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Icon Title Description Fighting Style Abilities Weapons Where to Find / Location Queens Blood Strategy / Tips Queens Blood Cards Queens Blood Booster Packs Screenshots Related Quests Character Location Character Region
Item icon
Aerith Gainsborough

The last descendant of the Cetra, Aerith is kidnapped by Shinra…

Aerith wields magic with her staff, casting spells from a distance…

Item icon
Barret Wallace

The leader of an Avalanche cell, he initiates attacks against…

Armed with a gunarm, Barret excels in ranged combat. He compensates…

"Bonus Round" iconBonus Round Barret
"Focused Shot" iconFocused Shot Barret
"Lifesaver" iconLifesaver Barret
"Point Blank" iconPoint Blank Barret
"Smackdown" iconSmackdown Barret

Item icon

Bernard can be found during Chapter 10, in Cosmo Canyon Village…

061 Reapertail Standard
Item icon

Once in North Corel Village, players can challenge the player…

"041 Bomb" icon041 Bomb Standard
"North Corel" iconNorth Corel Corel Region
Item icon

"Kalm" iconKalm Grasslands
Item icon
Cait Sith

A robotic cat atop a large moogle, Cait Sith is popular for his…

Cait is known for using magical attacks and a unique set of…

Fortune Telling Cait Sith
Lady Luck Cait Sith
Moogle Kaboom Cait Sith
Moogle Knuckle Cait Sith
Moogle Magic Cait Sith
Moogle Mine Cait Sith
Roll o’ the Dice Cait Sith
"Crystal Megaphone" iconCrystal Megaphone Cait Sith
Gjallarhorn Cait Sith
Golden Megaphone Cait Sith
"Iron Megaphone" iconIron Megaphone Cait Sith
"Red Megaphone" iconRed Megaphone Cait Sith
"Yellow Megaphone" iconYellow Megaphone Cait Sith

Item icon

Cameron is a Queens Blood player located in Crow’s Nest in Junon.…

Unlock the Side Quest: The first step is to unlock the side quest…

"113 Midgardsormr" icon113 Midgardsormr Legendary
"Crow's Nest" iconCrow's Nest Junon Region
"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions
Item icon

Chloe is a young woman residing in the Chocobo Ranch, specifically…

Chloe is located at Bill’s Chocobo Ranch, in the Grasslands.…

Chocobo Farm Grasslands
"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions
Item icon
Chocobo Square Vendor

"Gold Saucer" iconGold Saucer Corel Region
"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions
Item icon
Cloud Strife

An ex-soldier turned mercenary who comes to Midgar to start anew.…

Cloud’s combat style revolves around the use of his sword, with…

Item icon
Community Noticeboard (Junon)

Stuck in a Rut Junon Region
Item icon
Community Noticeboard (Kalm)

Livestock's Bane Grasslands
Item icon
Cosmo Canyon Item Vendor

In Cosmo Canyon Village, players can find the Items Vendor located…

"057 Amalgam" icon057 Amalgam Standard
"058 Skeeskee" icon058 Skeeskee Standard
"060 Basilisk" icon060 Basilisk Standard
"062 Jabberwock" icon062 Jabberwock Standard
"064 Cavestalker" icon064 Cavestalker Standard
"065 Stone Golem" icon065 Stone Golem Standard
"067 Gi Specter" icon067 Gi Specter Standard
"Chimerical Creatures" iconChimerical Creatures QB Booster Packs
"Stranger than Fiction" iconStranger than Fiction QB Booster Packs
Item icon
Costa del Sol Queen’s Blood Vendor

076 Yin & Yang Standard
128 Reno Legendary
129 Rude Legendary
130 Elena Legendary
131 Tseng Legendary
Carnival of Carnage QB Booster Packs
"High Seas Horror" iconHigh Seas Horror QB Booster Packs
The Turks QB Booster Packs
Item icon
Crow's Nest Vending Machine

"Shut Up ‘n’ Drive" iconShut Up ‘n’ Drive QB Booster Packs
"Crow's Nest" iconCrow's Nest Junon Region
"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions
Item icon

During Chapter 11, players must reach Nibelheim, which is automatically…

071 Twin Brain Standard
Item icon

Dax is located in the The Dustbowl area, within Corel Prison…

"042 Thug" icon042 Thug Standard
Item icon
Doctor Sheiran

Doctor Sheiran operates a clinic in North Corel. At the culmination…

North Corel - Clinic

"North Corel" iconNorth Corel Corel Region
"North Corel" iconNorth Corel Corel Region
Item icon

Dokaccha is located during Chapter 12 in the Corel Region > Costa…

074 Rictus Standard
Item icon

"Costa Del Sol" iconCosta Del Sol Corel Region
Item icon
Fritz Bellenger

Fritz Bellenger is the mayor of Kalm. He wears a dark green suit,…


Lifeline in Peril Grasslands
"Kalm" iconKalm Grasslands
"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions
Item icon

Gabe is the affable owner of Gabe’s Ranch, located in the Junon…

Gabe’s Ranch, located in the Junon Region.

