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Chirada The Bestiary

Category iconIn-game Description

An aetherial conjuration summoned forth by "Benedikta Harman" iconBenedikta Harman when Clive encountered the "Dominant" iconDominant of Wind near "Lostwing" iconLostwing. Despite their size, the creature’s heavily feathered wings did not seem to hamper its movement, which was disconcertingly nimble. More so than speed, though, it was "Chirada" iconChirada’s array of powerful magicks that set it apart from lesser foes.

Detailed Location

Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

"Benedikta Harman" iconBenedikta Harman Persons of Interest

Category iconRelated Bestiary

"Garuda" iconGaruda Eikons
"Suparna" iconSuparna The Bestiary

Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

"Egis" iconEgis Mysteries of the Realm

Category iconScreenshots

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