3 |
120.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_salt |
Sapphire ring | Gold ring set with a small polished sapphire. |
wh_cheat_additem zlatyMedailon_sapphireRing |
Satin | Smooth fabric in satin weave. The nightmare of anyone who foots… |
3.0 |
1,200.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_satin |
Scorched key | The key I found clutched tightly in the hand of a skeleton inside… |
0.1 |
wh_cheat_additem poi_opusteneOpatovice_burnedKey |
Secret gambling den die | This die will not only secure me an easy win but also grant me… |
0.1 |
100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem bazilisciVejce_die |
Secret preghaus key | A key to the secret mint’s preghaus, where the path of the stolen… |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem kralovskeStribro_minterJailKey |
Set of paintbrushes | Extensions of an artist’s hands, used to capture the beauty of… |
0.4 |
100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem malir_paintbrushes |
Sewing basket | A basket full of thread, needles and pieces of embroidered designs.… |
wh_cheat_additem zlatyMedailon_basketWithNeedlework |
Sewing needle | A secondary product of hay drying. |
0.1 |
42.0 |
wh_cheat_additem common_needle |
Shaft owner's seal | Bronze seal of a rich mining magnate and shaft owner. |
50.0 |
wh_cheat_additem azZaHrob_sealDeadMiner |
Sharkan's chest key | The key to the Cuman Sharkan’s chest. |
wh_cheat_additem relikviarProCimburky_sarkansChestKey |
Shed key | The key to the shed at the mill. |
50.0 |
wh_cheat_additem sMlynariNejsouZerty_keyFromShed |
Sheep ear | An ear from a lost sheep, which the shepherd Smoliek needs as… |
wh_cheat_additem lovVlku_sheepEar |
Sheep guts | Freshly extracted sheep guts. Carrying something like that around… |
0.3 |
1.0 |
wh_cheat_additem animal_sheepCasings |
Sheep remains | The remains of Siegfried’s sheep, which was torn apart by wolves.… |
wh_cheat_additem lovVlku_sheepRemains |
Sheepskin | A sheepskin. It’ll take some time before it’s processed into… |
3.0 |
150.0 |
wh_cheat_additem skin_sheep |
Shrinking die | A very lightly loaded die. One can barely differentiate it from… |
0.1 |
150.0 |
wh_cheat_additem dieBalanced |
Sigismund's orders | Orders from Sigismund, the sly fox, to his followers. Letter… |
wh_cheat_additem vezniNaTroskach_Orders |
Silver badge of defence | Use to cancel the effect of your opponent’s Silver badge in the… |
2,000.0 |
wh_cheat_additem NullDiceBadgeSilver |
Silver badge of fortune | After your throw, you can reroll up to 2 dice Can be used once… |
2,300.0 |
wh_cheat_additem RerollDiceBadgeSilver |
Silver badge of headstart | Use it to get a moderate point lead at the start of the game.… |
2,000.0 |
wh_cheat_additem HeadStartDiceBadgeSilver |
Silver badge of might | Using it will allow you to roll one extra die. Can be used twice… |
2,300.0 |
wh_cheat_additem ExtraDicebadgeSilver |
Silver badge of resurrection | When a throw doesn’t go your way, use this badge to throw again.… |
5,000.0 |
wh_cheat_additem AntiBustDiceBadgeSilver |
Silver badge of transmutation | After your throw, you can change a die of your choosing to a… |
2,500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem SetDiceDiceBadgeSilver |
Silver chalice | One day in the future, people with battle with sticks for such… |
0.6 |
650.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_silverChalice |
Silver cup | Essential equipment for every conscientious drinker. Silver,… |
0.4 |
400.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_silverCup |
Silver doppelganger badge | After your throw, you can reroll a die of your choosing. Can… |
2,100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem RerollPipsBadgeSilver |
Silver nuggets | Small pieces of unprocessed silver. |
7,590.0 |
wh_cheat_additem poi_zasypanyDobrodruh_stolenSilver |
Silver scraps | Scraps of a silver plate or waste from the minting of groschen.… |
2.0 |
100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem prepadeniVlasskehoDvora_silverBits |
