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Icon Color Key
Icon Title Description How to Find this Item Used In Tier Interactive Map Markers Loot Gallery
Item icon
Acid Gland

A gooey gland for use in crafting. This Tier I natural resource…

This resource can be obtained as a drop from the following creatures:…

"Bug Rubber" iconBug Rubber Misc
"Larva Blade" iconLarva Blade Melee
"Red Ant Arm Guards" iconRed Ant Arm Guards Upper Body
Tier I

Larva Locations Location Map Marker Larva Cave Map Pin…

Item icon
Acorn Bits

Edible morsels of an acorn for use in snacks. These little pieces…

You can find Acorn Bits primarily in the Oak Hill biome especially…

"Boost Juice" iconBoost Juice Smoothies
"Hedge Lord" iconHedge Lord Smoothies
"Spaghetflea" iconSpaghetflea Meals
No Tier

Item icon
Acorn Shell

A hard, hollow shell useful for construction. Derived from the…

You can find Acorn Shells primarily in the Oak Hill biome especially…

"Acorn Shovel" iconAcorn Shovel Digging
"Crow Crossbow" iconCrow Crossbow Ranged
"Acorn Face Mask" iconAcorn Face Mask Head
"Acorn Chestplate" iconAcorn Chestplate Upper Body
"Acorn Leg Plates" iconAcorn Leg Plates Lower Body
"Mushroom Door" iconMushroom Door Passages
"Mushroom Curved Door" iconMushroom Curved Door Passages
"Acorn Spiral Stairs" iconAcorn Spiral Stairs Stairs
"Berry Chair" iconBerry Chair Furniture
"Grass Table" iconGrass Table Furniture
"Weapon Wall Mount" iconWeapon Wall Mount Furniture
"Acorn Curved Fence" iconAcorn Curved Fence Fencing
"Acorn Fence" iconAcorn Fence Fencing
"Acorn Railing" iconAcorn Railing Fencing
"Sign Frame" iconSign Frame Art
"Red Ant Worker Head Mount" iconRed Ant Worker Head Mount Mounted Trophies
"Bee Head Mount" iconBee Head Mount Mounted Trophies
"Bombardier Head Mount" iconBombardier Head Mount Mounted Trophies
"Broodmother Trophy" iconBroodmother Trophy Mounted Trophies
"Firefly Head Mount" iconFirefly Head Mount Mounted Trophies
"Infected Weevil Head Mount" iconInfected Weevil Head Mount Mounted Trophies
"Ladybug Head Mount" iconLadybug Head Mount Mounted Trophies
"Larva Head Mount" iconLarva Head Mount Mounted Trophies
"Mosquito Head Mount" iconMosquito Head Mount Mounted Trophies
"Orb Weaver Head Mount" iconOrb Weaver Head Mount Mounted Trophies
"Red Soldier Ant Head Mount" iconRed Soldier Ant Head Mount Mounted Trophies
Tier I

Item icon
Acorn Top

A hollow acorn cap useful in construction. These sturdy caps…

You can find Acorn Tops primarily in the Oak Hill biome especially…

"Mushroom Curved Door" iconMushroom Curved Door Passages
"Mushroom Door" iconMushroom Door Passages
Tier I

Item icon

Algae is a squishy strip of an edible acquatic plant. This item…

Algae is a commonly sourced item you can find like moss in the…

"Decoy Bait" iconDecoy Bait Misc
"Green Machine" iconGreen Machine Smoothies
"Omelant" iconOmelant Meals
No Tier

Item icon
Antlion Part

Unidentifiable part of an antlion. This natural resource is used…

As this material is from a part of the Antlion, you’ll need to…

"Antlion Poncho" iconAntlion Poncho Upper Body
"Antlion Spurs" iconAntlion Spurs Lower Body
"Antlion Greatsword" iconAntlion Greatsword Melee
"Quesadillantlion" iconQuesadillantlion Meals
Tier III

Antlion Locations Location Map Marker Sandpit 1 Map Pin…

Item icon
Antlion Pincer

Sharp and deadly appendage of an antlion. This natural resource…

As this material is from a part of the Antlion, you’ll need to…

"Antlion Poncho" iconAntlion Poncho Upper Body
"Antlion Spurs" iconAntlion Spurs Lower Body
"Antlion Greatsword" iconAntlion Greatsword Melee
Tier III

