Head down towards the Gatehouse where you’ll run into a large number of Acolytes. Inside you’ll find the three Knights that will rush you with their large swords. Backpedal from the Cleaver Knights and use powerful close-range weapons to headshot them; they won’t cower like the Boomer Knights. As you reach the Gatehouse you’ll find the Fallen and Hive fighting once again so let it play out a little bit like normal then kill everything for the most experience. There is a Hive Wizard and Fallen Servitor however, so use a Heavy Weapon or a Sniper Rifle to deal with them.
Ahead you’ll find the Exiled Baron Frigoris . Be careful as Stealth Vandals will attempt to sneak up on you when you start firing on the Dregs and Acolytes in the distance. The Baron goes down like any other higher ranked enemy; a few Heavy rounds should make quick work of him.
Keep a safe distance from the Baron until you have cleared out the other Fallen. The Stealth Vandals in particular are dangerous.
Shrine of Oryx¶
Ahead you’ll enter the Hall of Wisdom, a Darkness Zone that winds down to the Circle of Bones. The Fallen and Hive are battling once more so just use the cover to quietly pick off a few from each side until none remain. Halfway across the hall you will find several Acolytes, a Knight, and a Wizard that will impede your path towards the shrine. Once clear of them, break free into a hall that leads to your destination. Unfortunately an Ogre and some Acolytes emerge to stop you. Have at it with a Super Ability and Heavy Weapon to down the Ogre then move up to find waves of Thrall and a Knight just before the shrine.
Ogres (left) shoot purple lasers at you. They hurt a ton so be very careful. Sardok (right) is a giant Knight and incredibly strong. Throw everything you have at him.
You can snipe the Acolytes as you approach, it’s a useful tactic. Deploy your Ghost at the Shrine of Oryx to awaken Sardok , the Eye or Oryx Knight. This is an Ultra Knight; he’s very tough and has a lot of health. Use Super Abilities and Heavy Weapons to deal quick damage. At 70% and 35% health, Sardok calls for backup in the form of a Wizard and some Knights. Defeat the Wizard because you don’t want to get caught in the darkness it emits as it will slow you down. Return to the Tower and you’ll eventually be able to choose a new Primary Weapon.
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