The Tale of Melusine I Lore Books
The first part of the Luxembourg legend of the fairy Melusine.
The Tale of Melusine
Part One
Knight Raymond was a good friend of the Count of Poitiers. Once they went together to hunt wild pigs, but the Count of Poitiers was attacked by a raging boar and knocked from his horse. Brave Raymond rushed to save his friend and tried to kill the enraged beast, but his blow glanced off its back and instead of taking down the creature, he killed his friend with one blow. Aghast at his deed, Raymond fled deep into the forest, where he grieved over the death of his friend, little knowing that he had acted according to an ancient prophesy, and through an evil heart.
Thirsty, he knelt down by a pool in the woods to take a drink and rest a while, whereupon he saw a most beautiful maiden sitting by the pool. She came to him at once and asked what a knight was seeking so deep in the woods and why he was so sad. Disarmed by her beauty, Raymond fell in love with the girl and told her the whole story of his misfortune. Then right away he asked her for her hand in marriage and the maiden, who was called Melusine, accepted his offer, but she warned him that her husband must never enter her chamber on a Saturday and must leave her alone all day.
From the moment that the knight returned from the forest with his bride, he met with only good fortune. He defeated all the old rivals of his family, put to rights all wrongs against them and got back many castles and estates that others had stolen from his glorious family, thereby exalting his own good name and that of his line. Raymond served his liege so bravely that the lord asked him what he would like to have for his services. Whereupon the knight replied that he wished to have in freehold as much land as would fit within the skin of one stag.
His liege lord laughed and gladly agreed, little knowing that Melusine had advised him to cut the skin of a stag into thin ribbons and weave a long rope from them. This she then made even longer by a magic spell, so that it would hold an even greater tract of land. Melusine made a spring rise up in the middle of this land to water the earth and ensure a good harvest every year. By other spells, Melusine erected the great Castle Lusignan, where she and Raymond made their home.
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