Antlion Locations Location Map Marker Sandpit 1 Map Pin…

Item icon
Aphid Honeydew

A sweet secretion from aphids that restores a small amount of…

You can find Aphid Honeydew near Clovers in the yard. When an…

Tier I

Item icon
Aphid Jerky

Dried aphid meat that has been preserved as jerky. No longer…

This resource can only be made by adding Raw Aphid Meat to a…

No Tier

Item icon
Bee Fuzz

High quality fuzz in iconic black and yellow colors. This furry…

As this resource is a drop from Bees, you’ll need to defeat them…

"Stinger Spear" iconStinger Spear Melee
"Antlion Spurs" iconAntlion Spurs Lower Body
"Bee Face Mask" iconBee Face Mask Head
"Bee Shoulder Pads" iconBee Shoulder Pads Upper Body
"Bee Shin Guards" iconBee Shin Guards Lower Body
"Black Ant Chestplate" iconBlack Ant Chestplate Upper Body
"Black Ant Helmet" iconBlack Ant Helmet Head
"Black Ant Legplates" iconBlack Ant Legplates Lower Body
"Bee Head Mount" iconBee Head Mount Mounted Trophies
10× "Stuffed Bee" iconStuffed Bee Stuffed Bugs
10× "Stuffed Ladybug" iconStuffed Ladybug Stuffed Bugs
Tier II

Bee Locations Location Map Marker South of Castle Moldroc…

Item icon
Bee Stinger

A long and sharp stabby bit from a bee. A sharp stinger dropped…

As this resource is a drop from Bees, you’ll need to defeat them…

Tier II

Bee Locations Location Map Marker South of Castle Moldroc…

Item icon
Berry Chunk

A plump slice of purple hedge berry. Its skin is both strong…

Predominantly hanging in berries from the branches in, and around…

Tier I

Berry Locations Location Map Marker Hedge Ascent Map Pin…

Item icon
Black Ant Egg

A ripe black ant egg that can hatch if left to sit. Keep insect…

You can find Black Ant Eggs in the Black Anthill. The Black Worker…

"Omelant" iconOmelant Meals
Tier II

Black Egg Location Location Map Marker Black Anthill Descent…

Item icon
Black Ant Head

The entire head of a black ant. Surprisingly intact. This resource…

As the head is naturally a drop from either the Black Worker…

"Black Ant Helmet" iconBlack Ant Helmet Head
"Black Ant Shovel" iconBlack Ant Shovel Digging
"Lil Black Helm" iconLil Black Helm Pet
Tier II

Black Ant Locations Location Map Marker Black Anthill…

Item icon
Black Ant Mandibles

The seeming indestructible pincers of a black soldier ant. This…

The easiest place to come across the Black Ants are the Black…

"Black Ant Chestplate" iconBlack Ant Chestplate Upper Body
"Black Ant Sword" iconBlack Ant Sword Melee
"Black Ant Shovel" iconBlack Ant Shovel Digging
Tier II

Black Ant Locations Location Map Marker Black Anthill…

Item icon
Black Ant Part

Thick chunks of Black Ant that seems very strong. This item is…

The easiest place to come across the Black Ants are the Black…

"Black Ant Helmet" iconBlack Ant Helmet Head
"Black Ant Chestplate" iconBlack Ant Chestplate Upper Body
"Black Ant Legplates" iconBlack Ant Legplates Lower Body
"Black Ant Sword" iconBlack Ant Sword Melee
"Black Ant Shield" iconBlack Ant Shield Shield
"Black Ant Shovel" iconBlack Ant Shovel Digging
"Fresh Storage" iconFresh Storage Storage
Tier II

Black Ant Locations Location Map Marker Black Anthill…

Item icon
Black Ox Horn

The deadly and durable horn of a Black Ox Beetle. Although it’s…

As it’s a drop from the Black Ox Beetle, you’ll need to defeat…

"Black Ox Helm" iconBlack Ox Helm Head
"Supreme Whetstone" iconSupreme Whetstone Upgrades
"Black Ox Hammer" iconBlack Ox Hammer Busting
Tier III

Black Ox Beetle Locations Location Map Marker Near Termite…

Item icon
Black Ox Part

Sturdy Black Ox Beetle bits that can be used for all sorts of…

As it’s a drop from the Black Ox Beetle, you’ll need to defeat…

"Black Ox Helm" iconBlack Ox Helm Head
"Black Ox Harness" iconBlack Ox Harness Upper Body
"Black Ox Legwraps" iconBlack Ox Legwraps Lower Body
"Black Ox Hammer" iconBlack Ox Hammer Busting
"Black Ox Crossbow" iconBlack Ox Crossbow Ranged
"Black Ox Burger" iconBlack Ox Burger Meals
Tier III

Black Ox Beetle Locations Location Map Marker Near Termite…

Item icon
Black Widow Fang

An impossibly sharp fang of a legendary black widow spider. The…

This resource is a drop from the legendary Black Widow. As it’s…

"Widow Hood" iconWidow Hood Head
"Widow Spaulder" iconWidow Spaulder Upper Body
"Widow Leggings" iconWidow Leggings Lower Body
"Widow Dagger" iconWidow Dagger Melee
Tier III

Black Widow Locations Location Map Marker On the path…

Item icon
Boiling Gland

The part of the bombardier beetle that can instantly boil liquids.…

The Boiling Gland is a drop from the Bombardier Beetle. As it’s…

"Bombardier Head Mount" iconBombardier Head Mount Mounted Trophies
"Insect Hammer" iconInsect Hammer Busting
"Stuffed Bombardier" iconStuffed Bombardier Stuffed Bugs
Tier II