"Gabe's Ranch" iconGabe's Ranch Junon Region
"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions
Item icon
Gongaga General Store Queens Blood Vendor

Jungle Arcanum QB Booster Packs
Item icon
GP Exchange (Battle Square)

"141 Dio" icon141 Dio Legendary
"Gold Saucer" iconGold Saucer Corel Region
"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions
Item icon
GP Exchange (Event Square)

"139 Loveless" icon139 Loveless Legendary
"Gold Saucer" iconGold Saucer Corel Region
"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions
Item icon
GP Exchange (Ghost Square)

"137 Haunted Hotel" icon137 Haunted Hotel Legendary
"Gold Saucer" iconGold Saucer Corel Region
"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions
Item icon
GP Exchange (Skywheel Square)

"138 Skywheel" icon138 Skywheel Legendary
"Gold Saucer" iconGold Saucer Corel Region
"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions
Item icon
GP Exchange (Speed Square)

"135 Chocobo Jockey" icon135 Chocobo Jockey Legendary
"136 Space Ranger" icon136 Space Ranger Legendary
"Gold Saucer" iconGold Saucer Corel Region
"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions
Item icon
GP Exchange (Wonderment Square)

"140 Saucer Squad" icon140 Saucer Squad Legendary
"Gold Saucer" iconGold Saucer Corel Region
"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions
Item icon

Outside the bar in Under Junon.

"096 Shiva" icon096 Shiva Legendary
Item icon

Johnny is a recurring character in the Final Fantasy VII series,…

The Seaside Inn.

"Costa Del Sol" iconCosta Del Sol Corel Region
Item icon
Junon General Store

"Weird & Wicked" iconWeird & Wicked QB Booster Packs
Item icon

Ka’dina is located in Cosmo Canyon Village within the Cosmo Canyon…

"066 Two Face" icon066 Two Face Standard
Item icon
Kalm Item Vendor

"002 Riot Trooper" icon002 Riot Trooper Standard
"003 Grenadier" icon003 Grenadier Standard
"006 Toxirat" icon006 Toxirat Standard
"010 Mandragora" icon010 Mandragora Standard
"014 Quetzalcoatl" icon014 Quetzalcoatl Standard
"015 Zu" icon015 Zu Standard
"016 Devil Rider" icon016 Devil Rider Standard
"018 Flan" icon018 Flan Standard
"Ruffians" iconRuffians QB Booster Packs
"Suppressive Strikers" iconSuppressive Strikers QB Booster Packs
Item icon

Lidrehl is located duringn Chapter 12, in the Gold Saucer at…

097 Ramuh Legendary
Item icon

Maahir is located during Chapter 12, in Costa del Sol in the…

Item icon

Mary is located in The Dustbowl area, which is located within…

"043 Death Claw" icon043 Death Claw Standard
Item icon
Max (The Dustbowl) Vendor

Item icon

Michaela is located on a platform in the southwest area of Crow’s…

"027 Mindflayer" icon027 Mindflayer Standard
Item icon

As you stroll along the beachfront of Costa Del Sol, you encounter…

Costa Del Sol, Beachfront

"Costa Del Sol" iconCosta Del Sol Corel Region
Item icon

In the lower section of North Corel village, players can challenge…

"038 Bagnadrana" icon038 Bagnadrana Standard
Item icon

Item icon

Neil is located right next to the Vending Machine/Rest Spot in…

"030 Flametrooper" icon030 Flametrooper Standard
Item icon

"012 Cactuar" icon012 Cactuar Standard
Item icon
Nibelheim General Store Vendor

069 Disgorgon Standard
070 Dragon Standard
Prehistoric Beasts QB Booster Packs
Item icon
North Corel Weapon Vendor

"040 Heatseeker" icon040 Heatseeker Standard
"Uncanny Terrors" iconUncanny Terrors QB Booster Packs
Item icon

Oliver has a falm in the Grasslands from which you can obtain…

Oliver’s Farm, which is to the east of Kalm.

