The goal of this challenge is to collect the clues in order to reveal your assassination target, but you cannot be seen by anyone, as this will cause your target to flee, failing the challenge. You also cannot kill anyone asides your target, as they are considered innocent and you will fail if an innocent dies.
The clues number four and are scattered across the map, in four locations, although those locations are random every single time you start the challenge. The good thing is that there are only around 12 locations in which you can find the clues. Each one will give you a specific hint on who your target could be, such as their gender, what color clothing they wear and whether they use a helmet/mask or not.
You will find the clues that reveal your foe randomly placed across the map (left). On Expert, though, they are are on the waists of the people (right).
Getting Three Stars¶
In the normal version of this challenge, you will want to utilize your two basic powers (Dark Vision and Blink) in order to get around. In order to easily get three stars for the challenge, you’re going to need to collect three clues and finish in under two minutes. Since the layout of the clues are random, you might need to restart a few times to get a better placement. The best first placement for a clue is in the first room off to the left of where you exit the initial area.
It’s important to remember that the guards roaming the perimeter will never be the target, so you don’t have to worry about them. If you get clues saying your target is a male, wearing a helmet and blue clothes, then it’s the one guard walking around in the big room. Similar to the previous one is a guard without a helmet, who is located in one of the side rooms.
Expert adds a little twist to the challenge, as the clues for the target will now be on the actual people, so you’ll have to pickpocket them, with it being possible that the clue actually being on your intended target. Other than that, the goal of the challenge remains the same, as you will want to go quick and remain unseen. The only thing that’s slightly more challenging is gathering the three clues and not much else.
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