Bombardier Beetle Locations Location Map Marker East of…

Item icon
Bombardier Part

Strong bombadier beetle bits suitable for a variety of powerful…

The Bombardier Part is a drop from the Bombardier Beetle. As…

"Bombardier Head Mount" iconBombardier Head Mount Mounted Trophies
"Broodmother BLT" iconBroodmother BLT Boss Items
"Insect Axe" iconInsect Axe Chopping
"Repair Glue" iconRepair Glue Misc
Tier II

Bombardier Beetle Locations Location Map Marker East of…

Item icon
Brittle Marble Shard

A nugget that seems useful for one thing: upograding armor. This…

The Brittle Marble Shards are fairly rare, and are often found…

"Brittle Plating" iconBrittle Plating Upgrades
Tier I

Item icon
Brittle Quartzite Shard

A nugget that seems useful for one thing: upgrading weapons.…

This item is a fairly rare find, but typically is visible in…

"Brittle Whetstone" iconBrittle Whetstone Upgrades
Tier I

Item icon
Broodmother Chunk

An unidentifiable piece of the demonic mother spider. This item…

Players will find the Broodmother demonic spider is deep inside…

"Broodmother Trophy" iconBroodmother Trophy Mounted Trophies
Tier III

Broodmother Location Location Map Marker Hedge Map Pin…

Item icon
Broodmother Fang

The Broodmother Fang is an extrmely dangerous and deadly fang…

Players will need to head to the Hedge biome in the bottom right…

Tier III

Broodmother Location Location Map Marker Hedge Map Pin…

Item icon
Broodmother Venom

Shockingly potent venom from the demonic mother spider. This…

To get your hands on the Broodmother Venom, players will need…

Tier III

Broodmother Location Location Map Marker Hedge Map Pin…

Item icon

Soft, wet dirt clumps that hold form. This Tier I resource is…

Clay is derived from clay deposits which can be found all over…

"Ash Cement" iconAsh Cement Misc
"Fuzz on the Rocks" iconFuzz on the Rocks Smoothies
"Clay Foundation" iconClay Foundation Support
"Clay Pillar" iconClay Pillar Support
"Clay Ramp" iconClay Ramp Support
"Pebblet Foundation" iconPebblet Foundation Support
"Pebblet Pillar" iconPebblet Pillar Support
"Pebblet Ramp" iconPebblet Ramp Support
"Zipline Wall Anchor" iconZipline Wall Anchor Navigation
"Basketball Hoop" iconBasketball Hoop Athletics
"Waft Emitter" iconWaft Emitter Misc
"Armor Dummy" iconArmor Dummy Furniture
"Weapon Wall Mount" iconWeapon Wall Mount Furniture
Tier I

Clay Locations Location Map Marker East Flooded Zone 1…

Item icon
Clover Leaf

Single leaf from the top of a clover. These leaves can be gathered…

You can find clovers almost anywhere around the yard, although…

"Clover Hood" iconClover Hood Head
"Clover Poncho" iconClover Poncho Upper Body
"Clover Table" iconClover Table Furniture
"Clover Shin Guards" iconClover Shin Guards Lower Body
"Clover Flat Roof" iconClover Flat Roof Roofing
"Clover Peaked Roof" iconClover Peaked Roof Roofing
"Clover Roof" iconClover Roof Roofing
"Green Machine" iconGreen Machine Smoothies
"Lean-To" iconLean-To Sleep
"Plant Fiber" iconPlant Fiber Natural Resources
"Trail Marker" iconTrail Marker Navigation
"Roof Corner" iconRoof Corner Roofing
"Roof Interior Corner" iconRoof Interior Corner Roofing
"Roof Squared Corner" iconRoof Squared Corner Roofing
Tier I

Clover Locations Location Map Marker Flooded Zone Map…

Item icon
Crow Feather Piece

A wisp of a crow’s jet black feather. A dark omen from the harbinger…

This resource isn’t like other resources due to them dropping…

"Crow Crossbow" iconCrow Crossbow Ranged
"Feather Arrow" iconFeather Arrow Ranged
"Feather Flat Roof" iconFeather Flat Roof Roofing
"Feather Roof" iconFeather Roof Roofing
"Feather Peaked Roof" iconFeather Peaked Roof Roofing
"Feather Roof Corner" iconFeather Roof Corner Roofing
"Marksman's Cap" iconMarksman's Cap Head
"Mint Staff" iconMint Staff Ranged
"Termite Axe" iconTermite Axe Chopping
"Wizard Hat" iconWizard Hat Head
Tier II

Crow Feather Piece Locations Location Map Marker Picnic…

Item icon
Dandelion Tuft

A fluffy puff of dandelion stuff. Could be used to drift down…

Dandelion Tufts can be harvested from Dandelions. They can be…

Tier I

Upper Grasslands Map Marker

Item icon
Diving Bell Spider Chunk

An ambiguous chunk of an aquatic spider. This Tier II resource…

This resource is a drop from the Diving Bell Spider that lives…

"Bone Dagger" iconBone Dagger Underwater
"Bone Trident" iconBone Trident Underwater
Tier II

