Charcoal Ash Recycle
A fine dust made of charcoal. Can be baked into a strong building material.
This item is used in the creation of Ash Cement by placing an
EverChar Coal Chunk inside a Grinder. You’ll get one
Charcoal Ash for every EverChar Coal Chunk placed inside the Grinder.
How to Find this Item
As a fairly late-game material, you won’t be able to obtain the Charcoal Ash until you unlock it from the Stump BURG.L Chip which is found at the end of the Stump Lab Outpost. Once you’ve unlocked the recipes, you’ll need to purchase the “Advanced Building:
Ash Cement” upgrade for 1,500 Raw Science. This will unlock both Charcoal Ash, and Ash Cement.
Tier IIIUsed In
Ash Cement

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