Gold Loot Chest #1
Location : The Steppes
Enter the building that leads to Dock 13. In the next room you’ll find the Gold Loot Chest on a desk in plain view.
You can find this chest right at the start of the game when you do the mission here.
Gold Loot Chest #2
Location : Lunar Complex
In the final room where you fight the Hive Wizard you can leap atop the containers to reach a platform on the back left near a fence. In the corner against the fence is the Gold Loot Chest.
Jump on top of the containers in here to find the second chest.
Gold Loot Chest #3
Location : Forgotten Shores
At the base of the cliff of the Forgotten Shore, below the Terrestrial Complex, is a Gold Loot Chest that sits next to the water.
Jump down here and run along the cliff line to find chest 3.
Gold Loot Chest #4
Location : Mothyards
In the crevasse that leads from the Mothyards to the Forgotten Shores are weak streams flowing off the cliffs above. As you make the second turn one of these streams covers a cave where you’ll find the Gold Loot Chest.
Head into the cave here (left) for chest number 4. In the fight against Sepiks Prime, head downstairs and under there is chest 5 (right).
Gold Loot Chest #5
Location : The Devils’ Lair
Inside the Devils’ Lair you can search underneath the platform on the right to find the Gold Loot Chest. It is easier to collect after you defeat Sepkis Prime.
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