Diving Bell Spider Locations Location Map Marker Koi Pond…

Item icon
Dry Grass Chunk

Brittle fiber harvested from dry grass. The Dry Grass Chunks…

Although you can find Dry Grass throughout the yard, the best…

"Bratburst" iconBratburst Explosive
"Grub Leggings" iconGrub Leggings Lower Body
"Grub Vest" iconGrub Vest Upper Body
"Plant Lamp" iconPlant Lamp Lighting
"Roasting Spit" iconRoasting Spit Food
"Sap Sconce" iconSap Sconce Lighting
"Torch" iconTorch Light
Tier I

Item icon
Dust Mite Fuzz

A crusty fuzz from fiber-dwelling dust mites. This fluffy material…

You can typically find Dust Mites in the Undershed area of the…

"Black Ox Legwraps" iconBlack Ox Legwraps Lower Body
"Fire Ant Legplates" iconFire Ant Legplates Lower Body
10× "Fluffy Pupa Hat" iconFluffy Pupa Hat Head
"Rusty Spear" iconRusty Spear Melee
"Spliter Arrow" iconSpliter Arrow Ranged
"Termite Delight" iconTermite Delight Meals
Tier III

Dust Mite Locations Location Map Marker Deck Chair seat…

Item icon
Eelgrass Strand

A hydrophobic strip useful for binding things used in water.…

You can find Eelgrass Strands in, and around the Koi Pond which…

"Bubble Helmet" iconBubble Helmet Head
"Buoyant Foundation" iconBuoyant Foundation Support
"Buoyant Marker" iconBuoyant Marker Navigation
"Fin Flops+" iconFin Flops+ Lower Body
"Gill Tube" iconGill Tube Head
"Koi Scale Chestplate" iconKoi Scale Chestplate Upper Body
"Koi Scale Greaves" iconKoi Scale Greaves Lower Body
"Koi Scale Helmet" iconKoi Scale Helmet Head
"Plant Fiber" iconPlant Fiber Natural Resources
"Slime Lantern+" iconSlime Lantern+ Underwater
Tier I

Item icon
EverChar Coal Chunk

A hunk of EverChar everburning charcoal. Stays piping hot and…

Unlike other resources, this can only be found in one location,…

"Charcoal Ash" iconCharcoal Ash Recycle
"Charcoal Canteen" iconCharcoal Canteen Drink
"EverChar Torch" iconEverChar Torch Light
"Spicy Coaltana" iconSpicy Coaltana Melee
Tier III

EverChar Coal Chunk Locations Location Map Marker Barbecue…

Item icon
Fire Ant Head

The entire head of a fire ant. Not much to say about this resource…

Naturally you’ll find the Fire Ant Heads as a drop from defeating…

"Fire Ant Helmet" iconFire Ant Helmet Head
"Fire Ant Shield" iconFire Ant Shield Shield
"Lil Fire Helm" iconLil Fire Helm Pet
Tier III

Fire Ant Locations Location Map Marker Fire Anthill 1…

Item icon
Fire Ant Mandibles

The seemingly indestructible pincers of a fire soldier ant. The…

Naturally you’ll find the Fire Ant Mandibles as a drop from defeating…

"Fire Ant Chestplate" iconFire Ant Chestplate Upper Body
"Fire Ant Club" iconFire Ant Club Melee
"Spicy Staff" iconSpicy Staff Ranged
Tier III

Fire Ant Locations Location Map Marker Fire Anthill 1…

Item icon
Fire Ant Part

Thick chunks of fire ant that seems very strong. The Fire Ant…

Naturally you’ll find the Fire Ant Parts as a drop from defeating…

"Fire Ant Chestplate" iconFire Ant Chestplate Upper Body
"Fire Ant Helmet" iconFire Ant Helmet Head
"Fire Ant Club" iconFire Ant Club Melee
"Fire Ant Legplates" iconFire Ant Legplates Lower Body
10× "Fire Ant Shield" iconFire Ant Shield Shield
Tier III

Fire Ant Locations Location Map Marker Fire Anthill 1…

Item icon
Flower Petal

A soft petal from one of the yard’s flowers. Smells like grandma.…

Mostly gathered from Hosta Plants which can be found in the Flower…

Tier I

Flower Petal Locations Location Map Marker Flower Bed…

Item icon
Fresh Apple Bits

Tiny bits of Marmotcrisp apple. A satisfying snack that restores…

You can find Fresh Apple Bits all over the yard especially the…

Tier I

Apple Locations Location Map Marker East of the JavaMatic…

Item icon
Fresh Billy Hog Bite

A moist n’ meaty morsel of a Get N’ Jet Billy Hog. Quick Billy’s…

You can find Fresh Billy Hog Bites by gathering them from Billy…

Tier II

Item icon
Fresh Cookie Sandwich Bits

Chunks of a cookie sandwich. Most people think the filling is…

You can find Fresh Cookie Sandwich Bits by gathering them from…

Tier II

Item icon
Fungal Growth

Incredibly unstable chunk of fungus. Fungal Growth is a versatile…

You’ll find Fungal Grown by defeating Infected creatures including,…

"Bomb Arrow" iconBomb Arrow Ranged
"Bratburst" iconBratburst Explosive
"Gastro Goo" iconGastro Goo Smoothies
"Infected Weevil Head Mount" iconInfected Weevil Head Mount Mounted Trophies
Tier II

