The current version of the guide contains a complete walkthrough from start to finish, collecting all the hidden runes, bone charms, blueprints and Sokolov Portraits along the way. The guide has been written from a stealth point of view and by following it, you should be able to make it throughout the entire game without killing a single guard .
General Tips¶
- Save frequently. Since the game allows you to save anywhere and anytime, make sure you use it. This is especially important when doing a playthrough where you don’t kill or try to remain unseen. If you save before every encounter, it also allows you to experiment and should things go wrong, you can always reload.
- Explore the environment. The walkthrough provided is just one way to get through the game, as it presents plenty of opportunities on how to play. Look at the situation from many different viewpoints and see which one works out best for you.
- Use The Heart item. The Heart, when it is out, will show you the locations of the Bone Charms and Runes in the area. It will also sometimes give you information whenever you point it at a guard, although the info is useless at times.
- Stick to the rooftops. Not only will staying to the rooftops allow you to bypass a good portion of the guards, it also gives you the advantage of being able to survey the situation.
- Take your time. Unless you’re doing a speedrun or don’t care about being seen, it’s best to slow down and don’t rush. Observe enemy patterns and routes before going after them.
- Check the enemies. In a no kill run, to make sure guards are still alive, hover your cursor over them and if it says (unconscious) you are all good. If there is no text descriptor there, the guard is dead and you’ll have to reload to a previous save.
Blink and Dark Vision are two very important powers for any playthrough, as the former allows you to move quickly through an environment and the latter allows you to see the locations of guards, even through walls.
Power Tips¶
- Blink and Dark Vision. These two powers are probably the only ones needed to get through a no-kills, Ghost playthrough of the game. It helps to get Blink to level 2 so you can teleport longer distances, but Dark Vision is fine at level 1.
- Agility is great for any playthrough, as level 1 lets you double jump, allowing you to reach greater heights when used in conjunction with Blink.
- Vitality increases your overall health and health regeneration is good, although this power tends to be more useful in runs where you fight enemies head-on.
- Bend Time allows you to slow down time with the level 1 version, and stop time completely when upgraded to level 2. The only downsides of this ability are the high mana cost, as well as the level 2 upgrade costing a whopping eight Runes.
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