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Icon Title Description How to Find this Creature Creature Cards Gallery Loot Tier Weaknesses Resistances Weakpoints
Item icon

Extremely aggressive, this creature can be found in the dune…

Tier III
Item icon

A tiny harmless sausage-shaped bug found in the regions surrounding…

Tier 0
Item icon

This upgraded energy blasting TAYZ.T fleet patrols the pond lab…

Tier II
Item icon
Assistant Manager

The chief of security in the black anthill lab, this middle management…

Item icon

A noble creature that surveys most of the yard looking for nectar…

Tier II

Icon for <span>Chopping</span> Chopping, Icon for <span>Fresh</span> Fresh, Icon for <span>Slashing</span> Slashing

Icon for <span>Busting</span> Busting

Item icon
Black Ox Beetle

A burly foe who roams the lands surrounding the shed, and throughout…

Tier III

Icon for <span>Busting</span> Busting

Icon for <span>Chopping</span> Chopping, Icon for <span>Slashing</span> Slashing, Icon for <span>Stabbing</span> Stabbing

Icon for <span>Guts</span> Guts

Item icon
Black Soldier Ant

Guards areas with high human resources and their home, the black…

Black Soldier Ants can be found after climbing up the Samsquanch…

Tier II

Icon for <span>Spicy</span> Spicy, Icon for <span>Stabbing</span> Stabbing

Icon for <span>Chopping</span> Chopping, Icon for <span>Fresh</span> Fresh, Icon for <span>Slashing</span> Slashing

Icon for <span>Eyes</span> Eyes

Item icon
Black Widow

Legendary killer spider in classic black and red. Identifiable…

One Black Widow can be found in the Upper Grasslands at the…

Tier III

Icon for <span>Busting</span> Busting, Icon for <span>Chopping</span> Chopping, Icon for <span>Fresh</span> Fresh, Icon for <span>Salty</span> Salty, Icon for <span>Slashing</span> Slashing, Icon for <span>Sour</span> Sour, Icon for <span>Spicy</span> Spicy, Icon for <span>Stabbing</span> Stabbing

Item icon
Black Widowling

Angry, venemous little babies that live mostly near mommy in…

Tier III

Icon for <span>Spicy</span> Spicy

Icon for <span>Fresh</span> Fresh, Icon for <span>Stabbing</span> Stabbing

Item icon
Black Worker Ant

A heartier ant that patrols outer reaches of the yard and lives…

Tier II

Icon for <span>Spicy</span> Spicy, Icon for <span>Stabbing</span> Stabbing

Icon for <span>Fresh</span> Fresh

Icon for <span>Eyes</span> Eyes

Item icon
Bombardier Beetle

A beetle with a big blasting booty that patrols the south east…

Tier II

Icon for <span>Chopping</span> Chopping

Icon for <span>Busting</span> Busting

Icon for <span>Rump</span> Rump

Item icon

The Hedge Broodmother is a boss that resides in her lair in the…

You can find the Hedge Broodmother in her lair in the Hedge biome.…

"Broodmother Chunk" iconBroodmother Chunk Natural Resources
"Broodmother Fang" iconBroodmother Fang Natural Resources
"Broodmother Venom" iconBroodmother Venom Natural Resources
25× "Web Fiber" iconWeb Fiber Natural Resources

Icon for <span>Slashing</span> Slashing, Icon for <span>Spicy</span> Spicy

Icon for <span>Busting</span> Busting, Icon for <span>Chopping</span> Chopping, Icon for <span>Explosive</span> Explosive, Icon for <span>Fresh</span> Fresh, Icon for <span>Poison</span> Poison, Icon for <span>Salty</span> Salty, Icon for <span>Stabbing</span> Stabbing

Item icon
Dust Mite

A tiny aggressive fiber-dwelling creature found mostly around…

Can be found ontop of the lawn chair in the upper grasslands.…

Tier III

Icon for <span>Fresh</span> Fresh, Icon for <span>Stabbing</span> Stabbing

Icon for <span>Busting</span> Busting, Icon for <span>Salty</span> Salty, Icon for <span>Spicy</span> Spicy

Item icon
Fire Ant Soldier

An extra spicy ant soldier that lives in colonies in the upper…

Located in the Fire Ant Tunnels which can be accessed via the…

Tier III

Icon for <span>Fresh</span> Fresh

Icon for <span>Chopping</span> Chopping, Icon for <span>Slashing</span> Slashing, Icon for <span>Spicy</span> Spicy

Icon for <span>Eyes</span> Eyes

Item icon
Fire Ant Worker

New creature for the Upper Yard which arrived in Grounded 1.0…

Located in the Upper Yard in the Northern area.

Tier III

Icon for <span>Fresh</span> Fresh

Icon for <span>Spicy</span> Spicy

Icon for <span>Eyes</span> Eyes

Item icon

Hovers and grazes near the flooded zone at night and sleeps in…

Tier II
Item icon

An annoying but harmess flying pest found mainly around pools…

Tier 0
Item icon
Green Shield Bug

A smelly behemoth that patrols the area around the shed. Can…

Tier III

Icon for <span>Fresh</span> Fresh, Icon for <span>Stabbing</span> Stabbing

Icon for <span>Spicy</span> Spicy

Item icon

A harmless subterranean insect that needs to be unearthed with…

Tier 0
Item icon
Infected Ladybug

A hostile infected ladybig found in areas polluted with HAZE.…

Tier II
Item icon
Infected Mite

A projectile shooting mite infected by fungus found in areas…

Tier II
Item icon
Infected Weevil

A irritable, explosing, fungal-infecteed weevil found in areas…

Tier II
Item icon

Trundles through the areas surrounding the Oak Hill looking for…

Tier II

Icon for <span>Busting</span> Busting, Icon for <span>Fresh</span> Fresh

Icon for <span>Salty</span> Salty, Icon for <span>Spicy</span> Spicy, Icon for <span>Stabbing</span> Stabbing

