Songs of the scoundrel's pupils Lore Books
Good poems about women, love and wine by pupils of the scoundrels.
Carmina Burana
songs of the pupils of the scoundrels
Veni, veni, venias,
ne me mori facias,
hyrca, hyrca, nazaza,
Pulchra tibi facies,
oculorum acies,
capillorum series,
o quam clara species!
Rosa rubicundior,
lilio candidior,
omnibus formosior,
semper in te glorior!
Come now, come now, come to me,
leave me not to die, I pray.
Hyrca, hyrca, nazaza,
Beautiful your pretty face,
Radiant your lovely gaze,
Your hair in tresses all arranged,
How your appearance does amaze!
Rosier than theRose are you,
whiter than the lily too,
fairer than all other girls,
for me forever glorious!
Sie puer cum puellula
moraretur in cellula,
felix coniunctio.
Amore sucrescente,
pariter e medio
propulso procul tedio,
fit ludus ineffabilis
membris, lacertis, labiis.
If a boy and girl should happen to
come together in a room,
How happy is that couple!
Then the glow ofAmor rises, rises double!
When they lie in bed,
by shame they are not troubled,
’Tis then a game begins
’twixt their lips, their arms, their limbs.
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