Livestock's Bane Grasslands
"Oliver's Farm" iconOliver's Farm Grasslands
"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions
Item icon

Oscar the Chocobo is found in Gongaga Village within the Gongaga…

059 Griffon Standard
Item icon

Pietro is locatged in The Dustbowl area, which is within Corel…

"047 Joker" icon047 Joker Standard
Item icon

A beast with the ability to speak, Red XIII escapes from Shinra’s…

Red XIII attacks with beastly ferocity, using his claws and flaming…

Chilling Roar Red XIII
Crescent Claw Red XIII
Reaper Touch Red XIII
"Stardust Ray" iconStardust Ray Red XIII
Supernal Fervor Red XIII
"Amethyst Collar" iconAmethyst Collar Red XIII
Brisingamen Red XIII
"Golden Collar" iconGolden Collar Red XIII
Mystic Collar Red XIII
"Mythril Collar" iconMythril Collar Red XIII
"Silver Collar" iconSilver Collar Red XIII

Item icon

Regina can be found in Gongaga Village within the Gongaga Region.…

053 Maloceros Standard
Item icon

Rhonda serves as both the mayor and sheriff of Under Junon, a…

To initiate interaction with Rhonda, head to the main square…

When Words Won’t Do Junon Region
"Under Junon" iconUnder Junon Junon Region
"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions
Item icon

Riana is located during Chapter 12, in Costa del Sol in the Corel…

Item icon

Robnin is located in Cosmo Canyon Village within the Cosmo Canyon…

Item icon

Once in North Corel Village, players can challenge the dog named…

"039 Cockatrice" icon039 Cockatrice Standard
Item icon

Once a celebrated soldier, Sephiroth’s presumed death is debunked…

His combat style is characterized by incredible strength, speed,…

Item icon
Shadowblood Queen

The Shadowblood Queen is located during Chapter 12, in Gongaga…

Item icon
The Condor-Watching Society

Dreaming of Blue Skies Junon Region
"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions
Item icon
The Dustbowl Queen’s Blood Vendor

"044 Landworm" icon044 Landworm Standard
"045 Sandspitter" icon045 Sandspitter Standard
"046 Chimera" icon046 Chimera Standard
"Heavy Hitters" iconHeavy Hitters QB Booster Packs
Item icon
The Frogmaster

Calling All Frogs Junon Region
"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions
Item icon
The Moore Twins

The Moore Twins, Devin and Darren, are players of the Queen’s…

The Moore Twins can be encountered in Under Junon, a town within…

"021 Ogre" icon021 Ogre Standard
Item icon
The Ultimate Party Animal

Item icon
Thorin's Shop

In the Grasslands of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, players may stumble…

To gain access to Thorin’s card shop, players must embark on…

"095 Ifrit" icon095 Ifrit Legendary
"098 Titan" icon098 Titan Legendary
"099 Kujata" icon099 Kujata Legendary
100 Odin Legendary
"101 Phoenix" icon101 Phoenix Legendary
"103 Alexander" icon103 Alexander Legendary
"105 Bahamut Arisen" icon105 Bahamut Arisen Legendary
106 Gilgamesh Legendary
"108 Fat Chocobo" icon108 Fat Chocobo Legendary
Item icon
Tifa Lockhart

A loyal but conflicted member of Avalanche, Tifa struggles with…

Tifa’s fighting style is characterized by her use of martial…

Item icon

Turner is located in Nibelheim during Chapter 11. Players can…

068 Valron Standard
Item icon

Vash, the bartender at The Rusty Arrow, is not only a skilled…

Vash is the bartender at the Rusty Arrow in Kalm.

A Rare Card Lost Grasslands
"Kalm" iconKalm Grasslands
Item icon

Vincent cant be found during Chapter 12 in the Nibel Region in…

144 Emerald Witch Legendary
Item icon

Virgil, a Queen’s Blood player and card collector, resides in…

To locate Virgil, players must journey to the Clock Tower area…

Item icon
Wize 3.0 Ver. 2.0

Wize 3.0 Ver. 2.0 is located at The Dustbowl in Corel Region.…

056 Grangalan Standard
Item icon

Yorda is a cheerful and adventurous young woman who plays a role…

To engage with Yorda, players must meet her by the Chocobo Stables…

"Costa Del Sol" iconCosta Del Sol Corel Region
Item icon
Yuffie Kisaragi

A Wutai ninja on a mission to steal the “ultimate materia” from…

Yuffie employs a blend of long- and close-range combat using…

Banishment Yuffie
Blindside Yuffie
Doppelganger Yuffie
Purification Yuffie
Shooting Star Yuffie
Windstorm Yuffie

Item icon
Zack Fair

A former soldier like Cloud, Zack survives a brutal battle and…

Zack’s combat style is similar to Cloud’s, focusing on swordplay.…

Item icon

Zahira resides in the northeast corner of Kalm city next to the…

"017 Screamer" icon017 Screamer Standard
Item icon

Zhijun, is a Rank 6 Queen’s Blood player, awaiting challengers…

Zhijun can be found in the Gongaga Village within the Gongaga…

Item icon

024 Zoganon is a fisherman under Junon docks. Defeating Zoganon…

Zoganon awaits challengers at the dock of the lower section in…

"024 Zemzelett" icon024 Zemzelett Standard
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