Silver warlord's badge | Using this badge will grant you 50% more points this round. Can… |
2,600.0 |
wh_cheat_additem MultiplierDiceBadgeSilver |
Silver-plated button | A silver-plated button from a dead miner’s clothing. |
0.1 |
4.0 |
wh_cheat_additem azZaHrob_silveredStudSarcofag |
Sixer's braies | The very ripe braies of yacker Sixer. |
2.0 |
wh_cheat_additem sesivaniTonici_sestakBraies |
Skull fragment relic | A small fragment of flat bone said to come from the skull of… |
0.1 |
650.0 |
wh_cheat_additem taboryUcesty_ostatkylebkaSvaty |
Small brass crucifix | The small brass cross is a symbol of Christian modesty, because… |
0.1 |
4.0 |
wh_cheat_additem azZaHrob_smallBrassCross |
Soaked map | A soaked map, completely illegible. This won’t be leading me… |
wh_cheat_additem poi_opustenyLom_drenchedMap |
Soap | Soap, a mix of fat, ash, and who knows what else. Combined with… |
0.2 |
200.0 |
wh_cheat_additem soap |
Spade | Spades are for digging graves, shovels are for tossing sand.… |
7.0 |
67.0 |
wh_cheat_additem player_shovel |
Spiked horseshoe | It doesn’t seem magical, but the spikes on could prove useful… |
4.2 |
42.0 |
wh_cheat_additem kovaniZavodniPodkovy_caulkinHorseshoeOrigin |
St. Apollonia's tooth | The molar of the patron saint of all those afflicted by toothache… |
420.0 |
wh_cheat_additem kovaniRelikvie_toothOfSaintApollonia |
St. Stephen's die | A die blessed by St. Stephen, guaranteeing favourable numbers… |
0.1 |
3,330.0 |
wh_cheat_additem die_sarlatan |
Statuette of St. Barbara | A wooden statuette of St. Barbara made by an unknown wood carver.… |
2.0 |
4,200.0 |
wh_cheat_additem prepadeniVlasskehoDvora_barboraStatue |
Stinking perfume | Its smell makes your toes curl. |
4.2 |
420.0 |
wh_cheat_additem perfumeStink |
Stinking shirt | Someone spilled something on this shirt while drinking at the… |
2.0 |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem budovaniLazni_mensShirt |
Stinky hat | A hat that smells really bad. I don’t know what happened to it… |
0.5 |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem budovaniLazni_slippers |
Stolen cup | A finely decorated silver cup. No wonder it attracted the attention… |
42.0 |
wh_cheat_additem setkaniVRatbori1_stolenGoblet |
Stolen shoe | Some write poems out of love, others steal shoes… |
420.0 |
wh_cheat_additem zikmunduvTabor_stolenShoe |
Strange dragon bone | This is supposed to be a piece of a dragon, but I’m not sure… |
wh_cheat_additem drak_dragonBone2 |
Strip die | Legend has it this die will help you undress many a wench. |
0.1 |
670.0 |
wh_cheat_additem dieStripping |
Strong bandage | A longer strip of clean cloth that can safely stop bleeding.… |
0.1 |
1.0 |
wh_cheat_additem bandage_buffedTest |
Strong Lion | Increases Charisma by 7 for 5 minutes. However, if you use it… |
0.2 |
700.0 |
wh_cheat_additem perfume_shortStrong_high |
Strong Mintha | Increases Charisma by 3 for 30 minutes. However, if you use it… |
0.2 |
450.0 |
wh_cheat_additem perfume_longWeak_high |
Sulphur wicks | Smells like Hell itself. |
5.0 |
wh_cheat_additem klasterniTajemstvi_sulphurWick |
Sunken chest key | The key I found in a skeleton by an abandoned cart on the riverbank.… |
wh_cheat_additem poi_havarovanyDvoukolak_stashKey |
Suspicious relic | A silver cross with a reliquary said to hold the foot bone of… |
2.0 |
4,200.0 |
wh_cheat_additem prepadeniVlasskehoDvora_fakeCross |
Tachov maypole | A wreath from the top of the Tachov maypole. It was the pride… |
400.0 |
wh_cheat_additem zaby_tachovMaypole |
Tailor's kit | A set of tools for repairing clothing and quilted items. Includes… |
0.3 |
300.0 |
wh_cheat_additem repairKit_tailorsSmall |
Tavern drawing | According to a legend told by a merchant, this drawing was made… |
0.1 |
4,200.0 |
wh_cheat_additem prepadeniVlasskehoDvora_fakeTheodorik |
Thigh bone | A human thigh bone, or femur in latin. |
0.2 |
75.0 |
wh_cheat_additem common_humanBone |