Infected Creatures Locations Location Map Marker Haze…

Item icon
Glow Goo

The mysterious juices that allow fireflies to glow. The Glow…

As Glow Goo comes from Fireflies, you’ll need to defeat them…

"Stuffed Firefly" iconStuffed Firefly Stuffed Bugs
Tier II

Firefly Locations Location Map Marker North Flooded Zone…

Item icon
Gnat Fuzz

Dull grey hairs taken from a gnat. This fluffy material is primarily…

You can obtain Gnat Fuzz by defeating any Gnat variant. When…

"Gas Mask" iconGas Mask Head
"Sprig Bow" iconSprig Bow Ranged
10× "Stuffed Bombardier" iconStuffed Bombardier Stuffed Bugs
"Stuffed Gnat" iconStuffed Gnat Stuffed Bugs
Tier I

Gnat Locations Location Map Marker Southwest of the Wheelbarrow…

Item icon
Gnat Jerky

A grungy morsel of gnat meat preserved in jerky form. No longer…

You can obtain Gnat Jerky by defeating any Gnat variant. When…

Tier II

Gnat Locations Location Map Marker Southwest of the Wheelbarrow…

Item icon
Grass Plank

Broad, flexible plank perfect for fortifications. Acquired by…

You can find Grass Planks by chopping down strands of grass with…

"Basketball Hoop" iconBasketball Hoop Athletics
"Grass Curved Door" iconGrass Curved Door Passages
"Grass Curved Floor" iconGrass Curved Floor Floors
"Grass Curved Wall" iconGrass Curved Wall Walls
"Grass Door" iconGrass Door Passages
"Grass Floor" iconGrass Floor Floors
"Grass Half Floor" iconGrass Half Floor Floors
"Grass Half Wall A" iconGrass Half Wall A Walls
"Grass Half Wall B" iconGrass Half Wall B Walls
"Grass Stairs" iconGrass Stairs Stairs
"Grass Table" iconGrass Table Furniture
"Grass Wall" iconGrass Wall Walls
"Normal Chair" iconNormal Chair Furniture
"Plant Fiber" iconPlant Fiber Natural Resources
"Sturdy Curved Wall" iconSturdy Curved Wall Walls
"Sturdy Wall" iconSturdy Wall Walls
"Triangle Floor" iconTriangle Floor Floors
"Triangle Wall" iconTriangle Wall Walls
Tier I

Item icon
Green Shield Bug Parts

An unidentifiable piece of a Green Shield Bug.

Greenshield Bug Parts are an item that drops from Greenshield…

"EverChar Torch" iconEverChar Torch Light
"Sour Battle-axe" iconSour Battle-axe Melee
Tier III

Green Shield Bug Locations Location Map Marker Undershed…

Item icon
Grub Hide

Plush, warm skin harvested from a common grub. Grub Hides are…

These can be harvested from the corpse of a Grub. These passive…

"Brittle Plating" iconBrittle Plating Upgrades
"Grub Goggles" iconGrub Goggles Head
"Grub Vest" iconGrub Vest Upper Body
"Grub Leggings" iconGrub Leggings Lower Body
"Mite Hat" iconMite Hat Head
"Larva Blade" iconLarva Blade Melee
"Weevil Shield" iconWeevil Shield Shield
Tier I

Grub Locations Location Map Marker Undershed Deck Map…

Item icon
Grub Sludge

Mysterious goo excreted from grubs. Grub Sludge is excrement…

These can be harvested from the corpse of a Grub. These passive…

"Grub Vest" iconGrub Vest Upper Body
Tier I

Grub Locations Location Map Marker Undershed Deck Map…

Item icon
Gum Nugget

A petrified wad stronger than most metals. Can be used in spectacular…

This “stronger than most metals” resource will need something…

"Salt Morning Star" iconSalt Morning Star Melee
Tier III

Gum Locations Location Map Marker Picnic Table Map Pin…

Item icon
Gunpowder Clump

Stable but deadly pile of gunpowder. Gunpowder Clumps are a natural…

You can find Gunpowder Clumps by opening Pop Caps in the upper…

"Bomb Arrow" iconBomb Arrow Ranged
Tier III

Pop Cap Locations Location Map Marker Deck 1 (near Undershed)…

Item icon
Iridescent Scale

A beautiful scale taken from a firefly that makes a strong, pliable…

You can only obtain Iridescent Scales from the corpse of a Firefly.…

"Firefly Head Mount" iconFirefly Head Mount Mounted Trophies
"Stuffed Firefly" iconStuffed Firefly Stuffed Bugs
Tier II

Firefly Locations Location Map Marker North Flooded Zone…

Item icon
Koi Fish Scale

A shiny scale from the koi fish. Sturdy and relaible, this scale…

You’ll only find Koi Fish Scales from two sources, one from the…

"Koi Scale Chestplate" iconKoi Scale Chestplate Upper Body
"Koi Scale Greaves" iconKoi Scale Greaves Lower Body
"Koi Scale Helmet" iconKoi Scale Helmet Head
Tier II

Item icon
Ladybird Shell

The nearly impenetrable shell of an aggressive ladybird.