Icon for <span>Legs</span> Legs

Item icon
Ladybird Larva

Another new addition to Grounded 1.0 An extra tough larva built…

Tier III

Icon for <span>Fresh</span> Fresh, Icon for <span>Stabbing</span> Stabbing

Icon for <span>Busting</span> Busting, Icon for <span>Chopping</span> Chopping, Icon for <span>Slashing</span> Slashing, Icon for <span>Spicy</span> Spicy

Item icon

Hostile and tough, roams the area south of the Oak Hill. Can…

Tier I
Item icon
Lawn Mite

Small furry bugs with a big bite and impressive vertical. Found…

Tier I

Icon for <span>Chopping</span> Chopping, Icon for <span>Stabbing</span> Stabbing

Item icon
Meaty Gnat

A yoked variant of the gnat that thrives in the wastes of the…

Tier 0
Item icon

Bloodsucking vultures of the skies near bodies of water and the…

Tier II

Icon for <span>Chopping</span> Chopping, Icon for <span>Fresh</span> Fresh, Icon for <span>Slashing</span> Slashing

Icon for <span>Busting</span> Busting

Item icon

A nocturnal creature that mainly floats around the rotten stump.…

Tier III
Item icon
Orb Weaver Jr

Nimble, aggressive juvenile arachnids that inhabit the hedge,…

Tier I

Icon for <span>Spicy</span> Spicy

Icon for <span>Fresh</span> Fresh, Icon for <span>Stabbing</span> Stabbing

Item icon
Orchid Mantis

A swift, sleek assassin found lurking in a flower pot. Resembles…

In the Upper Grasslands you can use the Samsquanch Dirt Bike,…

Icon for <span>Salty</span> Salty

Icon for <span>Busting</span> Busting, Icon for <span>Chopping</span> Chopping, Icon for <span>Explosive</span> Explosive, Icon for <span>Slashing</span> Slashing, Icon for <span>Spicy</span> Spicy, Icon for <span>Stabbing</span> Stabbing

Item icon
Red Soldier Ant

Angry soldiers with large mandibles that defend turf in the dry…

Tier I
Item icon
Red Worker Ant

Harmless unless attacked, this creature can be found patrolling…

Tier I
Item icon
Roly Poly

A lumbering behemoth that rolls deep in the upper yard. Powerful…

Tier III
Item icon

A battered, inferior version of the TAYZ.T. Found patrolling…

Located inside the Hedge Lab area patrolling the tubes.

Tier I

Icon for <span>Back</span> Back

Item icon

A harmless little creature that resides in regions of the upper…

Tier 0

Icon for <span>Fresh</span> Fresh, Icon for <span>Salty</span> Salty, Icon for <span>Sour</span> Sour, Icon for <span>Spicy</span> Spicy

Item icon
Sickly Roly Poly

Found mostly in the western grasslands weakened by their surroundings.…

Tier III
Item icon

Angry little baby spiders found wherever adults roam. Drops web…

Destroy websacs. Websacs can be found underneath the deck in…

Tier I

Icon for <span>Spicy</span> Spicy

Icon for <span>Fresh</span> Fresh, Icon for <span>Stabbing</span> Stabbing

Item icon

An invasive species found hanging around the area south and west…

Tier II
Item icon

A docile creature that swims in the shallows of the koi pond.…

Tier 0
Item icon

Formerly a squad of janitorial and fry cook robots for Roby’s,…

Inside the hedge lab area patrolling the pipes.

Tier II

Icon for <span>Busting</span> Busting, Icon for <span>Salty</span> Salty, Icon for <span>Sour</span> Sour

Icon for <span>Chopping</span> Chopping, Icon for <span>Slashing</span> Slashing, Icon for <span>Stabbing</span> Stabbing

Icon for <span>Back</span> Back

Item icon
Termite King

The King of the Termites. Although it may share similar traits…

The Termite King can be found in a room at the northern end of…

"Termite Chompers" iconTermite Chompers Natural Resources
"Termite King Carapace" iconTermite King Carapace Natural Resources
"Termite Part" iconTermite Part Natural Resources
15× "Tough Gunk" iconTough Gunk Natural Resources
Tier III

Icon for <span>Salty</span> Salty, Icon for <span>Stabbing</span> Stabbing

Icon for <span>Fresh</span> Fresh, Icon for <span>Slashing</span> Slashing

Item icon
Termite Soldier

Large, wood-chomping soldiers found protecting the termite den.…

Found inside the wood pile in the north west area of the Upper…

Tier III

Icon for <span>Salty</span> Salty, Icon for <span>Stabbing</span> Stabbing

Icon for <span>Slashing</span> Slashing, Icon for <span>Spicy</span> Spicy

Item icon
Termite Worker

Tough, wood-eating bugs found inside the woodpile and termite…

Tier III

Icon for <span>Stabbing</span> Stabbing

Icon for <span>Slashing</span> Slashing, Icon for <span>Spicy</span> Spicy

Item icon
Water Boatman

A gentle bug that swims gracefully in the koi pond. Drops water…

Tier 0
Item icon

A tiny creature that lumbers around the grassy areas of the lower…

Tier 0
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