Three die | For some reason, this die usually rolls a three. Why? |
0.1 |
650.0 |
wh_cheat_additem zachranaPtacka_die_trojak |
Three-legged cup | The three-legged cup is really hard to drink from, but it makes… |
0.4 |
960.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_threeleggedChalice |
Thunderstone | A finely polished stone of dark colour, endowed with magical… |
300.0 |
wh_cheat_additem hromovyKamen_fakeThunderstone |
Tin badge of defence | Use to cancel the effect of your opponent’s tin badge. |
800.0 |
wh_cheat_additem NullDiceBadgePlumb |
Tin badge of fortune | After your throw, you can reroll a diee of your choosing. Can… |
2,700.0 |
wh_cheat_additem RerollDiceBadgePlumb |
Tin badge of headstart | You gain a small point lead at the start of the game. |
500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem HeadStartDiceBadgePlumb |
Tin badge of might | Use it to add one extra die to your throw. Can be used once per… |
1,500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem ExtraDiceBadgePlumb |
Tin badge of resurrection | After an unlucky throw, use this badge to throw again. Can be… |
1,500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem AntibustDiceBadgePlumb |
Tin badge of transmutation | After your throw, you can change a die of your choosing to a… |
1,500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem SetDiceDiceBadgePlumb |
Tin pitcher | Drinks served from pewter dishes taste a little strange, but… |
10.0 |
180.0 |
wh_cheat_additem setkaniVRatbori_tinJug |
Tin plate | “Plate armour” for a knight on a budget. (Disclaimer: Don’t actually… |
0.3 |
350.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_tinPlate |
Tin warlord's badge | Used to gain a quarter more points from your turn. Can be used… |
1,100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem MultiplierDiceBadgePlumb |
Torn piece of dress | A torn piece of cloth. Looks like the hem of a girl’s dress.… |
1.0 |
wh_cheat_additem korenarkaZachrana_pavlenaTornDress |
Training item | wh_cheat_additem pickpocketingTutorial_trainingItem |
Trophies from victims | In the young gentleman’s chambers, I found a collection of locks… |
wh_cheat_additem kubaParalu_murderTrophies |
Trosky armoury key | A new key to the armoury at Trosky. |
0.1 |
40.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_troskyArmoryKey |
Trosky Castle master keys | The bunch of keys of the Lord of Trosky Castle. One flew through… |
wh_cheat_additem vezniNaTroskach_Keys |
Turqoise rosary | A pretty turquoise rosary, which, God knows why, is the focus… |
wh_cheat_additem naTroskach_turqoiseRosary |
Unbalanced die | A playing die someone tried to load to his advantage, but didn’t… |
0.1 |
100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem dieUnbalanced |
Undigested bone | A human bone chopped with an axe. |
0.2 |
wh_cheat_additem specialInventory_eatenBone |
Undigested skull | A skull pulled from a pig’s innards. It’s been chewed on a bit.… |
0.3 |
wh_cheat_additem specialInventory_eatenSkull |
Unlucky die | Sometimes Lady Luck is on your side, sometimes she isn’t. With… |
0.1 |
140.0 |
wh_cheat_additem dieAdversity |
Veisar's doghouse key | The rusty key to the shed where the greengrocer Veisar locks… |
50.0 |
wh_cheat_additem rasuvUcen_dogsShed |
Vejmola's house key | The key to the Vejmola’s house. |
wh_cheat_additem spravedlnost_vejmolaHouseKey |
Vejmola's medallion | The Vejmola’s medallion. It flashes so brightly that no magpie… |
1,300.0 |
wh_cheat_additem spravedlnost_silverBracelet |
Victoria's herbs | A bundle of dried herbs from Victoria’s house. |
wh_cheat_additem viktorka_strangeHerbs |
Victoria's scarf | A nicely decorated piece of good fabric. |
420.0 |
wh_cheat_additem viktorka_viktorkaScarf |
Vidlak poacher's gear | The gear that the Vidlak poacher was carrying on him. Evidence… |
500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem pytlakPtacek_vidlakEvidenceOnBody |
Vidlak Pond poacher's gear | Poacher’s kit found in a secret stash in the woods near the Vidlak… |