You can get this item from the ladybird, which is a darker and…

"Supreme Plating" iconSupreme Plating Upgrades
"Ladybird Shield" iconLadybird Shield Shield
No Tier

Item icon
Ladybug Head

A fully intact tough and glistening head of a ladybug.

No Tier
Item icon
Ladybug Part

Iconic red and black piece of a ladybug. Beautiful and tough.…

No Tier
Item icon
Larva Spike

A sharp, dangly appendage taken from the corpse of a disgusting…

"Brittle Whetstone" iconBrittle Whetstone Upgrades
"Larva Blade" iconLarva Blade Melee
No Tier
Item icon
Left Elf Charm

A Pebble Village gossip elf reaches for something to the right.…

"Sarah's Charm" iconSarah's Charm Trinkets
No Tier
Item icon
Lilypad Wax

A nodule of wax collected from a flowering lilypad. Can be used…

"Koi Scale Helmet" iconKoi Scale Helmet Head
"Koi Scale Chestplate" iconKoi Scale Chestplate Upper Body
"Koi Scale Greaves" iconKoi Scale Greaves Lower Body
"Fin Flops+" iconFin Flops+ Lower Body
"Gill Tube" iconGill Tube Head
No Tier
Item icon

A dense tangle of fibers from many sources. Very useful when…

"Lint Rope" iconLint Rope Misc
No Tier
Item icon
Mantis Chunk

An unidentifiable piece of a mantis.

Players will need to summon the Mantis, similarly to how players…

"Assassin's Mask" iconAssassin's Mask Head
"Assassin's Chestplate" iconAssassin's Chestplate Upper Body
"Assassin's Greaves" iconAssassin's Greaves Lower Body
"Scythe of Blossoms" iconScythe of Blossoms Melee
No Tier

Item icon
Mantis Claw

A claw from a mantis.

Players will need to summon the Mantis, similarly to how players…

"Assassin's Chestplate" iconAssassin's Chestplate Upper Body
"Assassin's Greaves" iconAssassin's Greaves Lower Body
"Scythe of Blossoms" iconScythe of Blossoms Melee
No Tier

Item icon
Mantis Head

An entire head of a mantis.

"Assassin's Mask" iconAssassin's Mask Head
No Tier
Item icon
Mint Shard

A nugget of an ice caps mint. This item is used both as a basic…

Players can find Mint Shards by heading into various areas of…

"Mint Arrow" iconMint Arrow Ranged
"Mint Glob" iconMint Glob Upgrades
"Mint Jewel" iconMint Jewel Upgrades
No Tier
Item icon
Mite Fuzz

Vibrant red hairs taken from a mite.

No Tier
Item icon
Mosquito Beak

The thin, sharp, beak of a mosquito. Seems like it could penetrate…

"Mosquito Needle" iconMosquito Needle Melee
No Tier
Item icon
Mosquito Blood Sack

A mosquito’s blood-filled rump.

Players can typically find Mosquitos around the Koi Pond area…

"Healbasa" iconHealbasa Health
"Mosquito Needle" iconMosquito Needle Melee
"Tick Macuahuitl" iconTick Macuahuitl Melee
No Tier

Item icon
Moth Fuzz

Heavily insulating fuzz of a moth.

"Moth Wrap" iconMoth Wrap Head
"Moth Robe" iconMoth Robe Upper Body
"Moth Leggings" iconMoth Leggings Lower Body
No Tier
Item icon
Moth Scale

The razor sharp scale of a moth.

"Moth Wrap" iconMoth Wrap Head
No Tier
Item icon
Muscle Sprout

An edible hybrid Brussels sprout. Chewy muscle flaps, ripe and…

No Tier
Item icon

Edible fungus that restores a small amount of hunger.

No Tier
Item icon
Mushroom Chunk

A big piece from a large mushroom. Too strange to eat but just…

No Tier
Item icon

Sweet and edible crafting resource. Restores a small amount of…

No Tier
Item icon
O.R.C. Reciever

A miniaturized electronic device. Can be scavenged for parts.…

These items typically drop from ORC controlled creatures, which…

No Tier
Item icon

A nugget of hard-packed pebble dust. Not very good as a handheld…

No Tier
Item icon
Pinecone Piece

A structurally sound piece of pinecone. This item is typically…

Players can find pinecones scattered around in the ground throughout…

No Tier

Item icon
Plant Fiber

A flexible strip of fiber useful for weaving and binding.

