The Steppes¶
You return once again to The Steppes but your path is a bit different. Veer off towards the Mothyards instead of through the open area; use your Objective Indicator as a guideline. There are Loot Chests and Fallen that will replenish though so it is potentially worth a quick detour or a scenic trip.
The Mothyards¶
Like a rundown shipyard, the Mothyards is home to ruins of aircraft. These places are great for cover and finding Loot Chests, though likely guarded with a swarm of Fallen. There is a chance for a Public Event where waves of enemies will appear; you can help fend them off for a reward. On the way to the Lunar Complex you can head to the left side and often find Loot Chests along the cliff so travel that way before ascending. The Lunar Complex is large and is usually guarded by a Vandal Captain. Take his shields down with a well-thrown grenade then you can rush him for the kill.
Your objective is the tower with the satellite dish on it (left). Before heading that way, skirt the cliffs to the left beneath the tower for a good chance of loot (right).
Lunar Complex - Darkness Zone¶
As you enter your Ghost will unlock a sealed gate. As you arrive in the pitch black room you’ll encounter The Hive . Thralls don’t use guns and instead will rush for heavy melee damage. Backpedal and aim for the legs to slow them down then fire a well placed headshot. Likewise, if it’s just one Thrall you can melee it for a one-hit kill. You can use a grenade at the choke point, an intersection where the Thralls rush, to deal a lot of damage and potentially save some ammunition.
Thralls (left) will rush you and do a fair amount of melee damage. You can throw a grenade into the pile of them. Gotra (right) can be taken down with either headshots or your Super Charge.
Gotra, The Hive Wizard¶
As you head up the stairs you’ll find The Wizard and he isn’t happy to see you. Gotra floats amidst the Hive casting a cloud of darkness that will heal the Hive and damage the Guardian. Use the crates as shelter so you can pick off the Thralls then lob a grenade to weaken Gotra. Use a Super Ability at this point (detailed on-screen) and finish off Gotra with some headshots. Defeating Gotra will dismiss any living Hive and allow you to collect the Warping Claws . Return this item to your Vanguard in The Tower for a piece of armor.
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