500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem pytlakPtacek_vidlakSniffableClue |
Vineyard cellar key | The key to the vineyard cellar in Loretz. |
wh_cheat_additem klasterniTajemstvi_vineyardCellarKey |
Vojta's scarf | This yellowed rag which smells of sweat and fish, is probably… |
wh_cheat_additem zlatyMedailon_vojtasScarf |
Von Aulitz's house key | The key to the house where von Aulitz is staying. |
wh_cheat_additem stealthMiseZaJindru_aulitzHouseKey |
Vostatek's empty waterskin | Empty waterskin of the hunter Vostatek. It reeks of an undetermined… |
5.0 |
wh_cheat_additem zranenyLovci_emptyWaterSkin |
Vostatek's waterskin | Vostatek the huntsman’s waterskin filled with pure spring water…… |
5.0 |
wh_cheat_additem zranenyLovci_filledWaterSkin |
Wagoner's die | According to legend, this die belonged to the famous Roman charioteer… |
0.1 |
230.0 |
wh_cheat_additem die_Vozkova |
Water for Trosky devils | Interesting… and yet it looks like ordinary water from the well.… |
420.0 |
wh_cheat_additem certiNaTroskach_water |
Wayfarer's map I | A map to a site where there’s treasure. |
100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem treasureHunter_map3dup |
Wayfarer's map II | 100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem treasureHunter_map1dup |
Wayfarer's map III | 100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem treasureHunter_map4dup |
Wayfarer's map IV | 100.0 |
wh_cheat_additem treasureHunter_map2dup |
Weak Lion | Increases Charisma by 3 for 3 minutes. However, if you use it… |
0.2 |
500.0 |
wh_cheat_additem perfume_shortStrong |
Weak Mintha | Increases Charisma by 1 for 20 minutes. However, if you use it… |
0.2 |
300.0 |
wh_cheat_additem perfume_longWeak |
Weighted die | A mysterious playing die found in a ruined house. Suspiciously,… |
0.1 |
700.0 |
wh_cheat_additem prepadeni_dieBarn |
Wheel grease | A greasy black liquid used to lubricate wagon wheels, mill gears… |
0.2 |
35.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_pitch |
White buck's hide | A beautiful white hide taken from a buck. Found in the poachers’… |
3.5 |
5,000.0 |
wh_cheat_additem poPytlackeStezce_whiteDeerHide |
White roebuck's hide | A white hide taken from a young roebuck. It’s sad, I reckon there… |
3.5 |
4,000.0 |
wh_cheat_additem poPytlackeStezce_youngWhiteDeerHide |
Wisdom tooth die | A playing die made from a wisdom tooth. |
0.1 |
50.0 |
wh_cheat_additem dieTeeth_c |
Wolf ear | The least dangerous part of the wolf and the easiest to carry.… |
0.3 |
25.0 |
wh_cheat_additem animal_wolfEar |
Wolf pelt | Wolf hide. Rumour has it that if you sleep in the woods under… |
3.5 |
250.0 |
wh_cheat_additem skin_wolf |
Wolfram's spade | This spade is like a gift from the heavens. Its blade is so sharp,… |
7.0 |
67.0 |
wh_cheat_additem player_shovel_wolfram |
Wooden duck | A wooden dog toy. |
0.1 |
1.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_dogToy_duck |
Wooden rosary | One of the most common types of counting devices. It doesn’t… |
0.1 |
180.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_rosary |
Worn rosary | One of the most common types of counter. It doesn’t count money,… |
0.1 |
65.0 |
wh_cheat_additem loot_rosary_old |
Zavish's chest key | The key to Zavish’s chest. |
wh_cheat_additem ztracenaCest_zavisChest |
Zdena's ring | A ring I found on the deceased Zdena. I don’t recognise the family… |
wh_cheat_additem kubaParalu_zdenasRing |
Zdena's scarf | The scarf that Zdena left to Pint to use as a distraction. Hopefully,… |
wh_cheat_additem kubaParalu_ZdenasSatek |
Zimburg reliquary | The mysterious chest that Posy and Tugbone had been searching… |
50.0 |
wh_cheat_additem relikviarProCimburky_reliquary |
Zinek's forged key | A copy of the key that opens the chest of stolen goods at the… |
10.0 |
wh_cheat_additem mlynaruvUcen_zinkChestKey |
Zizka's personal belongings | Zizka’s stuff. There’s a lot of rattling and ringing, so it’s… |
wh_cheat_additem vezniNaTroskach_zizkaStuff |