No Tier
Item icon

Flower discharge that bees go nuts over.

No Tier
Item icon
Pond Moss

Strangely delicious moss found at the bottom of a pond.

Pond Moss is a resource you an find in the pond areas of the…

Tier III

Item icon
Pupa Hide

A sleek and soggy hide from a pupa. Feels extremely durable despite…

"Pupa Leather" iconPupa Leather Misc
"Toenail Scimitar" iconToenail Scimitar Melee
No Tier
Item icon
Raw Aphid Meat

A whole raw aphid. A bad idea to eat uncooked, but the potential…

"Aphid Slippers" iconAphid Slippers Lower Body
No Tier
Item icon
Raw Gnat Meat

Greasy meat from a gnat. Eating this raw isn’t a good idea, but…

No Tier
Item icon
Raw Tadpole Meat

Juicy chunk from a tadpole that will make you sick if eaten raw,…

"Decoy Bait" iconDecoy Bait Misc
No Tier
Item icon
Raw Weevil Meat

Raw meat from a mushroom hunting weevil. The deep color and wafts…

No Tier
Item icon
Red Ant Egg

A ripe red ant egg that can hatch if left to sit. Keep insect…

No Tier
Item icon
Red Ant Head

The entire head of a red ant. Surprisingly intact.

No Tier
Item icon
Red Ant Mandibles

The powerful pincers of a red soldier ant.

No Tier
Item icon
Red Ant Part

Sturdy chunks of red ant that seem useful in a variety of crafts.…

No Tier
Item icon
Right Elf Charm

A Pebble Village gossip elf reaches for something to the left.…

"Sarah's Charm" iconSarah's Charm Trinkets
No Tier
Item icon
Roly Poly Part

An unidentifiable piece of a roly poly.

"Roly Poly Breastplate" iconRoly Poly Breastplate Upper Body
"Roly Poly Legplates" iconRoly Poly Legplates Lower Body
No Tier
Item icon
Roly Poly Shell

An impenetrable shell of a roly poly.

"Roly Poly Helmet" iconRoly Poly Helmet Head
"Roly Poly Breastplate" iconRoly Poly Breastplate Upper Body
"Roly Poly Legplates" iconRoly Poly Legplates Lower Body
No Tier
Item icon

A fleck of oxidized metal found mostly on metal that’s exposed…

Players can find Rust in the higher end biomes of the game in…

"Widow Spaulder" iconWidow Spaulder Upper Body
"Widow Leggings" iconWidow Leggings Lower Body
"Scythe of Blossoms" iconScythe of Blossoms Melee
"Toenail Scimitar" iconToenail Scimitar Melee
"Rusty Spear" iconRusty Spear Melee
"Black Ox Crossbow" iconBlack Ox Crossbow Ranged
"Ash Cement" iconAsh Cement Misc
No Tier

Item icon
Salt Shard

A cleane piece of salt that’s surprisingly sharp. Shouldn’t be…

There are several ways to get your hands on the salt chunks throughout…

"Salt Arrow" iconSalt Arrow Ranged
"Salt Glob" iconSalt Glob Upgrades
"Salty Jewel" iconSalty Jewel Upgrades
"Omelant" iconOmelant Meals
No Tier
Item icon

A combustible, sticky good that oozes from roots and fallen branches.…

No Tier
Item icon
Slime Mold Stalk

The glowing mold found underground. Can probably be used as a…

No Tier
Item icon
Sour Lump

A mouth-puckering lump from a wormhole sour candy. While serving…

You can find this at any of the wormhole sites throughout the…

Tier III
Item icon
Spicy Shard

A fiery splinter from a Hot Cha Chas candy. This item is typically…

The most common source of the spicy shard is via the sandbox.…

"Spicy Arrow" iconSpicy Arrow Ranged
"Spicy Glob" iconSpicy Glob Upgrades
"Spicy Jewel" iconSpicy Jewel Upgrades
No Tier
Item icon
Spider Chunk

A super durable but ambiguous hunk of spider.

No Tier
Item icon
Spider Fang

A delicate but razor-sharp fang of a wolf spider. Handling it…

No Tier
Item icon
Spider Venom

Venom taken straight from a spider’s gland…thing. Extremely toxic.…

No Tier
Item icon
Spiky Bur

The iconic spike ball that lives atop many prickly weeds.

"Bur Floor" iconBur Floor Floors
"Triangle Bur Floor" iconTriangle Bur Floor Floors
"Bur Curved Floor" iconBur Curved Floor Floors
"Bur Half Floor" iconBur Half Floor Floors
No Tier
Item icon
Spoiled Meat

Meat that has rotted. Probably shouldn’t eat it, but maybe it…

No Tier
Item icon

A light, supple sprout for crafting and construction.

