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Club of the Mother Demon Melee


This destructive two-handed club is arguably one of the strongest weapons in the game which you would expect as you’ll need to defeat the "Broodmother" iconBroodmother boss at least once to unlock the recipe for it.

Although this weapon is awfully slow sitting at just 0.5 speed, it can deal a devastating attack with its 6.5 damage and its massive 9 stun. This means you can spend more time attacking the enemy as it’ll be stunned more often.

How to Craft this Item

This recipe can only be unlocked after you have analyzed a "Broodmother Fang" iconBroodmother Fang which means you’ll need to defeat the "Broodmother" iconBroodmother.

Once you have access to the recipe, place the following materials into the Workbench:

Repairing this weapon will cost you the following materials:

Icon Name Quantity
Repair Glue "Repair Glue" iconRepair Glue 1

You can find the Broodmother in her lair deep within the hedge, in a burrow next to the Flingman Flying Disc.

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