No Tier
Item icon
Stinkbug Gas Sack

The mysterious body part that creates all of the dangerous and…

No Tier
Item icon
Stinkbug Part

An unidentifiable piece of a stinkbug. Can be used in various…

No Tier
Item icon
Sturdy Marble Shard

A cool looking nugget that seems useful for one thing: upgrading…

Sturdy Marble shards are commonly found in the higher end caves,…

"Sturdy Plating" iconSturdy Plating Upgrades
No Tier

Item icon
Sturdy Quartzite Shard

A cool looking nugget that seems useful for one thing: upgrading…

Players will find the Sturdy Quartzite shards are commly found…

"Sturdy Whetstone" iconSturdy Whetstone Upgrades
No Tier

Map Pin Location Description Map Pin 1 Upper Grassland…

Item icon
Sunken Bone

A splinter of bone harvested from the remains of a creature that…

This is commly fgound in teh depth areas of teh game. Players…

"Koi Scale Chestplate" iconKoi Scale Chestplate Upper Body
"Koi Scale Greaves" iconKoi Scale Greaves Lower Body
"Bubble Helmet" iconBubble Helmet Head
"Bone Dagger" iconBone Dagger Underwater
"Bone Trident" iconBone Trident Underwater
"Rusty Spear" iconRusty Spear Melee
No Tier

Item icon
Super Spider Venom

Spider venom so potent that it could kill almost anything.

"Widow Hood" iconWidow Hood Head
"Widow Dagger" iconWidow Dagger Melee
"Super Venom Arrow" iconSuper Venom Arrow Ranged
No Tier
Item icon
Super Stink Sack

An incredibly potent sack of stink harvested from a formidable…

"Super Gas Arrow" iconSuper Gas Arrow Ranged
No Tier
Item icon
Supreme Marble Shard

A rad looking nugget that seems useful for one thing: upgrading…

Can be found my mining Supreme Marble Resource Nobs at the following…

"Supreme Plating" iconSupreme Plating Upgrades
No Tier

Item icon
Supreme Quartzite Shard

A rad looking nugget useful for one thing: upgrading weapons.…

"Supreme Whetstone" iconSupreme Whetstone Upgrades
No Tier
Item icon
Tadpole Jerky

Tender strips of tadpole meat that have dried and into jerky.…

No Tier
Item icon
Termite Chompers

Durable, wood-chomping mandibles from a dead termite.

"Termite Axe" iconTermite Axe Chopping
No Tier
Item icon
Termite King Carapace

The hard outer shell of the Termite King.

"Termite Armor" iconTermite Armor Upper Body
"Wizard Hat" iconWizard Hat Head
No Tier
Item icon
Termite Part

An oozing, strong lump of a fallen termite.

No Tier
Item icon
Thistle Needle

A pointy barb from a thistle plant.

No Tier
Item icon
Tick Fang

The deadly sharp fang of a tick.

Players can get Tick Fangs from the Ticks which are a type of…

10× "Tick Macuahuitl" iconTick Macuahuitl Melee
No Tier

Item icon
Tiger Mosquito Beak

The deadliest of beaks. Can be crafted in to the sharpest of…

No Tier
Item icon
Toadstool Chunk

A big piece from a large toadstool. Too strange to eat but just…

No Tier
Item icon

A somewhat grotesque, yet admittedly strong and sharp shard of…

10× "Toenail Scimitar" iconToenail Scimitar Melee
No Tier
Item icon
Tough Gunk

A strong elastic goop that oozes exclusively from the tough creatures…

You can typically find this item from fighting multiple enemy…

No Tier
Item icon
Twinkling Shell

A wondrously iridescent shell that can be combined with items…

"Salty Jewel" iconSalty Jewel Upgrades
"Mint Jewel" iconMint Jewel Upgrades
"Mighty Jewel" iconMighty Jewel Upgrades
"Spicy Jewel" iconSpicy Jewel Upgrades
"Sour Jewel" iconSour Jewel Upgrades
No Tier
Item icon
Water Boatman Fin

A fin harvested from the wing cover of a water boatman. Broad,…

"Fin Flops+" iconFin Flops+ Lower Body
No Tier
Item icon
Water Flea Meat

A large chunk of a water flea. Seems edible, but could probably…

"Decoy Bait" iconDecoy Bait Misc
No Tier
Item icon
Water Flea Roast

Cooked chunk of water flea. Not as juicy as it is raw, but much…

No Tier
Item icon
Web Fiber

Strong strands of sticky, springy spider silk. This item is used…

"Silk Rope" iconSilk Rope Misc
"Splatburst" iconSplatburst Explosive
"Basketball Hoop" iconBasketball Hoop Athletics
No Tier
Item icon
Weed Stem

A large, sturdy building resource from felled dandelions and…

No Tier
Item icon
Weevil Nose

A fully intact weevil snooter-mouth.

No Tier
Item icon
Wooden Splinter

A very sharp splinter harvested from a chunk of wood.

"Spliter Arrow" iconSpliter Arrow Ranged
No Tier
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